Chapter 25: "Two strangers on a runaway train"

(A month later)

"We are two strangers on a runaway train…" Taylor’s voice sailed into the small area of Jenn’s car as she returned from the store, she was going home from work. Isaac and the guys were almost done their tour; they were going to take some time off, but not much. Jenn was incredibly sleepy so when she got home she soon fell fast asleep on her bed.

"Josh? I know you are hear, come out." Jenn called out to the void in her mind.

"Ya, ya ya, atleast let me have a chance with this." Josh said as he crawled out of a spot in the void bound by the hands and feet, being dragged by Jenn’s mind.

"Did you ever let me have a chance? Did you ever care what I felt when you did this? I am just repaying the favor." Jenn said dropping him like a ton of bricks on the floor face first.

"Now that was just uncalled for." Josh said as Jenn laughed. She cocked the hammer on the 9mm and took aim. She fired at him. She shot him for a good three hours it seemed, never running out of bullets, and she laughed until it seemed that she did not have the stomach muscles left to move her diaphragm. Her eyes shot open to a soft touch to her lips. Isaac’s body hovered over her as she returned the kiss. Isaac was supposed to go back to Tulsa for his vacation, why was he here?

"Well you look surprised!"

"Ike, you were supposed to be in Tulsa!"

"You sound like you don’t want to see me."

"Oh Ike I’ve missed you so much, why wouldn’t I want to see you?" Jenn said, embracing Isaac tightly around his neck as he embraced her middle. She sighed, as she felt finally whole again.

"Ditto." Is all Isaac could say to express his feelings. Jenn laughed at the saying but was happy he was there.

"So how long are you here?"

"As long as you want me to be."

"You can’t stay here forever."

"And Tay’s over with Amy."

"Oh cool." Jenn said as they both lay down on her bed.

"How’s your dreams?"

"Well they have stopped thank God."

"They could come back again."

"I think I ended it."

"Oh no, you did that and didn’t tell me and you know what I had told you earlier. You need my help."

"Ike, I don’t need your help, I am not helpless."

"Are you sure you stopped him?"

"I shot him for like three hours with a 9mm in my dream, you think he’s dead?"

"I hope so, for your sake."


Isaac and Taylor spent almost a full week with the girls before they went home to Tulsa to visit family and friends. But Isaac was uncomfortable with the way Jenn was acting; he was getting ready to leave the next moring when Jenn asked, "Is something the matter Ike?"

"Well nothing big really, you seem distant. That’s all. I hoped you and I would have some fun." Isaac replied, hinting to something.

"I’m sorry, I wanted to, too but" Sigh, "I dunno, my other half didn’t want to."

"Your other half??" Isaac demanded, whipping around.

"Ya, Kate, my other half. There’s me Jenn and then Kate" Jenn said with a big smile on her face.

"Umm Jenn, how long has Kate been there?"

"Ever since I killed Josh in my dreams, she wants to kill him in real life."

"Jenn you listen to me, stop it, don’t fool around with things like this."

"Fool around Ike? I’m dead serious."


"MY NAME’S KATE, NOT JENN, KATEEEEEEE!!" Jenn screamed as Isaac was pushed over the edge.

He walked up to Jenn and hit her across the face, "Listen to me JENNIFER, you are not going to kill Josh, you are only and ONLY name ever given to you is JENNIFER, NOT Kate."

"I AM KATEEEE." Jenn screamed back, as Amy and Taylor walked into the room hearing all the commotion.

Isaac grabbed his bag and said, "I can’t take this any more, Tay you’ve got fifteen minutes to say good-bye, we’re leaving early. And I don’t want to come back."