OK here is a FICTIONAL story that my BEST FRIEND Amy and I (Kate) wrote. It is to be taken as a Joke Do not e~mail me Or Amy unless it is to say you LIKE the story, we just came up with this without Hanson, Mrecury Records, or anyone else knowing about it. So enjoy!!!!

"OK Tay that is what we call jeans and a t-shirt that is normal, OK? No you are NOT allowed to wear a tight shirt, you do not have the body for it. See now it isn't that hard to look normal is it?"


"Taylor NO buts, wear it and shut up. Zac I think Amy needs some help with her ice cream, she keeps missing her mouth, go over there and help her!"

"Hey um Ike I think you need to.... um..... Help me with something over here in this DARK closet.... Yeah, get that butt of yours over here, I need some help burning all of Tay's old clothes."

"Here's a napkin Amy." Zac said giving them to her.

"Kate I was doing just fine, then you started to burn Tay's clothes now its melting! Zac help me eat it." Amy said shoving the cone in Zac's face and Zac's nose got in it.

"Cold nose, cold nose! Owie Owie!" Zac said jumping around.

"KATE MY CLOTHES!!! NOOOOOOOOO." Taylor wailed looking at Kate and Ike with a bottle of gasoline and match ready for the second pile of clothes.

"Taylor this is good for you." Kate giggled and threw the match on the clothes and watched them burn.

"Here you can have it back." Zac said wiping off his nose and wiping it on Amy.

"Ew, nasty. It touched you ewww.." Amy said giggling as she wiped her face.

"My clothes, my beautiful clothes......" Taylor moaned looking ready to cry.

"Umm... Kate is this really good for him?" Ike tentatively asked seeing his brother suffer.

"Yeah, he needs to be normal.... He's getting kinda weird lookin, and that evil fashion consultant probably made him wear most of it." Kate reasoned, she put the smoldering clothes out with a fire extinguisher and said, "Now Taylor how do you feel?"

"I miss my orange and green striped pants!" Taylor sniffed.

"Oh, you'll get over it," Kate said, "Now, Ike, if you'd like to help me in this DARK closet, we can pick Tay out a new wardrobe."

"My clothes..." Taylor whispered. "All of my clothes gone..... Where's Bart, the evil fashion consultant when I need him??" Taylor talked to himself looking first at Amy and Zac who where now both armed with icecream cones and shoving them in each others faces.

"Hello! What was that?" Ike asked suprised.

"Oh nothing Ike." Kate said laughing evily, she touched his nice butt.

"Bart, what did they do to you?" Taylor said aloud widly looking around for the evil fashion consultant.

"Taylor say in this room. You guys have to go on stage in a while." Kate shouted as Taylor tried to escape.

I am not performing without at least a tight white shirt on underneath so I can show off my bod. Taylor thought sulking down on the couch.

As Amy, Zac, Kate and Ike walked out of the room, they heard a banging from the inside of a door down the hall. Kate ran up to the door.

"Bart, shut up." She yelled at the door "Do you want Taylor to know where you are?"

"Water..." whispered Bart from inside. He had been locked up all day.

"Yeah, sure." Kate replied distractedly, walking away with Ike. She immediately forget about Bart and smiled up at Ike.

"OWW! COLD COLD!" Zac screamed as Amy shoved the remains of her ice cream cone down the back of his shirt. She ran away, laughing her head off. Zac chased her, waving his icecream cone.

"I'll get you my pretty and your little dog too!!" Zac yelled the famous quote from the "Wizird of Oz" movie.

"I don't have a dog!!!!" Amy yelled laughing, she looked back and saw Zac with the cone in his hand and also she watched in horror as the door Kate had put Bart in burst open and there emerged Bart. They all knew him, and feared him, he was evil, putting together the most worst outfits, and Taylor wore them. Bart, looked a little disheveled, but first got some water and then shouted at the top of his lungs "TAYLORRRRRRRRR."

"BARTTTT!!!" Taylor squealed, running out of the dressing room and watched the plot unfolding.

"Bart, stop or I will shoot you." Kate calmly stated holding a bottle of hairspray and a lighter.

"You wouldn't dare." Bart said turing around and looking at her coldly.

"Well you have to ask yourself, do you feel lucky. Well DO YA??" Kate said almost with a smirk on her face.

"Kate calm down, you don't know what your messin' with." Taylor said walking up to her. "To kill him you have to go through me first."

Kate's face went into shock and she said

"Taylor, you don't know what your saying, I can't hurt you, your fans would kill me. But he needs to die, he makes you look HORRIBLE!!!! Get that through your head!!" Kate said, she didn't want to hurt Taylor. Ike put his arm around hers and took the lighter and hair spray away from her. She just looked at him in shock and said "OK, OK."

"Good, cause I didn't want to have to hurt you." Ike quitely wispered to her and kissed her on the lips.

"EWWWW ARE THEY PLAYIN' TONSEL HOCKEY?!?!?!" Zac yelled shoving his icecream on Ike's back, breaking Kate's and his embrace. Amy, taking advantage of Zac's distraction, leapt over and grabbed the hairspray and the lighter away from Isaac. She dodged around Taylor and jumped in front of Bart.

"Back in or I shoot." she threatened, pointing towards the room. But just then Taylor tackled her from behind. Leaping up, Taylor and Bart ran out of the building, laughing evilly and planning Taylor's latest ugly outfit.

"Oh great," Amy groaned, still sprawled on the floor.

"You tried!" Zac told her, helping her up off the floor and giving her a hug.

"What the hell are we supposed to do now? The show starts in an hour???" Ike demanded.

"Well ya know he can't get far, there are thousands of girls all over this venu, so one of them has to notice him." Amy said wiping off her shirt and jeans she was wearing.

"I think I need to go change my shirt, since someone ruined it with ICECREAM." Ike said taking off his shirt at that moment. Amy laughed as Kate stared bug eyed at Ike.

"What?" Ike asked looking at Amy.

"Ohhh... Nothing." She just replied as Ike walked away holding his shirt and went to get a new one.

"AMYYYY!! You almost got me caught." Kate hissed, but laughed with excitement anyway.

"You almost got yourself caught. I'm suprised on Ike's part, he doesn't like changing in front of Tay, but for you guys, Swish and off it came!" Zac stated and to empahize in the "Swish" part he lifted his own shirt up.

"Look at those jelly rolls!" Kate giggled.

"Rolls? HA, these are rock hard abs!" Zac stated and hit his stomach.

"Ouch." He mumbled after he hit himself.

"Your arms have gotten so strong you hurt your tummy." Amy said rubbing his stomach. Zac bent over, laughing.

"That tickles!" he exclaimed, then started doing body-builder poses showing off how strong his arms were. Amy chased after him, trying to tickle him again. They ran off laughing.

"Oh great." Kate said, looking at Isaac, "Now what are we going to do?"

"Well," Isaac said, putting his arms around her, "what do YOU wanna do?"

"Well Ike you really don't want to know what I want to do." Kate said with a evil gleam in her eye.

"Oh really?" Ike persisted.

"Yeah, I want to kill your brother." Kate said laughing as Ike's face fell.


"You thought we were gonna, umm.....lhgsexgrtkeg?"(Don't even try and pronounce that!)Kate asked looking at him curiosuly. He just turned bright red and didn't say a word. "Ike I am freakin' 15! I'm not gonna do it now! Well maybe, but I'll tell you..." Kate began a long speach but was stopped by Ike kissing her.

"Is that all they're gonna do now that Taylor is gonna go mess with socitey? We need to find Taylor." Zac said to Amy as they watched Kate and Ike suck face on the other side of this open area.

"OK, then let's go!" Amy said walking out the same way Taylor and Bart did.

Amy squinted as they stepped outside into the bright sunlight.

"Where to now?" she asked.

"Just follow the screams." Zac told her.

"WHAT?!?!?!" Amy yelled pretending that she couldn't hear him.

"You aren't helping." Zac said looking at her, smiling.

"Oh, sorry, please forgive me, I grovel in front of you." Amy said bowing before him.

"He he." Zac giggled "You may rise." He said acting like a king.

"I was being sarcastic. You moron." Amy said hearing some screams.

"There he is." Zac said also hearing the screams.

"Where did Zac and Amy go?" Kate asked Ike breaking their embrace.

"I dunno, I hope they didn't go out and try and find Tay." Ike said looking around the room.

"Why would you not want Zac and Amy go out there?" Kate asked looking up at him.

"Because then Zac will be mobbed by fans thats why." Ike stated walking out towards the door to Jason.

"Hey Ike, what's up?" Jason asked as Kate and Ike walked up.

"Well Taylor left with Bart and Zac left with Amy."Ike said leaning against the wall and Kate rested her head on his chest.

"Oh great. So do you want me and Jimmy to go and get them?"

"Well we know Taylor has prolly left the stadium and Zac is around here some where, so I'm gonna beep Tay and you go find Zac ok?" Ike said.

"Yeah." Jason replied, leaving Kate and Ike alone again.

"Let's go page Taylor till he responds." Kate said pulling Ike to the phone booth.

"Amy!" Zac yelled, "I found them!!"

"SSHHH!!" Amy whispered loudly, pulling Zac behind a tree, "do ya want them to hear us?!?"

"Sorry!" Zac whispered back, "But, uh, do you really think this tree is hiding us very well?"

Amy looked at the tree. Zac was right, the tree wasn't hiding them at all, considering it was only about 2 inches thick.

"Yup, we're incogneato! I'm secret agent man, secret-agnet-man doot doot doot." Amy said acting like Jim Carey during his Ace Ventura role.

"OK Amy whatever, but how are we gonna get Taylor? I mean Bart is protecting him very well but what are we gonna do if Bart gets away with him?" Zac said almost going towards Bart and Taylor. Taylor was clad in a bright neon pink shirt and some poka dotted neon green pants, which was dong a good job of attracting attetion.

"Zac, Taylor will be recongized anywhere in that outfit so we wouldn't have to do much except wait for Jason to get him." Amy reasoned.

"Ohhh ok." Zac mumbled not really beleiving that Taylor's bodyguard would get Bart away.

"Taylor you freakin' retard answer the beeps, you idoit." Ike mumbled after popping in what seemed to be almost 2 dollars of change in the phone to page Taylor.

"Does he have a cell phone?" Kate asked standing next to Ike as he dialed the phone.

"His is being charged, we all charge our's on different days so at least one of us would have it with us. And today is Tay's turn." Ike stated sighing deeply.

"Well also Ike if you keep dialing it then Tay can't get through to talk to you so why don't you stop dialing it?" Kate said taking the reciver from Ike's hand.

"I guess you're right, he can't get through if I keep dialing it." Ike said plopping down on the sofa nearest to him. Kate sat down next to him and said, "What do ya wanna do now?"

"Well," Ike said, "Whatever you wanna do." Kate smiled up at him.

"Okay..." she began.

"We aren't helping the situation much by just standing behind this tree!" Zac whined, watching Jason, Bart, and Taylor chase each other around. Amy opened one eye. She was laying on her back in the grass, half asleep.

"Fine." she said, "Help me up." Zac pulled her to her feet. "So Zac since you are feeling all daing and all, how, may I ask are we going to get Taylor?" Amy asked, brushing off any grass that was on her.

"Well....... I GOT IT!" Zac said and took off running.

"HEY ZAC WAIT!!!!!!" Amy said running after him.

"OK Ike your turn, spin it." Kate said looking at him with a smile.

"OK are you ready?"

"Go or I'm gonna fall!" Kate said laughing as Ike reached for the spinner.

"Right foot RED!!" Ike yelled as him and Kate played Twister.

"I can't do ITTTT!!" Kate siad trying to move her right foot from between Ike's hand that was on blue and over to the red circle.

"Well here let me help you!" Ike said and he pulled her foot down and she went crashing down on top of him.

"Hahahahahahahahaha. You fell!" Ike said as she rolled off of him.

"Did I hurt you? I mean I am kinda heavy." Kate said looking at him with concern.

"Why? What would you do if you did?" Ike said with a smirk and raised one eyebrow.

"I would kiss it and make it feel better, but you don't look in pain, so I'm gonna do THIS!" Kate said jumping on him and starting to tickle him.

"Zac why are we in the tour bus?" Amy asked out of breath from running so fast.

"Because of these." Zac said bringing up a extremely lage bag of Very Cherry Jelly Beans. "He can't resist em. Muahahaha!" Zac giggled

"Oh it all becomes very clear!" Amy said as they bounced out of the bus and started running back to when Taylor and Bart had just been.

"Come on, Tay," Zac coaxed, holding out the bag of jellybeans, "you know you want some." Taylor took a step toward Zac and Amy, then looked back at Bart.

"Don't do it, Taylor," Bart said, shaking his head, "it's a trick." Taylor looked back and forth between Zac and Bart.

"Very Cherry," Taylor whispered, "cherry, must have..." Bart grabbed Taylor and dragged him away. They ran off, Bart laughing evilly.

"Well, that worked." Amy said, flopping down on the grass.

"Hey, it was worth a try!" Zac protested, sitting down beside her. Amy threw a jellybean at him.

"What are we going to do now?"

"Zac, I have no idea." Amy muttered eating a jellybean.

"Kate, quit it! hehehe Stop I CAN'T BREATHE!!!" Ike protested, trying to push Kate off of his stomach, which she was strattling.

"Hehehe NEVER!!!" Kate said, tickling him some more.

"OK now you asked for it." Ike said rolling and was now tickling her.

"Stop! Stoppppp it!!!!" Kate yelped as tickled her. "Hey I think the phone is ringing." Kate said. It really wasn't, but she knew he would get off her and sprint to the phone. Sure enough, he did.

"No its not." Ike said after he was at the phone and picked it up.

"Hehehe I knew you would go over there anyway. Page Zac and Amy, we need to find out where they are and see if they caught Taylor." Kate said. "Four minds are better than one." Kate also added as he put in a quater and dialed Zac's pager.

"You mean two right?" Ike said looking at her funny.

"No I said one, my mind works and all yours can think about guitar chords."

"I'm taking that as a compliment." Ike simply muttered and put in a message to Zac "Come back now."

"I'm getting sick of these." Zac said, half-heartedly eating another jellybean.

"Maybe because you've eaten half the bag?!" Amy pointed out.

"Oh yeah." Zac mumbled. "AAHH!" he suddenly screamed.

"What? what?" Amy asked, concerned.

"Oh, nothing, it's just my beeper scared me." Zac said, smiling sheepishly at her. He unclipped it and held it up so he could read the message. 'COME BACK NOW' it read.

Amy jumped up. "Race you!" she called, bounding away.

"Not fair, not fair!" Zac yelled, jumping up, then tripping on the bag of jellybeans and falling on his face. "Not fair!"

"HAHAHAHA!" Amy laughed but raced on towards the venues back door. "I won, I won, I won!!!" Amy cheered herself when she stopped in front of Ike and Kate, who were deeply kissing on the couch.

"HEY YOU GUYS, COME UP FOR AIR AT ANYTIME NOW!" Zac yelled, running into Amy when he entered the room. Kate and Ike had been so absorbed with themselves they hadn't heard Amy because they both jumped when Zac yelled.

"Thanks for that Zac, I think I was going to pass out if you didn't say anything just then." Kate said giggling as Ike shot him a angry glance.

"Where's Tay?" Ike asked hoping they had found them.

"Well we almost had him, 'cepet you see we tried to get him with his red jellybeans, but Bart ran off with him, so we don't really know where he is." Zac muttered.

"Where are all the jellybeans?" Kate asked, she loved them.

"Um... hehehe Amy and I ate most of them." Zac giggled sticking out his tounge, that had become very red, from the dye.

"HEY, you ate more than I did!" Amy but in, pushing Kate and Ike closer together and sitting down with them.

"So how are we gonna do the show?" Zac asked knowing that the show would start soon. He sat down beside Amy.

"Well, I - AAGGH!" Ike began, then yelled when Zac sat down. He pulled himself from his squished position off the couch. "Zac, are you trying to kill me?"

Zac didn't say anything, but Amy heard the whispered sarcastic "maybe."

She hit him. "Zac that's mean!"

Acting innocent, Zac looked around. "Who, me?" "Why would I ever want to hurt my brother?" He contiuned.

"Hum.... with like 500 jellybeans in your system, I'm not sure of what you're capable of doing." Amy giggled pushing Zac foreward, making him fall off the edge of the couch.

"Ouchies that hurt, you trying to kill this million dollar butt?" Zac asked looking up at her.

"That thing cost a million dollars? Uh-huh, sure." Amy said messing up his hair.

"Oh great, you got my hair all dirty! Now that's gonna cost you another million." Zac said trying not to laugh.

"You are going to make me broke!" Amy complained, "Whatever am I going to do?!?!?!" She pleaded with him in mock horror.

"Apologize to the all mighty master!" Zac bellowed standing up.

"Uh-HUH, sure." Ike said putting his arm around Kate.

"QUIET YOU IMPENTENT FOOL!!!" Zac shouted in a evil voice.

"HAHAHA" Kate laughed as Ike smirked and wondered where Zac was going with this.

Amy jumped off the couch and knelt on the floor at Zac's feet, pretending to bow down to him.

"Oh great and powerful one, I'm sorry, will you ever forgive me?" she asked.

"Well," Zac mused, "I d - AAHH!" he yelled as Amy grabbed his legs and made him fall onto the floor beside her.

"Too late, I asked, but you didn't say it fast enough." Amy said beginning to ticlkle Zac.

"Guys, Guys.... GUYS!!!" Ike said becomming serious.

"What?" Both Zac and Amy asked at the same time sitting on the floor looking at Ike.

"Zac I think we either need to find Tay fast or..... Cancel the show." Ike said sighing. They never wanted to cancel a show, they never had before and they never wanted to.

"Well I think Bart left the Venu with Tay, cause he really wants to get Tay in to another hideous outfit." Amy said leaning on Zac.

Why would you say that?" Kate asked intrested.

"Well right now he's wearing. Poka..... hehe Poka dotted pants and a Pink shirt. I don't think he can do any worse but ya never know." Amy said trying not to laugh remembering what Taylor was wearing.

"I think he can, owie." Kate said as they all thought of Taylor, Ike smacked her at the last comment.

"Even though he may be a little bit weird, he still is my brother, and if you handn't started this in the first place none of this would have happened." Ike commented staring at Kate coldly.

"Well would YOU like him to still be wearing the same thing he always wears?" Kate shot back snottily.

"I could have cared less WHAT he wore, it was his decision. I dunno why I let you talk me into this plan in the first place." He huffed.

"Well if you feel like THAT, then you shouldn't have listened to me. I'm leaving." Kate said, close to tears, she ran out of the backstage area and just started running, running away from the venu into the Canadian wilderness.

Butt head, saying he didn't want to do it in the first place, he should have just said "NO", is it really THAT hard? Kate's mind echoed as she ran as fast as she could away from the guy she liked, the guy she feared, Isaac Hanson.

"What's that noise?" Scott Moffatt said aloud as he heard some rusling in the woods as he walked in the woods that lay behind his house.

"Smooth move retard." Amy said right after Kate left.

"Well, it was her fault, she's the one that wanted to CHANGE him in the first place."

"Well don't you think the clothes he wears is a bit fruity?" Amy asked looking at Ike first, then Zac.

"Ya I do at times." Zac said nodding in agreement.

"He has his own taste, that's all." Ike said, "She had no right to change it." He stated, still trying to blame Kate.

"Well you let her do it! If you really thought it was a bad idea then you should have told her, sheesh, she's not stupid!" Amy exsaprated, "I'm gonna go look for her, you two, look for Tay." With that she departed from the Backstage area.

"Hey Jason, did you see a girl run past here about two mintues ago?" Amy asked the bodyguard who was standing looking for Tay at the moment.

"Ya I did, she was running pretty fast too, she went off in those woods." He replied, pointing at the wooded area to the right of Amy.

"Thanks." She said, running off in that direction. How am I gonna find her?

"Bigfoot? Nah, too small...." Scott Moffatt said aloud as he heard the small chrunch churnch of Kate's shoes as she slowed to a walk.

"..... Strupid retard -Sniffle- Ugh I just want to hit him, blaming this on me, dip wad.... Who's there?" Kate said, stepping into a clearing and noticing another set of foot steps near her.

"Um... I think you hear me...." Scott came into the same clearing, carrying his guitar with him.

"Who are you?" She asked studding his face Cute, whoever he is...

"Scott Moffatt, and you are?" Scott said setting his guitar down Cute, whoever she is....

"Moffatt? That name sounds so falimar...... But I dunno, my memory is shot, this poor old body can't take much more..." She joked, "I'm Kate." She said answering his question.

He smiled warmly at her and said, "You're Amreican aren't you?"

"Yeah, is it THAT obivious?" She said sitting on a stump.

"Not really, its just that if you where Canadian you would be going like 'OH MY GOD IT'S SCOTT!!!'" he said jumping in a circle and laughing.

She rasied one eye-brow speckically, "Really? I doubt it, but aren't you like in a group with your brothers... You guys sang a really stupid country song...."

"Caterpiller Crawl." He said sitting down next to her.

"Ya, that's it... So still whining like a thirty year old man that just got left by his wife?" She said laughing. "That's all country seems to be too me...." She siad as he took out his guitar.

"Well, not really, but do tell me, who is this 'Dip wad' you said to yourself before we met." Scott soothed, looking at her kindly with his baby blue eyes.

Oh ya, I'm doing real good with finding her....

"Where do you think that Kate went?" Ike asked Zac as they decided to cancel the show, for lack that Tay wasn't there.

"Heck if I know, all I know is that she is fast! And we should be wondering where Tay is, not your love affection at the moment." Zac remarked.

"Well where would Bart take Tay?" Ike asked Zac as they sat down to ponder the thought.

"I got it! New York City, its got all those shops that have the 70's style clothes that Bart likes!" Zac said jumping up from the couch.

"Are you sure?" Ike asked skeptial.

"Ya, 'member that time Bart took us all shopping?" Zac said shuddering.

"Ya I do! That was a scary day! That man drives wore than he dresses." Ike said, "Should we go now? Or wait for Amy and Kate?" He said looking at Zac.

"Well I think that I remember where Bart lives in New York, so we could find Kate and Amy and then go to New York!" Zac said sitting back down with Ike.

"Lets go find Amy and see if we all can find Kate."

"......Baby if you come with me, I will show you how to let your mind be free, if you want it, all you gotta do is let your body lead the way...." Scott sang

"That's beauitful, what's the name of it?" Kate asked as he stopped the verse. She had told him the whole Ike thing, and she knew he didn't belive her that it was IKE HANSON, but he sang this to her to make her feel better.

"I dunno yet, I haven't finished writting it." He said brushing stray hair out of his eyes.

"Well when your CD comes out, I'll be the first one to buy it." She said smiling at him, as a habbit she brushed some of Scotts hair off of his face, her hand felt like it was on fire when she touched his skin, she abruptly removed her hand from his face and blushed. He reached for her hand and kissed her fingertips lightly and then he kissed her on the lips deeply. When their kiss ended they both looked away sheepishly and blushed. "I'm, I'm sorry, I didn't mean it." Scott quickly apoologized. "I just got caught up in the moment...."

"Oh, its ok.... I kinda liked it...." Kate said blushing deeply.

"You too?" He said half smiling, shifiting his guitar in his lap.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA-" Zac took a breath, "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!" He screamed in the woods, looking for either Amy or Kate.

"I think that she heard you." Ike said shaking his head, his ears ringing from that loud scream that Zac had just let out.

"I dunno, I mean, we don't know where they are, and mom and dad don't kow where WE are either...." Zac said, their parents were too busy trying to pack up the stage stuff and readying to go to New York City to find Bart and Tay to motice their two other sons dissapear.

"WHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT?!?!?!?!?!?!" Amy screamed, she had been running in circles, she had hoped that Kate had stayed close to the edge of the woods so she wouldn't get lost, but oblivously she hadn't.

"AMY?!?!?!?! You're OK?!?!?!?!" Zac bounded to her voice in the semi-darkness. He had worried about her out here alone.

"ZAC?!?!?! Where are you??????" Amy cheered, she was afraid that he was going to leave her, her and Kate knew that they had to sayt good-bye after this show, they were glad that Amy's uncle was the co-owner of the arena that they were playing at, or they both wold never had gotten the chance to talk to them, or cause all this trouble...

"Over here!!!" Zac said waving his flashlight that he had found.

"Guys I dunno where she is...." Amy said scared, she didn't know what she would do, Kate was her best friend, and she didn't want to loose her in the woods.

"OK, then we have to go in deeper." Ike said, he wanted to talk to Kate, apologize for what he said, even though he still thought it was partly her fault..

"OK then..." Amy said sighing shakily and taking Zac's hand.

"Its getting dark, I think I need to go home now...." Scott said, his voice had a hint of sadness in it.

"Really? What time is it?" Kate asked looking up in the sky to see the sky graying.

"My watch says its almost 7:30. So are you going to try your way back to the venu, or do you want to.... um... go back to my house to call them from there?" Scott asked, brushing some of Kate's hair out of her face, she sighed as once again her heart ached at his touch.

"I don't kow who to call, I don't know Ike's or Zac's cell phone numbers and I can't call my mom, she thinks that I'm at the concert with Amy and her Uncle, so I think that I should walk back, but I'm not sure that I can do it in the dark....." She said looking at him confused.

He put his arm around her when she shivered, "Are you cold?" He asked rubbing her arm lightly.

"Just a little, but not to bad...." She said resting her head on his chest, he smelled of Tommy Boy cologne. "I don't want to leave, he will still be mad at me..." Kate said happy to be in someone's arms.

"If he cares for you, I think he would be worried about you, I dobut he'd be mad at you, I know if you ran off and were lost I would be worried about you." Scott said, lifting her face up and let his blue eyes lock onto her brown ones. She finnally gave into the temptation and kissed Scotts sweet lips deeply.

When the kiss ended Kate quietly said, "Can you come walking back with me?"

"I dunno, my parents don't know I went out in the woods. But ya, I wanna make sure whoever you came with finds you." Scott commented, standing up.

Kate shivered as she stood up, "Thank you."

"Hey its no problem, you want my sweatshirt?" Scott said, again seeing her shiver.

"Please?" She squeaked, and smiled as Scott stripped from his sweatshirt and handed it to her. "Danka." She replied as she put on the sweatshirt and smiled happily, she was warming up.

"Danka?" Scott asked confused.

"Oh, it's just something that one of my other friends say for 'Thank you'. So shall we start walking?" Kate said looking at Scott.

"OK, then lets go!" He said, taking her hand and they both took off for the arena.

"Do you know how long she was running?" Ike asked as they walked together, hoping to find Kate somewhere.

"No, but I think it probably was really long, she has been training for soccer latley... So I dunno how long she had been running.

"Great." Zac added sarcasticaly.

"So what are you going to do after we find Kate?" Amy tentavily asked.

"We all are boarding a plane to New York City and one find Bart and Tay and two make Bart go to jail. You and Kate might have to come and testify against Bart." Ike said shining the flash light into seemingly endless darkness.

"We all? As you mean as me and Kate?" Amy squeaked with happiness. Zac wasn't gonna leave me after all!

"Yuppers!" Zac said, almost as happy as Amy.

"... Well I hope that no one is worring about you, you are in good hands." Scotts voice sailed into Amy's, Zac's and Ike's hearing range.

"I think that Amy might be worried about me, but Ike was mad at me, and I'm afraid that it was all my fault. But I was too sturbon to tell him that before I ran out, but I would have never met you if I didn't run out here, so the day wasn't all that bad." Kate's voice also sailed into hearing range.

"WHOA!" Kate shouted as she tripped over a branch.

"KKKKKKKKKKKAAAAAAAAAAATTTTTTTTTTTTEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!" Ike shouted, running to her voice. When he got tere, he saw Kate and Scott hugging eachother and Scott kissed her on the lips.

"Ike? Is that you?" Kate asked, as the flashlight was shone into her tearstreaked face.

"Ya, its me." He said, not happy about what he just saw.

"It's not what you think, he was just helping me up." Kate said as she backed away from Scott.

"You were telling the truth! You really did get into a fight with Ike Hanson!" Scott said, suprised.

"DUH! Do you really think I would lie about something like that?" Kate said looking at him like he was stupid.

"Well its Ike Hanson, that's why I didn't believe you." Scott replied as Kate took off his sweatshirt.

"Thanks for like talking to me and stuff, it really made me feel better." Kate said handing Scott his sweatshirt.

"Your welcome. I'm glad that I made you feel better." Scott said, his blue locking onto her brown ones again, causeing her stomach to flutter.

"SCOTT MOFFATT??!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!" Amy screamed after she finally noticed who was with Kate.

"Told you." Scott said as Amy jumped around like a kagaroo. Kate laughed and hugged Scott, she felt Ike's hard stare on her back as Scott kissed her on the cheek.

"Remember what I said" Kate said as she let Amy hug Scott.

"You remember what I said too." Scott said as Amy tackled Scott.

"Amy?" Zac asked confused.

"She's a bit partial to the Moffatts Zac that's all." Kate said giggling as Zac thought Amy was nuts.

"Ike I need to talk to you." Kate said looking at him, hoping that he wasn't jealous of evreything he had just seen and heard.

"I know." He sternly said.

"Ike, you are still mad at me, I can tell." Kate said after they had all returned to the arena.

"Well don't you just have the best judge of character." Ike said scarastically.

"Well I want to apologize for what I did and what I said. I know I was wrong, but you should have told me 'No' if you didn't want to torch Tay's clothes." Kate said looking at him as they stood alone in the dressing room. Zac and Amy decided to try and find Diana and Walker.

"I didn't think that Tay would be half-way across north america if you torched his clothes, so I let you torch his clothes. You should be glad that my parents think that Bart went hey-wire and took him hostage, and not think that you caused all of this." He sternly replied, furious about the events that where unfolding.

"Ike, look at me, please? Why can't you forgive me?" Kate pleaded, she didn't want Ike to hate her.

"What about you and that Mo-fat boy? HUH? What was with that? I get mad at you and you go run off and frolick with some boy in the woods for like 3 hours?? How do you tihnk I feel aobut that????" He yelled at her. "I wanted so much for you to like me, I thought that I had to be someone I'm not to please you, that's why I let you torch Tay's clothes." He finished, looking ashamed.

"Ike, you didn't need to change. I like you the way you are, I just was so upset at you and then Scott showed up and he was just so nice to me, he listened to me gripe about you, and he made me feel better about myself. I didn't even think that you would get jealous."

"Kate you don't think, that's the problem." He intrupted, that made Kate crumble, but she wasnt going to run away this time.

"NO, Ike I do think. I just take my chances in life, I took a chance coming out here and I chanced with Tay and I screwed up. Life is full of frickin' screw ups, no one can be perfect like you and your little band. I'm sorry I couldn't live up to your standards of perfection. You need to think about what YOU are telling me, and after you think about what you told me are you really thinking that I am going to go to New York with you. Fuck that." Kate said, beyond furious.

"What did you say?" Ike said, amazed.

"What never heard a girl swear? Oh no, I'm a bad wittle girl." Kate said sarcastically, covering her mouth and looking like a 6 year old. "Oh no wait, I got it, you can't believe that someone so stupid as I am just say something worth hearing? Hot damn what's the date?" She added rolling her eyes.

"That doesn't sound good...." Amy muttered as her and Zac listened to both Ike and Kate screaming at each other.

"Ya I know, Ike better back down, but I doubt he will. He never does." Zac added as the bickering went on on the other site of the door.

"Should we go in there and like stop this?" Amy asked, seeking an answer, she hated to see anyone fighting, especailly her best friend.

"I dunno, what should we say if we did?" Zac asked, he knew that if they didn't stop Ike would get voilent.

"I dunno, how about 'Stop or we'll shoot?'"Amy kidded, but then began to serisosuly thought about what she was going to say.

"Well do you think that Kate will run out again?" Zac asked, as they mulled over the thought of them entering the battle zone.

"Nah, she would have already if she was going too."

"IKE IF YOU HATE ME THEN SAY SO! LIKE I WOULD CARE IF YOU LIKED ME OR NOT!"Kate said liying, she wanted so much for Ike to like her but her anger hid that. She was close to tears, but she held up, not giving up her fight.


"Ike whatever you are planning to say, I know you are lieing." Zac said, intrupting the fight.

"Oh please Zac, will you leave us alone?" Ike pleaded, casting him a hard stare.

"No I won't, cause I remember just about two hours ago, you were worried about Kate, and now what are you doing? Hurting her beyond you can even comperhend." Zac continued.

Ike looked flabbergasted, his 13 year old brother new more about love than he did. "Zac, you don't understand..."

"Ike, I understand more than you do. You just need to learn to forgive people, and I doubt that Kate really did anytihng with the Mo-fat boy. She likes you a lot, can't you see that? If you can't then you must be blind, cause even I can see it. Do you see that she's close to tears? Don't you notice that her heart looks like it might fall apart?" Zac said.

"I've known Kate since like forever, and I know that she is stuborn and may fight with ya, but she really does love you Ike, she has since she first saw you guys on tv. And if you BOTH want to ruin your realtionship, then I'm sorry, Kate you know you'll be in pain for the rest of your life and Ike, I dunno what will happen with you. but Kate, for once, back down, say you're sorry." Amy added, stepping up next to Zac, taking his hand.

Kate looked down at the ground and thought long and hard. "Ike......" She looked up, her eyes rimmed with tears, "I'm sorry, really. But I don't kow if you'll accept it..."

Ike turned stifitly and walked away.

Kate fell on the floor and started to cry.

Oh so now she thinks that after on apoloigy that I'm jsut gonna go running back to her... I'm not like that... But she loves me? Well a lot of girls say that, they love Isaac Hanson one of the memebers in the pop sensation Hanson. I want to fond someone that loves me for me. Ike Hanson, the little boy who grew up listening to tapes of old songs with the asiprations of one day becoming famous.... Ike's thoughts fummed.

Zac slowly walked in, noticing the upset painted on his older borthers face. "Ike.."

"Don't start." He huffed back, not letting Zac finish.

"No, you don't start with me. I know that you like that girl more than anything you have ever dreamed of. You just are acting like a big baby at the moment. She apologized, what more do you want from her? She is crying out there and even Amy can't make her stop. She is saying stuff that if you don't help her, she's gonna regret it. And you will to." Zac said looking at him coldly.

"What she saying?" He coursouly asked.

"If you really want to know... Go out there and find out." Zac ordered.

Maybe I will... Ike thought, letting his curiouity getting the best of him.

"Kate.... C'mon.... Get over it, he's gonna come too and say he's sorry in a little while." Amy said sitting next to Kate, trying to make her feel better.

"You didn't see the look in his eyes, it was pure hatred. He's never coming back!!!!" Kate wailed, tears streaming down her face.

"Kate, clam down, its not the end of the world!" Amy exsaprated.

"To you its not, but I jsut blew the chance of total happiness. All I wanted to do was get to know the real Ike, ya know. I wanted to see if he put up a front in the public eye. I wanted to get to know the... the guy that when he was little him and his brothers took dance lessons. But I blew it..." Kate wailed again.

Ike had heard every word of that. He couldnt believe it.

"I just wanted to get to know him... I know I sound really stupid when I say it, but I love him, I really really do, I jsut wish that this whole night could be erased, I wish that I could be erased!" She proclaimed, wiping her eyes. She got a wild look on her face.

"Kate, what are you thinking? I don't like that look." Amy said as Kate got up.

"Well if Ike doesn't like me..... I don't have anyone, that stupid Scott boy didn't mean anything, he was just insecure and I helped him... So if Ike doesn't like me, NO ONE likes me!" She rambled on looking for something. "I have no reason to live...." She muttered.

"Kate don't start that agian, you have every reason to live. You have to remember that! Kate, oh lord. ZAC GET IN HERE!!!" Amy shouted as she tried to stop Kate from getting anything to harm herself.

"Why do I always have to do this when you are around?" Kate demanded, her eyes cold. "You stopped me the last time I wanted to kill myself... Why was that again? Oh ya, I remember, Steve dumped me! You had to tell me that too, cause he didn't want to tell me in person!" Kate said as Amy held Kate to the floor.

"ZAAAAAAAAAAAACCCCC!!!!" Amy sreeched.

Ike came running in instead. "Amy what's the matter?" He asked, pretending he hadn't been watching the whole thing.

"Make sure she doesn't get anything that she can harm herslef with. Hold her down." Amy said as Ike sat down next to Kate, and taking hold of Kate while Amy got up.

"Um... OK..."

"And talk to her, make sure it isnt about dieing!" Amy said, "I gotta go get her some sleeping pills, that's the only thing that will help her, and try and apologize will you?" She huffed, running out of the room.

"Kate, Kate... Look at me." Ike said in a calm tone.

She looked at him with wild eyes. She spit in his face.

"Well I guess I deserved that one, but Kate, calm down.... This isn't healthy." He soothed.

"Healthy? Who needs healthy when I'm gonna DIE as soon as I get alone!" She yelled

"Kate, you are not gonna die, I am not going to let you do such self destruction. You are to special to do that too." Ike said, reaching with one of his hands and smoothing her tossled brown hair.

"You don't care about me! You even said so, you don't care, no one cares, they all say they do, but they don't no one cares about me!" She screamed as Amy returned with Zac and some sleeping pills. "I WANNA DIE!!!!" She screamed as Amy shook the bottle and two pills poped out.

"I told you to try and not talk about dieing, didn't you atleast try to apologize?" She said as she forced Kate to look at her. "You really want to die Kate?!?!" She sadisaticaly asked. Kate nodded her head in and exagreated motion. "Then take this." Amy added handing her the two sleeping pills. Kate took them greatly and washed them down with some water. "Now it might take a while for you to die Kate, but you won't feel a thing." Amy lied through her teeth.

Within 20 minutes Kate was fast asleep and she wouldn't remeber anything when she woke up.

"Amy, is she suposed to sleep this heavily?" Ike asked as he carried the sleep Kate to one of the bunks on thier tour bus, they'd take the bus to te airport and then fly to New York City.

"Ya, she sleeps pretty heavy, but when she wakes up, she shouldn't remember much of what happened, before you two started to fight, and she'll prolly want to make up. She shouldn't be too mad at you anymore."

"Why'd she go mental like that?" Zac asked, amazed at the way Kate had acted.

"She's never really had a very good life, but she won't tell you that, she more or less tourtered herself. She's done that before, so I know what to do, its almost like she has a nervous breakdown, but I'm not sure if that is what it is. all I know is that she can go crazy." Amy said shrugging her sholders, she didn't know what to say. Ike put Kate in his bunk and turned out the light.

"Zac how are we gonna get past the airport with me carrying Kate and Amy walkin' next to you... Do you think we'll see a lot of fans?" Ike asked, almost scared of his fans.

"Well it is like gonna be midnight when we go, but I think mom and dad were gonna try and get the Mrecury plane cause fans will wonder where Tay is." Zac said as Walker and Diana Hanson entered the bus.

"Hi mom, dad, did we get the plane?" Zac asked as his parents sat wearily on the couch that was across from Ike, Zac and Amy.

"Yes we did Zac. Amy do your parent's mind that you and Kate... Where's Kate?" Walker asked, confused, he hadn't seen Kate since Tay had dissapeared.

"Oh, she's sleeping in my bunk, she's really tired." Ike spoke up.

"OK that's good, but Amy, so you think your parents would mind?" Walker again asked, concerened.

"I don't really know, I know Kate's parent's wouldn't mind, cause she'd be with me, but I think I need to call my parents." Amy asked, remembering that she had to tell someone about where she and Kate where.

"Here you go, you can call them with my phone." Walker said handing Amy his cell phone.

"Thanks." She smiled wearily, I hope that mom lets me go.

An hour later they were boarding Mrecury's private jet at a small air feild outside of Vancouver Canada. Kate was still asleep as the plane took off, going to New Yourk City. All the Hanson children wondered who the new passangers where, and why they were here, and why Tay wasn't there. Walker and Diana explained the entire thing to the other siblings, while Zac, Ike and Amy waited for Kate to wake up.

"How long will she be out?" Ike asked, worried.

"Now you decide to have the compasion?" Amy snapped, worried about Kate, she had been out only about two hours.

"The bottle says 6 to 8 hours guys so calm down." Zac said, almost sounding like the mature one of the bunch.

Ike sighed and covered his eyes with his hands. "That long?" He muttered to himself. He didn't know what he felt, one thing that he did feel was pity for the way Kate treated herself, but he couldn't have stopped that. He was glad that she didn't hurt herself in anyway, he cared for her, but he also was still mad at her. He wasnt the type to hold a grudge, he didn't know why he was still upset at her.

"Ikey? Why is she sleeping?" Jessie asked, coming up to him and pointing at Kate.

"She's just tired that's all, and you should be sleeping too." He said, looking up at his younger sister, and seeing some of Tay in that face. He wondered if Bart really was going to take Tay to New York and they weren't wrong about it.

"C'mon Amy, wake up, where here." Zac said, waking Ike and Amy, he didn't try Kate, it had only been 4 hours. But she had been sleeping 2 hours before they even left, but still he didn't take the chance He had stayed awake, worring about Tay mostly and for Ike. He didn't know what Ike was thinking about but it looked like Ike had a fitful sleep, even though it was a peaceful plane ride.

"Ok, I'm up..." She yawned deeply and looked at Zac, they had sat together the whole plane ride, she had slept on his sholder. "Is Kate up yet?" She asked, still worried deeply about her friend.

"I doubt it... But she was up about for 20 minutes last night after you two were fast asleep. She told me that she wanted an ice cream cone. And I was like, 'What?' She was hungry, and wanted ice cream but I told her all we had were some chips, and we got into a mini food fight. But when we woke up Jessie, we stopped and she feel back asleep." Zac said, seeing both Amy and Ike's moths gap open.

"Why didn't you wake either of us?!" Ike cried, seizing Zac at his sholders.

"Cause I didn't want to wake you all up. Sheesh ever heard of talking normally?" Kate said groggily, sitting up. "Where are we?"

"The big apple baby, we are going to pick up some hot babes, Kate." Amy kidded, helping Kate to stand up.

Kate's hand went flying up to her head as she stood. "Why are we in New York City with Hanson Amy?" Kate asked wearily.

Zac and Ike both stood dumbfounded She didn't remember a thing Zac thought as he watched Amy explain that Tay was in New York with Bart and they needed to help with the "rescuse". Zac chuckled at the way Amy explained it. But he looked at Ike, worry still ethced his face, He thinks that she might remember last night. Amy said she shouldn't... "I'm hungry, who says we get off this bird?" Zac piped up as the rest of the family steadily walked off the plane.

"Well its good to see that Kate is with the land of the living." Walker joked and Kate smiled. Ike, Zac and Amy's heart stopped and then started again when they noticed he was joking.

"Yeah, I thought she was going to sleep forever." Ike joked, taking her hand, and trying to push out the thought of if she had.

"Oh man, I always sleep to much anyways." Kate said as they all walked into the airport treminal.. And got bombarded with photographers.


"MAN YOU GUYS ARE BUSY, YOU HAVE TO PICK UP TAYLOR IN THE GUTTER?" Another one screamed such hurtful lies. Kate and Amy both clung to Zac and Ike, unable to stand the harsh words or the camera flashes.

"YOU ALL NEED TO PICK BETTER LOOKIN' GIRLS, THESE ARE UG-LY" One guy yelled and Kate brust into tears, but they finally reached the opening to the airport. The Hanson entouage quickly crowded into 2 rent-a-vans, and went to the hotel, Mercury would bring the bags later.

"Kate, you just ahve to ignore what they say, they are a bunch of bastards any way." Ike said as the four of them crowded into the last van with Jessie and Avery.

"Yeah, they try and say that Ikey and Zac and Tayles suck and all these mean things, but I don't listen to them." Jessie piped up, and Kate smiled, she couldn't believe the strength this family had.

"OK, I'll think of that the next time I see them, I'll put on my smug, I-am-better-than-you face on, and walk with my nose in the air." Kate kidded, pointing her nose in the air to prove her point.

The van brust into hysterics, Amy piped up and said, "You know, I could always get out my mase if needed and then they'll know that they are so lower than me, they can't even breathe the same air as me!"

And again the van was roaring.

"Ok Zac are you positive that you remember where Bart lives?" Ike asked as him, Amy, Zac, Kate and Walker exited the pulsh hotel they had just checked into so they could search for Tay. Ike and Zac had baseball caps on and wore sunglasses, hoping not to draw to much attetion to themselves. Kate and Amy just looked like normal country bumpkins. They were staring at the sheer size that the bulidings went up too.

"It's like they just go on forever into outer space." Kate muttered to Amy, as they gawked.

"C'mon girls, keep up, we don't want you to get lost in this big city." Walker said, as the guys had already started walking.

"Ok Mr. Hanson." Kate said, as she pulled Amy along. Zac couldn't help but laugh at the way they stared at everything.

"And what are you laughing at little man?" Amy asked, taking his hand.

"Well you and Kate just look like you won a million dollars the way you are staring at the buildings thats what's funny." He said, and Amy playfully hit him.

"Well we haven't been to any big places like this.. That's all.." She said, hitting Zac still.

"You know, that's abuse and I don't have to take that from you." Zac said dropping her hand and walking up next to Kate.

"Hey Zac, get back here before I punch you really hard." Amy said with a smirk.

Zac slowly crept bac to Amy and muttered, "Sorry."

Kate and Amy laughed. "I've got him wrapped around my wittle finger Kate."

"Teach me how to do that, I need to work on Ikey here." Kate said, looking up at Ike, who was smiling at this conversation.

"Well you need to be bigger than him so you can boss him around, but I think that since Ike has the height advantage on you, I don't think it will work." Amy said as Ike and Kate walked hand in hand.

"Are you calling me short?" Zac asked, raising an eyebrow to her.

"Well who has the upper hand in this relationship?" She playfully asked back.

"C'mon, we gotta go this way." Zac said, Amy laughed as he changed the subject.

"Man, my feet hurt." Amy complained, they had been walking all day.

"Ya, couldn't we have taken a cab? I mean, wouldn't that make it less obivious that you guys are here?"Kate added, seeing the flock of girls that were following the guys.

"Ya.. But I dunno how to explain to the cab dude where Bart lives." Zac said, looking behind him, and clutching Amy's hand tightly.

"Zac, do you know where Bart lives?" Walker asked, ushering the bodyguards to escort the girls away.

"I know it was around here some where." Zac muttered. He looked at the large buildings that engulfed him. He suddenly recognized a flash of color and ran across the busy street.

"Zac, where are you goin?" Amy asked, running after him. Then trucked Walker, Ike and Kate, confused.

"I guess he found it." Kate muttered as horns honked at them as they crossed the road.

"Ya, I guess." Ike replied

"Zac went running up those steps, he was muttering something about seeing a flag, or something." Amy said, as she met up with Ike, Walker and Kate.

"Oh ya, Bart had some bright flag that had the year 2000 on it for some reason, he told us about it before, but anyways, lets get running." Ike said, pulling Kate to the steps.

"And of all places he has to stay, its at the TOP of a freaking building...?" Amy asked, as the four of them walked up the stairs. Zac soon had slowed down and was with the others.

"Hey, you see how odd the man is, and the building has no elevator, so, its perfect for him." Zac said, smirking.

"Well at least we know that the man stays in shape when he's at home. Or he'll die in a fire." Kate added, and got evil looks from Walker. "Sorry." She muttered.

"We're here!" Amy called in a singsong voice as they topped the steps.

"Finally! And I thought that we would just keep walking for all eterinty!" Walker joked, siting at the top of the steps for a rest.

"How many filghts was that?" Amy said as they all joined him.

"Uh.. The door right there say 16 dearie." Zac said, as he leaned on her, pointing on the door, that the numbers read in bold letters 16.

"Man, that was a lot of work!"

"So are we gonna go knock?"

"No, Ike, I'm just gonna sit here and age." His father joked to him, but groaned as he got up slowly. "I'm to old for this." He muttered and everyone giggled.

"Well I was wondering why you all were sitting there." Tay said, smiling through an open door.

"TAY!" They all called as he stepped out of the door, like nothing was different about this situation.

"Hey Dad, Ike, Zac, I was wondering when you all were going to get here. Bart is out getting me clothes.. Man, I never knew that I dressed so bad!" Tay said, letting them in the house like it was his.

"Well I could have told you that!" Kate said, and got elbowed in the ribs by Ike.

"I'm glad that all those people were laughing at me too, we were in the airport and they were all laughing at me and it broke my heart.

That is all we have for now. Please check back if you care to read the story.
Main story page.
Co~Writer AMY...a.k.a. Skye!

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