Chapter 5: The Perfect Moring

"Geez Jenn, took long enough." Sara said after seeing Jenn emerge from the bathroom and billows of steam filter out with her.

"Well, you know my motto, the person who gets up after mom and Dave have left gets bathroom rights!" Jenn said, still high off of what happened last night.

"You just say that because you like to use up all the hot water." Sara yelled from beyond the bathroom door. Jenn ignored Sara’s last remark and went to her room and got ready for a appointment for an interview with a representative for the San Francisco School of Fine Arts to see if Jenn would get a photography scholarship. "Hey Sara you want to come to DC with me?" Jenn shouted as Sara came out of the bathroom.

"Um… Why you going anyway? And why haven’t you called Ike’s number yet?" Sara said entering Jenn’s room and Jenn turned red as Sara asked about that. "He’s leaving tonight if he hasn’t already left."

"Sara, he probably gives that number to everyone, when you would call it up all it would say would be Ha, ha, ha." Jenn interrupted, pulling her wet hair up in a messy ponytail. "Plus you owe me, you got to talk to them all alone for thirty minutes while I played with Avie so don’t even start." Jenn continued, "And you should be happy that that guy,"

"Jason." Sara cut in.

"Yeah, Jason remembered me, or you would never would have had that nice chat with them either." Jenn also stated.

"OK, sorry I said anything, but why are you going into DC?"

"Well mom left a message saying that some lady wanted to meet with me about my application to their Fine Arts college. Sine I’m goin’ out, want me to get you anything?" Jenn said, sitting down on her bed and pulling on her airwalks.

"Yeah, can you develop my film?" Sara asked getting the camera.

"Sure, I’ll stop off at the 1 hour shop." Jenn said putting on her wallet chain and taking the film from Sara and putting it her side bag. Her bag held all of her camera lenses and most important her camera.

"Are you even considering calling Ike?" Sara asked.

"No. Do you think I should take my camera?"

"If you won’t then I will, but yeah take your camera, you need to get better pictures of the pencil and the tidal basin." Sara said.

"No you won’t, do you want double prints? And it’s the Washington Monument, I do not take pictures of school supplies." Jenn corrected Sara. "Now do you want to come to DC with me? If you want after the interview I’ll take you to Pentagon City Mall." Jenn said "Or maybe the Smithsonian? They have a really cool exhibit on archtop guitars, you know I’ve always wanted a guitar."

"OK, I’LL GO!!" Sara shouted, Jenn knew if she rambled on long enough she would get Sara to come.

"Good, cause I need someone to pose for me, and I wouldn’t just walk right up to a stranger and say "Will you stand there? I need to use you in a shot" Would I? No." Jenn said.

"I knew it."

"C’Mon, don’t forget your Metro and Bus pass, I’m not taking my car, I’d never be able to find a parking space." Jenn said as they left the house.


"Guys, its eleven forty-five. Get up." Diana said walking in and out of the guys’ room. Isaac stretched and hit Taylor in the back. He remembered, just then that it was Zac’s turn to have a bed to himself.

"Ow." Taylor mumbled into the pillow.

"Sorry Tay." Isaac mumbled, pulling himself out of the bed and stumbled towards his suitcases. He pulled out some clothes that looked clean –Sniff- and smelled clean. "Shower’s mine." Isaac said and trotted over to the bathroom before Taylor could protest.

"Well then I’m going back to bed, he takes forever in there, you’d think he’s a girl." Taylor stated rolling over on his side, seeing Zac sitting up in his bed.

"You know, people say the same thing about you." Zac said jumping in the bed with Taylor.

"Shut up." Taylor said, reburying his face in the lumpy pillow.

"Oh, no that’s brotherly love for ya." Zac said yanking the comforter off the bed.

"ZAC LET ME SLEEP" Taylor yelled like a baby.

"No." Zac simply stated. Taylor didn’t protest any more about the covers, he just got up and tried to go back to sleep in Zac’s bed.

"O-TAY?!?" Zac shouted and dove for the bed and found Taylor. "Oh, brother of……. MINE!" Zac said giving Taylor a major wedgie.

"AHHHHHHOWWWWW" Taylor wailed getting out of bed, fixing himself and said, "Now it’s your turn, buddy boy." And ran after Zac who was already out of the room.

"DEAR GOD SAVE ME!!" Zac shouted trying to hide from Taylor.


"Sara stand taller, or I’m gonna only get your forehead in the shot." Jenn said focusing the camera trying to get all of the White House.

"You back up. I can’t get any taller."

"OK, geez." Jenn muttered backing up so she could get Sara. She snapped the picture. She felt a tug at her wallet chain; defensively she spun around and looked down. She saw an amazing site, Avie giggling at her.

"He, he Jenny you looked so funny." She said smiling.

"Avie did you wander off like last time?" Jenn asked worried as Sara walked up.

"No, mom and dad are there," Avie said pointed to Mr. and Mrs. Hanson looking in there direction, "And there’s Ike, Tay, and, Zac." Avie finished pointed at the guys, surrounded by girls. She sighed, "Come on." She said pulling Jenn and Sara followed.

"Nice to see you again……. Jennifer, right?" Mrs. Hanson said holding a baby in her arms and she cooed lightly "Shh Zoë."

"Yeah, that’s me." Jenn said feeling a bit awkward standing there.

"You got a camera like daddy’s." Avie said pointed at the camera around Jenn’s neck.

"You sightseeing too?" Mrs. Hanson asked as Mr. Hanson went over to ask the girls to leave.

"Oh, no, It’s more or less a hobby. I live ‘round here and I’m supposed to meet someone at one thirty, but anyway I always carry it around." Jenn said rambling on.

"One-Thirty? It’s almost one-fifteen now."

"ONE-FIFTEEN? OH CRAP!!! I’m sorry to cut this short, maybe I’ll see you guys again. Bye." Jenn said off, she had to be across town in fifteen minutes.

"BYE" Mrs. Hanson calling back smiling.

"WAIT UP! I have short legs!" Sara shouted running after her.

"Hey mom, who was that?" Taylor asked seeing two brown heads running.

"Oh, that was the one that likes Zac and the other one was the one Avie likes so much, Jennifer."

"That girl scares me, she was like, all over me." Zac said shuddering.

"Get used to it." Taylor said.

"Who was that?" Isaac said looking at the two girls wildly cross the street running.

"Your girl and her tag-a-long." Zac said rolling his eyes.

"That was Jenn??" Damn I missed her Isaac said looking at Taylor, then at Zac.

Taylor spoke the words that Isaac wanted to hear. "Mom can we go off by ourselves? With Jason, David, and, James."

"I don’t know, Walker what do you think?" Mrs. Hanson said looking at her husband.

"I think they’re old enough, but Ike here take the camera and take some pictures of the city. Who knows when we’ll be back." Walker permitted handing over one of the two cameras on his neck.

"We’ll see ya later back at the hotel tonight." Isaac said as they all walked off. Trying to look normal.

"Ike, how are we going to find them? We don’t even know where WE are." Taylor piped up as they crossed the street that Jenn and Sara crossed minutes ago.

"Easy," Isaac said casually, "The DC bus system is ALWAYS late." Isaac finished pointing

To Sara and Jenn at a stop that was a few blocks away.

"Sara if that bus doesn’t come in thirty seconds, I’m running and so are you." Jenn said nervously, looking up the street. "OK let’s go." With that Jenn took off running down Pennsylvania Avenue towards sixteenth and Massachusetts Avenue. It felt good for her to run her muscles had been becoming flabby, she hadn’t played soccer since her sophomore year in High School. Soon she had found the sixteenth and Mass Avenue and checked her watch, one-twenty. She checked herself in the glass window of the small grocer shop, she was in a section of DC called "Little Italy", she looked horrible, she was all red in the face and sweaty. She had been running in one hundred-degree heat and humidity. She leaned against a wall and took deep breaths to slow her beating heart and also to clam herself down, she needed this scholarship. Sara was soon with her gasping for breaths too. When they were both ready they walked down the block and went to Café De Floras and approached the host.

"Name?" He asked in a snotty voice.

"Um, yes, I’m here to meet," Jenn started pulling out a card from her side bag. "Christina Hoop."

"Right this way."

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