Chapter 8: Problems at home?

"What the hell is this?" Jenn asked aloud to the big box that sat on the doorstep. She went inside and dragged the heavy box to the nearest lamp.

Ms. Jennifer Parting

76 Peace Willows LN

Columbia MD, 20639

Jenn saw it was from Tennessee, where her father lived, she opened the box and found it was the stuff she had taken down there over the years. She took it upstairs to her room to unpack it all. She read a letter that her father had written, he had gotten remarried and needed her old room for the new stepbrother she had. She finally just broke down and began to cry, she had nothing left, just the dream of becoming a photographer, which her dad thought, was stupid. She was also angry, How could he just do that to me? Just up and get remarried, he didn’t even say anything about it. "DAD HOW COULD YOU?? DID YOU JUST FORGET ABOUT ME AGAIN??? YOU NEVER SAID YOU WOULD!!!!" She yelled through her tears at a picture of him and her together that was in the box. She yelled at that picture for an hour or so, her voice gave out. She curled up into a ball and continued to cry, until she fell asleep


"Ike, I don’t think she wants to be bothered, so let’s eat here." Sara protested, as they stood around arguing on whether they should eat the Chinese food there, or take it home it Jenn.

"Sara, I really need to talk to her, I don’t think I’m going to see her again."

"Well life’s a bitch and then you die, get over it." Sara stated annoyed with the whole situation.


"No, no, no, noooo!" Jenn said waking up with a start. She had had a nightmare, everyone that she had ever seen or known was laughing at her, pointing. And in her dream Josh and Rachel had been making out. Shaken up, she turned on her radio and checked her watch read 6:55. Then she decided to leave her stuff in the box and sit and think. Her favorite song came on, so she turned it up and sang along. After the song had ended she decided to go and check her e-mail on the computer. She heard the front door open and close, mom and Dave usually didn’t get home till 10 o’clock and Sara was out with the guys.

"I’m telling you, she won’t be happy." Sara said as they stepped into the quiet house.

"If you knew she wasn’t going to be happy then why did you bring us here?" Zac demanded, he was tired and hungry, and wanted Sara to shut up so bad.

"It’s just what I think. I’m not sure." Sara said as they followed her into the kitchen.

"Well it looks like she isn’t even here." Taylor said checking his watch; it read 7:05.

"JENN!!!" Sara yelled in the living room, from there the voice could be heard anywhere.

Jenn ran down the steps in a rush, she had changed from the nicer clothes than she had been wearing, to a wrinkled KoRn T-shirt and old soccer shorts that were ripped from opponents pushing her on the ground or kicking her to try and get the ball from her whenever she was the goalie.

"Sara? What are you doing home?" Jenn asked coming in the living room confused. Sara noticed that Jenn’s eyes were red rimmed and slept hair.

Jenn got some bad news Sara thought. "Well the guys suggested that we come back here." Sara said, praying that Jenn would be OK with that thought.

"Aw that’s sweet." Jenn said as Zac and the guys walked in. "I’ll be right back, I’m going to shut down the computer." Jenn said running back upstairs. She first wrote a friend that had helped her get the scholarship to SFFAU. Jenn read the letter that Jess, had wrote:

Jenn, what’s up? You haven’t been on in like a couple of days! I wanna know about you coming out here! C’Mon tell me!!

Luv ya,


Jenn replied:

Jess, I GOT IN!!!!!! *Singing* I’ll see you in September… OK I’m done, I’ll get on Yahoo! Maybe, around 11 EST, tonight k?



She shut off the computer and walked out of the room and right into Zac. "You coming to eat or what?" He demanded.

"What, you going to waste away here if you don’t eat in 5 seconds? Jenn asked as they descended the steps. "Ya, man I’m starving!" Zac wailed clutching his stomach. They settled down all in the living room floor.

"I hate chop sticks." Jenn muttered as she tried to eat her chicken Lo Mein.

"Then use a fork stupid!" Zac said laughing as he watched her try and eat.

"Then it looses its enthicity! Give me an egg roll." She said not looking at Zac.

"Is than an order?" Zac said smirking.

"Oh, do we have a smart ass on our hands?" Jenn asked looking at him.

"I thought I was smart, wow, coming from an 18 year old, Thanks!" Zac said laughing.

"Do you want another orhpus?" Jenn calmly asked looking at Zac as she set her plate of food down.

"What’s an orphus?" Zac asked looking at Taylor.

"Run." Is all Taylor said smiling.

"Take his advice Zac, run, you don’t need another hole in your head." Isaac said as Jenn took after Zac. That’s when he understood what orphus meant.

"You know Zac, in a horror film only the dumb ones that run upstairs DIE!" Jenn yelled evilly.

"Don’t kill him… We need him!" Isaac yelled from the living room.

"Oh, HOLY HECK ITS ME" Zac screamed when he saw Sara’s room.

"I see you’ve found Sara’s room." Jenn said looking down at him, for some reason he had collapsed in front of Sara’s door. Jenn just tapped her chopsticks on the wall next to him as Sara, Isaac and Taylor all bounded up the stairs.

"Scary, huh?" Jenn said as the boys gapped at Sara’s room. "And I have to live with this!" Jenn said laughing as Sara turned bright red.

"Need…. To see….Something….Normal." Zac said rolling over.

"Well then look at my room." Jenn said opening her door and the guys gapped again, clothes where everywhere, her large bed was in the middle and a small plush dog sat in the center. On the walls were scattered posters, Beastie Boys and Marilyn Mason, and KoRn posters were about it.

"Oh ya, REAL normal." Zac spoke up, "OW!" He yelped when Jenn hit him with one of her chopsticks.

"Meanie" Jenn called Zac as she descended the steps.

"You know I never seen that many me’s in my life." Taylor said giggling.

"But you don’t have to see it everyday." Jenn mumbled, returning to her chicken lo mein. She took the remote from the couch and put it on a satellite station ‘Metal Mania’; it was playing the Green Day song, "Redundant" and began to eat again.


"Nope Ike, I’m sorry, but I’m not dropping my life to be with you." Jenn said as she and Isaac sat in her room, while Zac, Taylor and Sara watched some 500 channels.

"Why not?" Isaac pleaded with her.

"Ike, we barely know each other, I just met you last night, am I supposed to just be stupid and say yes on a whim?" Jenn asked looking at him incredously.

"You don’t feel anything?" He asked taking her hands in his.

"Ike, what am I supposed to feel? I just feel confused." She said sighing, looking down at their hands that were intertwined.

He took a deep breath, "I know Josh hurt you, and your father was mean, but…. I’m." He started but she slapped him.

Tears glistened her eyes, "You have no real knowing of how they affected me do you? Whatever Sara told you, huh? And why did you have to pry into my personal life? Do you see me asking about your past do I? No because I RESPECT your privacy, I am not like on of your obsessed fans that hunt you down; why didn’t you respect mine?" Jenn burst out with those harsh words.

"You didn’t let me finish, the reason I asked Sara is because I care for you and want to go to know you. No I have never could possibly imagine what you have been through, I don’t know." He mumbled, he hadn’t expected that reaction.


"What ya think they’re doing up there?" Sara asked Tay and Zac, who were amazed at the 500, channels the dish got. "Would they be having sex?" Sara persisted and when Sara received blank looks from both Zac and Taylor, she guessed they didn’t know either.

"HA! I don’t think Ike knows which hole it goes in!" Taylor said laughing. Sara and Zac didn’t think it was too funny. "It’s a joke! Ya know Ha Ha…….. NEVERMIND." Taylor said trying to get them to laugh, didn’t work to well.

"You know, Tay here was dropped on his head a lot as a child…" Zac started.

"Repeatedly I see." Sara cut in.

"Ya, well anyway, cause of that, now he has a tendency to say things some people DON’T want to hear. You really think I WANT to know about my brother having SEX!!" Zac said making Sara giggling.

"She asked, I didn’t!" Taylor protested, pointing to Sara, she was laughing hysterically.

"Sheesh, she is a REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEETARD!!!" Zac mouthed to Taylor as Sara calmed down. Taylor couldn’t help but choke back a laugh.


"If you just come for the rest of the summer… Www…. We could try this." Isaac still pleaded with Jenn.

"I have to work this summer, like I said before, I’m not dropping everything for you." Jenn again restated.

"Damn it Jennifer, listen to me." Isaac shouted. The tone of his voice scared Jenn. Josh yelled at her like that before, and he had hit her too. Jenn looked meekly up at Isaac, he looked like he was going to either hit her, or cry, she couldn’t tell.

Wow, did I just say that? I didn’t mean for it to be that loud…. Did I scare her? "Jenn, do you know what I did for you today? Do you? I dropped everything to see you; I dropped everything to act like I liked you. Which wasn’t very hard, and now you don’t even thank me for it? And now my parents don’t even know where we are and we’re supposed to leave in an hour and I just wanted, too, too, touch you, talk to you. Be a normal teenager, not Ike Hanson, the superstar." He stated as he watched her slump over, almost hiding her face from view. She hated the spot he had put her in, Josh had done it before, and it was like saying ‘If you don’t do this, I’ll hate you.’ That’s how she took it. So she got up and began to pack. "So you’re gonna come?" Isaac asked happily when she had finished throwing clothes in a duffel bag.

Yes Ike I do, and I also want to throw myself off the Woodrow Wilson Bridge. Jenn thought nastily. "What did I say before?" Is all she replied. She didn’t want to hurt herself or Isaac in anyway. She left the room quietly with her bag and descended the stairs. "Sara, tell mom I’m going to Ocean City and I’m staying in the beach house and I have her debit card. And when Jess e-mails you about where I am, tell her I’m out on the shore, OK. It was nice meeting you Taylor, Zac, bye." Jenn said formally and left the house for near by Ocean City, Maryland.

"Wow, Ike what you do?" Taylor asked as Isaac ran down the steps after her, only to see three stunned faces and an open front door.

"I told her I loved her and she flipped." Isaac muttered, wondering, What the hell did I do wrong?

"Don’t worry, I’m sure she’ll be back, and then I’m sure she’ll call saying the same thing." Sara said, lying, she knew Jenn better than that, Jenn would not be back anytime soon and she would definitely NOT call Isaac back any time soon.

"Um… Guys we have a problem." Jason, a bodyguard, walked in from the kitchen where the other bodyguards were.

"What?" Zac asked looking up at the big guy.

"Your father is royalty pissed, he is like chewing Jimmy out for letting us take you guys out here." Jason said.

"We’ll deal with that when they get here. Did I hear you say that Jenn has e-mail?" Isaac said looking at Sara hopefully.

"Ya, she does. Do you want me to get directions for them from where they are to here?" Sara said to Jason, disregarding Isaac’s question.

"Ya, that would be helpful." Jason said.

"K, where are they at?" Sara asked getting up, "I need the exact address." She added as Jason left the room to see where they were.

"Well, they used Tay’s beeper as a tracking device and are on Watermelon Lane. They just passed Rosemary Landing."

"The next street on the right is Peach Tree, go down that 15 houses on the right. They will be here." Sara said as Jason relayed the message to Walker. "Here Ike, Jenn’s e-mail and mine too." Sara said scribbling the two e-mail addresses on a napkin.

"Cool thanks!" Isaac said shoving the napkin into his pocket.

Chapter 9 Why me index