Chapter 9: Forgotten Love

During the summer Isaac repeatedly tried to e-mail Jenn, but never got an answer. He then asked Sara about it and found out the Jenn had stayed the whole summer out in Ocean City with family. Working on the beach, taking pictures of tourists on the beach. Sara told Isaac to "Forget about her, she’s forgotten about you."

Jenn had not forgotten about Isaac, she had pushed him out. She didn’t want to deal with him. He’s just like Josh…..Jenn repeated in her head over and over, whenever she caught herself daydreaming about him. She found out that the scholarship did not include the dorm, plus Jenn wanted to stay out there with family, so her mom got in touch with her sister Cathy. Aunt Cathy was happy that Jenn wanted to stay out there with her, her 15-year-old daughter Amy would have someone to talk to.

Jenn had changed slightly over the summer; she developed a love for the ocean and its warm beaches. Since she worked the shore all summer she had a dark tan. And a food poising accident made her loose her love of hot dogs and twenty pounds. Her mom bought her a laptop computer so she could do all her work on that.

"Mom are you sure they have room for all my stuff?" Jenn nervously asked as her mom packed her stereo into a large box. Jenn had returned a few days earlier, it was late august and school started in September.

"Cathy said to send everything you wanted too, so I guess." Claire said, taping up the box.

"You don’t think Amy will mind me just going out there?" Jenn asked, Amy was her cousin, they lived on the opposite sides of the continent, so they never have met.

"I don’t think she’ll mind, she’s never had anyone else in the house with her." Claire said smiling.

"You’re smiling?! You’re happy that I’m leaving aren’t you?" Jenn demanded from her mother.

"Honey, you know I’m not. But I think it’s funny that you are nervous to be leaving."

"Do you have any idea of how much mail I have received from a BOY who I shall keep anonymous." Sara said walking in the bedroom after returning from a friend’s house. Sara coughed, making it obvious that Isaac was the one mailing her, because when she coughed it sounded like "HIKE!"

"Oh shut up, no way." Jenn said looking at Sara.

"Oh, no I’m making the WHOLE thing up." Sara said sarcastically.

"Oh well, I’ve been busy anyway." Jenn just murmured, looking at her camera.

"So you obsessed like me yet? Or are you still into Manson?" Sara smirked sitting on the bed.

"HA, doubt I’ll ever turn out like YOU, but I don’t like Manson as mush as I used too, I had to listen to that damned Z104, all it EVER plays is Back door fags and N*STINK, I swear I was going to go insane! Their fricking songs sounded so alike I got them confused!" Jenn exclaimed making Sara laugh.

"Well to change the subject, I want to show you how much mail I have been getting from him." Sara said pulling Jenn into the computer room.

"But I don’t want to know….." Jenn said softly, she knew she had feelings for Isaac, but she didn’t know if he felt the same way, It’s been so long, why is he doing this? Jenn thought as she brought up the Hotmail screen. Sara had received 30 messages from Isaac, wondering if she was home.


"Hey mom, what is Jenn like?" Amy asked, tossing her brown hair into a messy ponytail. It was already the last week in August, and Amy soon would have to return to her school.

"Hun, I don’t really know, the last time I saw her she was kicking and screaming." Cathy, Amy’s mom and Jenn’s aunt said with a bright smile that made her blue eyes sparkle.

"Oh, OK." Amy replied, a little disappointed. She wanted to learn about her cousin.

"Hunny, you know you might have to go to the airport by yourself to get her right?" Cathy said as they cleared the spare bedroom of the junk that had cluttered it before Jenn’s belongings had begun to arrive.

"WHAT?!?!? I’m only 15, and you want me to go to the airport alone….. COOL! Ya, I’ll do it!" Amy cheered; her mom was usually protective.

"I don’t think I can get off of work, you know how busy I get when they series starts." Cathy said, she was a make-up artist for the semi-dramatic prime time show "Chicago Hope". So when the series would start she would barely have a life outside the show. So Amy was happy to have Jenn living with her.

"I hope she likes eating a lot of pizza and Chinese food." Amy said, she was used to eating out most nights because her mom was rarely home.

"All teenagers do." Cathy said smiling.

Chapter 10
Why me index.