“Can you see them?!” Sara asked jumping around trying to see the 3 boys in the very crowded Hard Rock Cafe.
“Yes, come here I’ll hold you up.” Jenn said. Since they were crammed in the back of the restaurant.
“Thanks!” Sara said as Jenn lifted her up on her shoulders and began to waste pictures on them as they sang a song which all the girls seemed to know from the heart. All Jenn could make out of the jumble was “Oh my Madline....bah, bah, bah”
When their “set” was over Jenn thought she was gonna drop Sara because Sara was going nuts because they just sang 3 songs. Big deal I mean those songs bite, ever heard of Everclear? I think NOT. Jenn thought as she balanced herself with the screaming, jumping Sara on her shoulders. Then there was a mass of movement as the began to sign autographs. Sara almost jumped off the 5 foot 7 inch Jenn to get in the line. But Jenn held on. So then they waited for about 30 minuets as the guys signed autographs and smiled for pictures. Sara was smiling largely and was jumping up and down.
“Geeze Sara calm down, it’s not that big of deal.” Jenn grumbled as they moved about two inches.
Man are the ever gonna stop coming? My hand hurts. I wish I could use both hands like Tay, I would. Zac thought as he signed yet another autograph. He could tell that Ike was also getting tired, but Tay looked fine.
“I don’t want a damn autograph, I just had to come with my step-sister. NOW let me GO.” A girl said pushing passed Jason.
“Jenn!! Take a picture.” The little girl in front of them said. The one named Jenn just rolled her eyes, muttered something and took a picture.
“Thanks a lot, Zac I love you.”The little girl said to him as Jenn took the picture of him.
“Yeah,...your welcome.”Zac said surprised at what the girl said to him.
“Sara stop crying and get over here.” Jenn said to Sara as she took the Middle of Nowhere cover from Zac.
“This is the happiest moment....” Sara said sobbing.
“C’mon Sara let’s go.” Jenn said looking at the band who hadn’t even noticed that Sara was crying. Jenn had to practically drag Sara to the back of the restaurant.
“But they’re still gonna talk.” Sara protested pulling Jenn back to the front so they could see better.
“You really want to make me sick don’t you?” Jenn muttered as they pushed their way up close to the band.
“What?” Sara asked looking up.
“Oh, nothing.” Jenn said lying.
Geeze that one in the middle looks like a girl. But he’s got the bluest eyes I’ve ever seen. What’s his name? Tony?.....No Taylor. Jenn thought as she looked at the band beginning the interview. They didn’t looked phased that there was all this craziness around them. That little one looks like he should be on some kind of medication, Sara says that’s he’s just hyper......Zac that’s his name. She’s like obsessed with him. They all look like girls except the eldest, even though he’s the worst looking out of them all.....ewww, that is one ugly boy. What is his name? Damn it.....he’s the one that looks like he’d be more alternative, but what is his name? Jenn thought looking at Ike.
Man why are all these questions so OLD????? Zac thought as Tay answered another question about how the tour was going.
“So what is your next show at?” A reporter asked.
“Next we are going to be in Alanta.”Zac said thinking, You could just look up the website and find out there dumbass. Oh wait don’t say anything about the website, Tay will blab on and on about it, PLEASE don’t ask a question. Zac silently pleaded from the press people.
“So you guy’s aren’t fighting are you?”A reporter asked. Zac just smirked as Ike said that there was a water war going on between them and AdmrialTwin, their opening band. It all started when, after a show in Paris Zac still had a water gun and got Jarrod Gollhaire a little wet, the war has yet to stop and it was quickly escalating.
Oh God does Zac look hot! I just want to keep him as my own, he’s mine and I know it. Sara said taking a picture of Zac. Wonder why he looked at me funny when I said I loved him? He gets that everyday......He was probably amazed by my beauty, that’s all. Sara thought tossing her long dark brown hair over her slender shoulders.
She’s thinking about how she thinks she’s all that and a bag of chips, as usual. One day I wish I could just knock her down a peg. Jenn thought trying to not listen to the band in front of her.
“Well, that is all the time they have for questions....”One of their executives said ending the interview.
Finally, I thought they’d never shut up. Jenn happily thought as Sara began to cry as they got up and waved to the crowd. Jenn watched them look around at all these girls and she saw the eldest one look at her for the longest time. “Come on Sara, it’s time to go like the guy said.”Jenn said taking Sara’s hand as she watched the 3 boys walk off the mini stage.
“OK.”Sara said between sobs. Sara took one last look at where the guys used to be and saw Ike look at Jenn once again before walking away with Zac and Tay.
“I really, really wish that my CDman had batteries.”Jenn mumbled as she followed Sara around Nissan Pavilion trying to get backstage before the show.
“WHAT?!?”Sara called over her shoulder, she was about two feet ahead of Jenn, but could still hear her complaing. Can’t she even try and enjoy this? I don’t diss the music she likes, except Marilyn Manson but he hurt Hanson on MTV, he deserves it.
“Nothing.”Jenn said looking around seeing all these girls in Hanson shirts, Was I ever like this? I don’t think so...... Wait I was like this with New Kids, I remember mom taking me to a concert....... Whatever happened to them? Jenn thought remembered her days of pop obsession.
“JENN!!!! OVER HERE!!!”Sara called as she watched Jenn mindlessly walk by, her head in the clouds. Jenn heard her calling and spotted Sara on a picnic table trying to see over the fence that was being attacked by girls who were told that Hanson was on the other side talking with Ozzy Ozborne daughters.
“What’s up?”Jenn said looking up blanky at Sara, unaware of what was going on.
“Oh, my God HANSON is over there!”Sara squealed jumping up and down on the table, trying to see them.
“Oh, goodie.”Jenn said sarcastically, rolling her eyes.
“Get up here and lift me up!”Sara comanded and Jenn obliged, for her mother’s sake.
“ZAC!!!! I LOVE YOUUUUUUUUUUU!!!!!”Sara screamed when she could see them over the fence. The other girls around them were screaming all kinds of things, the older ones were screaming obscenities to the Ozborne girls and the younger ones were proclaiming their love for their favorite. This whole site sotra scared Jenn. She had never seen so many insane people in her life. There was this one little girl that really scared her, she looked about the age of 8 and was screaming “ISSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACCCCCCC CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC!!!!!”
“Hey, Sara, which one is Isaac?”Jenn asked looking at the boys, who seemed to be ignoring the whole scene that was going on the other side of the fence where the whole crowd was. Sara didn’t hear Jenn, so, getting a little hyper from the Chocolate milkshake that she had had with her Wendy’s meal before they got to the venue, she decided to take the matter in her own hands and screamed as loud as she could, “HEY WHICH ONE IS ISAAACCC????”. Most of girls looked at her like she was stupid, but she did get a response, the eldest one looked up at her and waved. “I GUESS THAT’S YOU HUH? THANKS!” Jenn said. Again she got looks from the girls, this time death looks and again Isaac just looked at her funny.
“Jenn! YOU Idiot I could have told you that!!”Sara said looking embarrassed.
“Well you didn’t hear me so, I took matters in my own hands.”Jenn stated after putting Sara down and hopping down off the table after the guys went to their dressing rooms.
“Well, if you spoke louder, then I would have heard you, instead of you making a fool of both me and you.”Sara said walking over to the local radio stations, Z104 van, were a ton of fans seemed to be gathering around for some reason.
“Hey, I can make a fool of myself whenever I feel like it, thankyouverymuch. I dunno how I embarrassed you.”Jenn said looking at the radio DJ, his name was Matthew Blades. And he absolutely hated Hanson, and Jenn liked him, he always dissed them and she sometimes got the courage to call up and talk to him once and awhile.
“Hey, this is Matthew Baldes and I am stuck here surrounded by teenyboppers, who do ya love guys??!?!?!”Matthew Blades asked pointing to the throng of girls around him and, if course they screamed “HANSON!!!!!” and at the last second without thinking Jenn screamed, “BEASTIE BOYS!!!” because she knew that Matthew loved them. She got a TON of evil eyes from that one and one girl said “Who the FUCK said that?”
“Me, got a problem with it bitch?”Jenn said looking at the 14 year old girl that was easily a head shorter than Jenn
“Um..... No.”The girl said, seeing that Jenn was not in a good mood. But Jenn was just the opposite, she was giddy as a school girl. I think I put to many extra sugars in my milkshake. Jenn thought smiling, she always put more sugar in her milkshakes for a good kick.
“JENN!!!!”Sara exclaimed looking at her step sister like she was positively bonkers.
“Yes’um?”Jenn said with a smirk.
“Why do you just go sit down at our seats and I’ll see you later, OK?”Sara said, hoping that Jenn would not embarrass her any more than she already had.
“I dunno, I mean you aren’t going to get lost or anything?” Jenn said, feeling a little bit worried about if she should let her go off by herself.
“No, Jenn I won’t and I’ll be able to find my seat just fine. I mean I’m 12, I can handle myself.”Sara defended.
“OK, OK, I get the point I’m not wanted.”Jenn said walking off.
“Hey, Ike do you think you could have been paying more attention to the Ozborne daughters than to the girl that was at the press conference?”Taylor said while he was warming up his voice.
“Well, they were asking you all the questions,”
“Especially about going out.”Zac butted in laughing, after he did a scale.
“Yeah, and she was so loud so how could I not hear her?”Ike said remembering the girl from earlier.
“That’s not all she was.”Zac said knowing that Ike remembering her from earlier. Ike always falls for the odd ones. Zac thought smiling as Ike blushed.
“Shut up.”
“I know you too well.”Zac said as he tapped the beat to “Gimmie Some Lovin’/Shake Your Tailfeather”, he always seemed to mess up the bridge that brought the two songs together.
“Well a brother would.”Taylor said looking at Ike also.
“You’re flat Tay.”Ike commented when Taylor finished a octave scale that was more in Zac’s range than his.
“I am not.”Taylor said not hearing it.
“You are Tay, even I can hear you.”Walker said walking in.
“Thanks for the support DAD.”Taylor said looking at the camrea that his dad was filming with.
“You’re ALWAYS welcome.”Walker said laughing lightly.
“How much longer till the show?”Ike asked a little impatient.
“In about an hour.”Walker said and then he just walked out of the room to see what Diana was yelling to him about.