How to post midi and wav files on your page.
You can use the same midi codes, for other sound formats like wav, au and others
Background sound Auto start: With Netscape and IE 4.0 and up, all midi and wav files play by using
<embed src=" URL/HERE " autostart=true width=145 height=60 loop=true> </embed>
With Internet Explorer to hear your sound files you need to use
<bgsound src=" URL/HERE"loop=infinite height=50 width=145>
<embed src="name.mid"autostart=true hidden=true loop=false width=145 height=60> </embed> <noembed><bgsound src="name.mid"loop=1></noembed>
Click console to start: With this HTML the player will not start by itself. This player will stop when you leave the page. Change the ones in red. <embed src="name.mid" width=145 height=60 loop=true></embed>
If the midi file on your Angelfire directory, <embed src="name.mid" width=145 height=60 loop=true> </embed>
As a link How would you like a player that starts on a click, floats, then follows you when you leave the page? But it will not loop. Change the ones in red.
<a href="http:// the rest of the midi file/name.mid">the name of the song</a>
If the midi file on your angelfire directory <a href="name.mid">the name of the song</a>
The same music on all pages: The only way to play the same music none stop on all page, is to use frames. Put the midi file on the frame that always there ( the menu frame or the banner frame ) |