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H o t L i s t

For Bass Players

Table of Contents

This page contains links to web sites and pages having to do with all aspects of Bass playing. I realize I'm just scratching the surface here; if you know of other entries you'd like to see here, or even other categories, please let me know by sending email to: -- Thanx!

The information is divided into the following categories:


These companies all make gear that I use now or have used in the past.

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These are players I listen to, admire, and/or learn from. Unfortunately, some of my favorite players don't have sites...

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Lessons and Tips

These sites all offer online lessons and/or tips for bass players at all levels.

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Stores and Other Sources

These are mostly retail or special order outfits where you can order gear either directly via the internet or by phone. Have your credit card handy...

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These sites are related to bass-playing one way or another...

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Copyright © 1998 John Christopher Lyerly. All rights reserved.
Revised: April 05, 2016.