Chapter 6

"IKE!! Wait up man, she ain’t gonna fall off the earth, geez." Zac said after running almost fifteen blocks after Ike, who was following what Zac called "His girl", Ike thought she was like a goddess or something, which Zac wondered what Ike saw in her.


"Oh my God Sara, I’m gonna go to San Francisco School of Fine Arts, for FREE!" Jenn said, sitting letting her good fortune sink in. Sara really hadn’t paid much attention to that, but she had noticed that three young lads seemed to follow them, Sara thought this was great, but Jenn would probably have other thoughts.

"That’s great, but can we eat? I’m starved." Sara said as they got up.

"Sure, Mario’s is right over there, I’ll tell Mario the great news!" Jenn said picking up all her belongings and she crossed the street. Sara glanced back at the guys and just followed Jenn across the street. Mario’s was a great pizza place that Josh worked at.

"Oh hey Jenn, how are you?" Josh asked when they sat down. Jenn got really upset, He hasn’t gotten fired yet? Well Mario is a really nice guy and he needs the help anyway. Jenn thought.

"Oh, I’m great, just got accepted to San Francisco School of Fine Arts." Jenn said not looking at him in his dark brown eyes.

"So how’s your love life?" He asked, hitting a very sensitive nerve.

"She’s dating someone you low life." Sara piped up; Jenn looked up at her with a confused look on her face.

"Oh really pip squeak? Where is he?" Josh said in a mocking tone.

For two years she put up with this scumbag? How could she? I can’t stand him for five minutes. "Yeah she is, and here he comes now!" Sara said pointing to the door and Isaac, Taylor and, Zac walked in. Jenn had shut out Sara and Josh’s conversation by busing herself, filling her pictures she had shown Ms. Hoop. "IKE, TAY, ZAC. Get over here." Sara called motioning them to come and sit with them in the booth. Isaac sat with Jenn and Zac pushed Taylor in the other side with Sara and he grabbed a chair.

"I’ll be back." Josh said and scurried off.

"Sara," Jenn hissed, "You and I both know that I don’t have a boyfriend, so why in the Hell did you say I have one??" Jenn demanded, giving Sara the evil eye.

"You know how to pretend right? You and Ike can for now, Ike you wouldn’t mind now would you?" Sara said putting this weird lie together. "It’ll fell good to make Josh jealous for once, so Ike do you mind?" Sara again asked looking at him.

"I don’t think I have a choice do I?" He asked sarcastically looking at them both.


"Yes. Sara you know I’m over him, so why make him jealous?"

"Just do it." Sara said knowing that Jenn was no where near over Josh.

"Ah, Jennifer, what do you all want to drink?" Mario asked in his heavy Italian accent, he always liked to talk to Jenn.

"Well you have such a big selection right? I think you have Pepsi, Pepsi, and more Pepsi right?" Jenn said with a smile, she always teased him about this.

"Yes, that’s-a-right."

"Then I guess we’ll all have Pepsi."

"OK, and you guys," He said looking at Isaac, Taylor, and, Zac "You make beautiful music. But what ever happened to Johnny?" He said smiling. "My daughter asks me that all the time."

"We’re not really sure of that one either." Zac said giggling.

"I think Zac gave him a atomic wedgie and he was never seen again." Taylor said as Mario walked away.

"Are you sure you aren’t talking about yourself?" Isaac said hearing about the little incesident while he was in the shower.

"Shut up."

"Hey Jenn I think Josh is calling Rachel, he is! Little Bastard." Sara said looking at Josh pick up the phone and dials a number.

"Sara, didn’t I just say I was over him? And I could care less about what he’s doing and I don’t talk to Rachel any more." Jenn said harshly, as she felt a shiver go over her as Isaac put his hand over hers.

"That sounds like you’re not over him to me." Taylor butted in after Mario brought them their drinks.

"What would you know? You write about this stuff but do you know what it feels like? Do you know what it feels like dating someone for two years and then find out he’s been banging your best friend behind your back for six months? I don’t think so…. Ouch! Sara!" Jenn said as Sara kicked her.

"Shut up." Sara simply stated so Jenn would drop the subject.

"Jenn what kind of pizza do you want?" Josh asked walking up, his dark brown eyes burning into hers.

What does he have to do this to me? She thought as she brought her knees up to her chest and placed her and Isaac’s now intertwined hands on her knees and said "A large one would be good with, well I want pepperoni and what do you guys want?"

"Green peppers" Sara exclaimed.

"Olives." Zac said.

"Ew, not olives, please?" Jenn said looking at Zac.

"OK, then extra cheese." Zac compromised. Josh took that down and walked away.

During their meal they talked about everything, Jenn shied away and kept her thoughts to herself. They all decided to go to the Smithsonian together, the only idea Jenn said. Sara did most of the talking and she showed the guys most of the pictures Jenn took of her, because that’s all really Jenn had brought with her to show Ms. Hoop, Jenn wanted to become a fashion photographer. She watched the way Josh acted as her and Isaac talked, he had a pissed look on his face, which made Jenn feel strangely happy. Well well, well, now the tables have turned Jenn thought after taking her third slice of pizza.

Isaac held up his camera and waited for the flash to charge.

"Oh no you don’t." Jenn said putting her slice of pizza in the way of the shot.

"Why not?" Isaac asked looking around the slice of pizza.

"Because," She giggled at the way Isaac was looking at her, "Because a photographer never gets her picture taken. They take the pictures." She said trying to think up a reason for him not to take the picture.

"Uh-huh, sure whatever smile." Isaac said and he took a picture of her mouth wide open and with pizza inside.

"Oh, that’s gonna be a winner." Zac said laughing.

"You really think so?" Jenn asked chewing with her mouth wide open like a cow.

"You act like a twelve year old!" Taylor said looking at her funny.

"Is that a problem? Just ‘cause I get older, doesn’t mean I mature." Jenn shot back laughing. Sara was cutting her eyes at Jenn. "Oh let me be stupid for a while, then you won’t see me for like a year, so this is how you gotta remember me." Jenn said. "And this is how they will too, ain’t this a great memory to look back upon?" Jenn said looking at Isaac, then Taylor and, finally at Zac.

"Oh, just peachy." Taylor muttered.

"Taylor, Taylor, Taylor, you’re just too cute for words." Jenn said reaching across the table and pinching his cheek.

"Ouch, quit it." Taylor said pulling away.

After they paid Mario the bill Jenn left Josh a fifty-cent tip.

"So why haven’t you called Ike’s cell phone? I’d figure Sara would get hold of it and try and talk to me." Zac said as they walked out of the cool restaurant and into the unbearable heat.

"I figured it was fake, so I never tried it." Jenn said crossing the street. "Sara you wanted doubles right?" She asked pulling the film canister out of her bag.


"Guys I’ll be right back." Jenn said going into the photo shop.

"Hello…. Oh hi Rachel! How are you?"

"I’m fine. Josh and I are doing real well.


"Oh, no there’s that slut Jenn used to call a friend, she stole Josh away from Jenn." Sara said after Jenn walked in.

"Should I go in there?" Isaac asked looking at Sara. He wanted to get to know Jenn very well.

"Yeah. Go on in there." Sara said almost pushing him in there.

"Yeah, Josh said you had a boyfriend and he was with,"

"Hi guys." Isaac said waving like a dope at least for Jenn’s sake he interrupted Rachel’s mindless chatter. He went up behind Jenn and buried his head in the small of her shoulder and kissed her, she almost hit him, but instead giggled and said, "Ike. Quit it I’ve gotta fill this out." and poked him in the ribs.

"Owie, that hurt, will you kiss it and make it better?" Isaac said as Jenn finished filling the forms.

"Maybe later, I’ll be back in an hour Rach." Jenn said taking Isaac’s hand and feeling happy, she had shown up her ex boyfriend and best friend.

Go back to the story index. Chapter 7
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