Chapter 4: The Concert

“Hey Jenn wait up!” Sara called to Jenn as she walked by.

“What?” Jenn asked looking at her step-sister anxiously, it was getting close to the time when AdmrialTwin to perform.

“Jenn can Tia have your seat? She has no one to sit with and she has front row. You could get good pictures.” Sara said having a pleading look on her face.

“I could get good pictures if I had brought my camera, but someone didn’t give me time to get it.” Jenn said, one of her hobbies was taking pictures of anything really, in the summer she would make extra money taking pictures of scenery, she wanted to do it for a living.

“Well use mine, but can she please have your ticket?” Sara pleaded.

“OK, I guess.” Jenn said taking Tia’s ticket and looking at it, sure enough it was first row.

“Sara I’ll see you at the backstage gate after the show OK?” Jenn said calling after Sara.

“Yeah!” Sara called as she ran towards the pavilion.

Well at least I’ll get a good look at AdmrialTwin. Jenn thought. This really was the first time hearing Hanson live, in Montreal she had brought her CD man with these professional head phones that shut out all sound except of what she were listing to. She had listened to her Matchbox20 CD and never heard a note of Hanson live. At times she had heard their CD’s, the one where their voices were really high and she loved the one about stories. It reminded her of her love for her boyfriend… lousy bastard, dump me for Rachel…. I’ll get him back for that one. Jenn thought going down to the left side of the stage.


“Mommy!” Avie exclaimed after running to the backstage area and finding her mother.

“Where have you been?!?” Diana said scooping her baby up and hugging her tight.

“I was looking at something and you were gone, but I met this really nice girl but Jason wouldn’t let her come back here, but she has a backstage pass and I’m gonna se her later.” Avie said happily.

“What’s this girls name?” Isaac asked seeing that Avie was found.

“Jenn, and she was so pretty.” Avie said, “And she didn’t know who you were, I had to tell her that you were my brothers.” Avie giggled as she saw Isaac smile.

“Well at least she didn’t hold you for ransom.” Isaac said laughing at that thought.

“Isaac, you may never want that to happen! Don’t even think about it!” Diana gasped.

“Sorry mom, but you don’t know what the fans will do.” Isaac said and looked at Zac and Taylor walk in.

“Because fans are physco.” Zac said hearing the last thing Isaac had said.

“And so are you.” Taylor said pushing Zac.

“Well it runs in the family, so you got it too.” Zac said pushing Taylor back.


“HANSON HANSON HANSON HANSON!” Tia and Sara chanted as AdmrialTwin played another song. Most of the crowd wasn’t enjoying them, but a few were. Sara watched Jenn jump up and down to the music and dance and thought, Well she at least is enjoying some aspect of the show.

“Shut UP, we are trying to enjoy the show.” A girl shouted at Tia and Sara.

“BITE ME!!!” Sara shouted at the girl as Tia gave her a alarmed look.

“Um… NO.” The girl just shouted back and turned around.

“HAHA.” Sara laughed as Tia held up her hand for a high-five.

“Good going!” Tia said smiling.



“ADMRIAL TIWN!!!! WHAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO” Jenn shouted from her stance up against the railing so she could see the guys. These guys rock! Man the drummer is HOT! I wonder where their CD is. I think I might use some of Sara’s film on these guys. Jenn thought taking Sara’s camera out of her backpack and taking pictures of the guys.

“NOW THIS IS OUR LAST SONG SO HERE IT GOES, 1, 2, 3, 4” Jarrod said into the mic and started to sing the last song.

Oh, great, only a twenty-minute set? What’s with that? That ain’t fair. Jenn thought as the last song ended. And she sat down at her seat and noticed that she had used half of Sara’s film already, that was a problem with her now that she photographed things, she never noticed how much film she would use.


“I am so glad that they are off, they SUCKED.” Tia said when the stage was clear and they began to set up Hanson’s set.

Sara was a little bit offended, she had liked the sound, but wanted to see Hanson more. “Yeah, I guess.” Sara mumbled.

“I mean I think that Hanson just brought them along because that one guy wrote their book.” Tia continued to bash AdmrialTwin.


“And they brought them along just to show that they still have a heart to help the needy.” Tia continued.


“And they did it to show that they were so nice and all so they helped their city of Tulsa.”

“Shut up, I liked them.” Sara finally said becoming angry with Tia.

“Sorry.” Tia mumbled beginning to pout.


“OK guys we are going to follow the set list that Ike and I wrote this moring.” Taylor said as they waited for the signal that everything was OK from them to start.

The other band members just nodded in agreement, it was too loud to try and keep a decent conversation going.

“OK boys show time.” The whole band heard in their ear monitors from the sound people.

“Let’s get giggy wit it!” Zac said ready for the show. They all said some cheers and the boys were the last to come on stage because they said a few words together like a small payer.


The house lights went down and Jenn, being the good step-sister that she was decided to claw her way to a clear area, where she could stand and see them to take pictures of them. “Move it twirp. Look out Bimbo, I don’t think Taylor wants to see your boobs. Move it I was here first you little barbie wanna be.” Jenn said finally getting to the railing on the left side. Sara better thank me real good for this. Jenn thought hearing the first notes of some song. It was the base guitar. “Oh, great, it’s Hanson. Yippee, wahooo.” Jenn mumbled as the screams increased. And it became deafening when the curtain that blocked the stage from view dropped and she saw she was smack dab in front Isaac. Oh thank God I wasn’t near Taylor, then I might have had to leave. Jenn thought watching them sing some song that she had heard before. It was the Spencer Davis Group’s “Gimmie Some Lovin’” she was truly a music fanatic, when she was 14 she went out and bought a ton of oldies compilations, she loved all of them. Hey they ruined my favorite song! Jenn thought as she listened to them.


“OH MY GOD THEY’RE HERE!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH” Sara screamed as she heard the first few notes of it and she began to cry and she looked at Tia and found out that Tia too was crying.

“ZAC I LOVE YOUUUUUUUU!!!!!!!!!!!” Tia screamed seeing him for the first time in person.


Well that’s the last of Sara’s film, I at least got some good pics of Zac looking in my general direction and I got one really good one of Isaac, and well Taylor will look gay no matter how hard he tries to look normal. Jenn thought as they left Isaac alone on the stage after the acoustic set. Jenn thought that Isaac was the best looking out of them but she knew she had no chance with a music star, that’s why she decided that she would try and tear Josh away from Rachel.


I hope that Jenn is having a good time, she has a smile on her face. They just rocked singing “With You In Your Dreams” now what is Ike doing on stage all by himself? I’ve never heard this before. Sara thought looking at first Jenn then at Isaac.


Hey that’s the girl from earlier today, I wonder what her name is, she is so pretty. “Ike get started the mic is on.” Their sound technician crackled in his ear. Without another thought of that girl he started the first few chords of “More Than Anything.”


“Stop ringing, stop ringing, damn you ears.” Jenn mumbled to herself trying to one stop the incessant ringing in her head and two, to find Sara.

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