Chapter 7: The Museum

"OK we’ve got to go there, and we’re here. You wanna walk or ride the bus?" Jenn asked as they looked at a bus map. "The bus would be cooler and quicker, but walking you guys would see the sights of DC and it’s cheaper" Jenn continued, looking at the guys.

"Zac you aren’t gonna get us kicked of this one are you?" Taylor asked.

"The bus is better, we won’t be noticed, hopefully." Isaac commented.

"So the bus it is?" Jenn said as a bus pulled up.

"Let’s go!" Sara said hoping on the bus.

When they had all seated, Jenn sat by herself with Isaac behind her and Sara in front of her with Taylor and Zac sat across from her. Jenn pulled her chain wallet out and put her bus pass back in it, as she did so, she noticed that Zac that was watching her.

"Yes?" Jenn asked as she put her wallet back in her pocket, he showed her his which was the exact same Quicksilver black wallet that she owned.

"Copy-Cat!" Zac said putting his back also.

"Doubt it man, you copied me."

"No, no, no, you saw a picture of me and you just had to run out and get the wallet!" Zac said with a smirk.

"No the only pic of you that I have seen of you I’ve seen is the one that Sara has drew ‘I LOVE ZAC’ All over it and you looked like a girl!" Jenn shot back laughing.

"JENN!!" Sara yelped, looking at them.

"What…" Jenn said still laughing.

"Shut up."

"Oh, forgot, don’t want to scare him right." Jenn said as Sara turned around. "Hey Ike, who are those guys that are in the front of the bus that have been following us the whole time?" Jenn continued looking at him.

"They are our bodyguards, Jimmy, Jason and David. They kinda have to come with us all the time." Isaac said.

"I remember Jason, he’s played Barbies with me and Avie last night." Jenn said laughing. "I never knew a grown man who played with dolls other than my grandfather." Jenn said smiling.

"Yeah he has two daughters at home, so he’s used to playing them."


Make her stop talking PLEASE!!!!! Taylor thought as Sara blabbed on about something, he gave Zac a pleading look, and Zac just smirked, Nice brother, I’ll remember that. Taylor then looked at Isaac for some help, but he was talking with Jenn. What’s with him? We’re leaving tonight for Atlanta and she aint coming, so why try and get to know her? Taylor thought as Jenn pointed out RFK stadium and other important buildings and complexes.

"C’Mon, it’s time to get off." Jenn said getting up. They all filed out after her.


"Man this aint fair, just cause your some super star, you get to touch one of these guitars! That aint fair!" Jenn exclaimed as they waited for the dealer to get off work and come to the museum. They had walked through the Smithsonian and went to the American History museum, where they waited so Isaac could talk with the dealer.

"Well fame has some very nice things that come with it." Isaac said smiling.

"Oh and being chased throughout a museum by a group of girls is a perk?" Jenn asked, remembering how they has ran through most of the Smithsonian almost an hour earlier.

"Well that’s just some of the bad." Taylor reasoned. Most of those girls probably figured that Isaac and Jenn were going out because she had tripped over something a girl had thrown and Isaac caught her, and held onto her hand till they girls had been stopped.

"Well at least it keeps you all in shape." Sara said poking Zac in the stomach. Zac gave her an evil look and ignored her.

"Yup it keeps us from getting pudgy." Isaac said as Jenn took out her camera.

"Move." Jenn said as she focused the camera on the case.

"What you don’t want my beautiful body in the shot?" Taylor asked smiling.

Not wearing that She thought. "Hummm…. A super star or a very rare guitar, which do I want a pic of? MOVE" Jenn said laughing. She took pictures of the guitars and finally she took a picture of Taylor. "But you are paying for it of you break it." Jenn said as she took the picture. The guitar dealer soon after.

"So, Mr. Hanson which guitar would you like to see?" The dealer asked, u locking the glass case.

"THIS AINT FAIR!!" Jenn said as Isaac glanced inside.

"Jenn, shhhhhhhhh." Sara said looking at her wildly.

"What/ I am protesting the favoritism of famous people." Jenn said smiling, she was joking, but Sara didn’t notice it.

"Can I see that blue teardrop right there?" Isaac said looking at Jenn with a smile as he was presented with the guitar.

"I’m still not happy with this." Jenn stated, a smile teasing her lips after Isaac played the first chord.

"Shut up. I’ll make you happy later and take a picture." Isaac said with a large smile on his face.

Jenn couldn’t believe what she just heard a Hanson say, she was going to protest, but a girl came in the room and screamed "OH MY GOD, IT’S HANSON!!!!!" Jason quickly escorted her put of the room. Oh shit, I’ll be in some deep shit of that girl heard what I said. I hope she didn’t, but I wouldn’t mind dating Jenn, that would be cool. Isaac thought as he strummed the guitar.

Jenn only gave him a weird look and said "Smile." She continued to take pictures every now and then of the guys and some of Sara. Soon the dealer had to put back the guitar and then gave Isaac a travel size guitar.

"Look at this Zac, you got smudges all over the case." Sara said looking at the glass.

"So?" Zac asked quizzically what is she getting at?

"Nothing, she is a neat freak that’s all. What I want to know is why Ike gets a guitar, he don’t deserve it!" Jenn said smiling, putting her camera back in its case. She checked her watch, 5:15 p.m. They spent almost three hours in the museum.

"Shut up." Isaac said and he meant it, he had grown tired of her constant kiddiness.

"Sorry." Jenn mumbled, she got upset, It’s called a joke, sheesh get a life. Sara lightly chatted with the guys as Jenn kept to herself, over reacting as usual. "Do you guys want to come back with us to get my film and maybe dinner?" Sara asked, knowing Jenn for five years knew that Jenn wouldn’t talk to Isaac till her just came out and asked her what her problem was. Sara saw this happen with Jenn and Josh a lot. Jenn was the type of person who would repress any emotion, especially anger. Then when she couldn’t stand it any longer she would almost explode with anger at the world, this usually would happen in her room.

"Um, Ike do you know if we are eating before we’re leaving tonight?" Taylor asked Isaac who was carrying the only cell phone that was still charged.

"I dunno, let me call dad….. Jenn take the guitar." Isaac said holding the case out to her. She took it roughly from his hands. Isaac talked to Mr. Hanson and found out they could eat with Sara and Jenn. Jenn felt like she was going to cry, Why can’t he just leave? She screamed in her head, as he took the guitar and her hand again, trying to get her to talk.

"Are you OK?" Isaac whispered in her ear as they waited for a bus to go across town, she just nodded in agreement, she didn’t want to get involved with him, even if her heart ached when his breath whisked past her ear.

"Are you sure?" He again asked looking her in the eyes, and resting his head on her shoulder.

God why is he doing this to me? Jenn thought as she stared blankly at him, her heart again ached for his touch. "Positive." Positive that I want you to leave me ALONE she thought again.

Sara shot a glance at Jenn and Isaac. Jenn looked like she was going to cry or puke, Sara couldn’t tell. Isaac just looked confused. He’s not used to her mood swings; I’m still not. Sara thought giving Isaac an apologetic look.

"Jenn are you alright?" Sara asked concerned. Jenn looked like she had nothing left.

Jenn looked up at Sara; she might have said something. "What?" She asked softly, she had been thinking of a reason to go home. She needed time alone, and Mom and Dave weren’t home on Fridays.

"I asked if you were feeling alright." Sara repeated.

"Oh, no. I’m not feeling well. Maybe I should go home and you all just have fun together, Sara you know how to get home right." Jenn said.

"Maybe you and Ike should go…"

"NO, I don’t want him to get sick," Jenn said interrupting Sara and smiled as the next bus that pulled up was the one to a METRO station. "I’ll see you later." Jenn said happy that Sara said something.

"Sara what is her problem?" Isaac asked as they got on the next bus.

"Well it’s a long, long story, and I don’t even know all of it, but I do know that she really loved her father and when he left he said he never wanted to see her again and that she was ugly and all this horrible stuff, but she hates sympathy. And then there Josh, love of her life, two years they went out and she dumped him cause you know Rachel, but even Josh had told her she was ugly. She just has a lot of baggage, and you saw how she usually deals with it. She must have some other issues that I don’t know about, cause she usually hides it better." Sara said as they rode a long DC.

"So when are we gonna eat?" Zac said, hungry as hell.

Chapter 8 Why Me index