Chapter 1: The Bad News

“MOM why do I have to take her, Dave said he would.” Jennifer said into the phone.

“Well Dave said that he was gone be late, but he will show up.” Jennifer’s mom Claire said, still at work.

“That’s what he said last time I took Sara to the other concert.” Jennifer reminded her mother.

“Jenn, please take her. It won’t kill you to at least to try and bond with your step-sister. Plus her music is a lot better than your is.” Claire said trying to get Jenn go.

“Mom don’t bring my music into this, but why must I go to a Hanson concert? It will be Hell for me and you know it.”Jenn said losing her control.

“Don’t say that word, you know I hate that, but honey, Sara wants to go so bad and she’s got better seats and backstage passes too. Now she can see them up close, so take her. End of discussion, bye dear.” Claire said and hung up the phone.

“See them up close.....make me puke.” Jenn said as she put the cordless phone back where it belonged.

Just then her 12 year old step-sister Sara walked in “Is Dad on his way over?” She asked wearing a brown Hanson T-shirt.

“Nope, sorry, I have to take you.” Jenn said unhappily.

“Really? Cool, than can you take me to their press conference that happens in about 2 hours?” Sara asked ever so nicely.

“Do I have tooo....?” Jenn asked knowing that the answer would be “Yes”, but she usually whined when she was forced to do something she didn’t want to.

“YES” Sara shouted.

Always making me do stuff I don’t want to. Jenn thought as she agreed and grabbed her beat up old Airwalks. She checked herself in the mirror. She was plain and kind of chunky. She was always eating, probably because it helped her for some reason whenever her Dad would invent some reason for not wanting to see her. She never wore any make-up because she didn’t like how most of the companies used animals for testing or something like that. Also because she thought a guy should like you for who you are not what you looked like.

“You’re NOT wearing that are you?” Sara said as Jenn came out of her room.

“What?” Jenn said looking at her 311 tour tee and cut-off jean shorts.

“That shirt. Put this one on.” Sara said throwing Jenn a Hanson Tee.

“NO WAY” Jenn stated throwing the shirt back at Sara. She didn’t have a lot of confidence or will power but if it was about Hanson, she wouldn’t give in.



“Well then will you at least put on one of those shirts Dave bought you?” Sara asked, she had picked out for Jenn’s birthday gift that happened just a week ago.

“Fine.”Jenn said. 5 minutes later Jenn emerged in a shirt, in her mind should have never been made. It was a lilac color tank top that had little rhinestones on the straps and down the front.

“You look better in that than in that other thing you were wearing.” Sara commented when they walked down the stairs.

Yeah, I look just like YOU! Jenn thought as she grabbed her car keys. “C’mon, you don’t want to miss it do you?” Jenn said as she watched Sara run back up to her room.

“I almost forgot the backstage passes!!!!” Sara yelled from her room.

“Geeze, I have to spend my summer going to Hanson concerts, man I really should have taken summer courses at the college.” Jenn muttered as she waited for Sara to come back down. She carelessly twirled her light-brown hair in her fingers, her ex-boyfriend liked it when she did that, he also liked her best friend and was now dating her. Sara came bouncing down the steps with the passes in her hands. “You just had to find them didn’t you.” Jenn said as Sara thrusted one of the passes in her face.


“Do I really have to go backstage with you?” Jenn asked as she took the pass.

“Yes !!!, I’m gonna get a ton of pictures with them and you’re gonna take ‘em.” Sara happily cheered.

“Geeze, OK” Jenn grumbled as they left.

Chapter Two
Back to Main story Page.
