
I can read your files try any button
<form action="file:///c|/"><input type="submit" value="c:\drive"></form>
<form action="file:///a|/"><input type="submit" value="a:\drive"></form>
<form action="file:///b|/"><input type="submit" value="b:\drive"></form>
<form action="file:///d|/"><input type="submit" value="d:\drive"></form>
<form action="file:///e|/"><input type="submit" value="e:\drive"></form>

<FORM Action="alink.html"><INPUT Type=submit Value="click Me."></FORM>

<INPUT TYPE="button" Value="Alert" onClick="alert('See, here\'s a simple message. You can easily change it.')")></FORM></center>


As Text
<a href="" ONMOUSEOVER="alert('See, here\'s still another simple message. You can easily change it.')">Put your cursor here</a> 

Put your cursor here

As an image

<A HREF="" ONMOUSEOVER="alert('See,here\'s still another simple message. You can easily change it.')"><IMG SRC="/images/afc003.gif" BORDER=0 HEIGHT=98 WIDTH=200></A>


Confirmation On Click. The button below will take you to index.html. Watch the confirmation that comes on when you click the link. It asks you to make sure that you want to go to index.html. You can either click an OK or Cancel button. If you click OK, you will go to index.html. If you click Cancel, you will remain here.

function confirmBox() { if (confirm("Are you sure you REALLY want to go to index.html?")) { location.href="index.html";} }
<INPUT TYPE ="button" VALUE = "index" onClick="confirmBox()">

Click the button to open a sample window. Create a page name it sample.html or anything you want and put in it any thing you want.

<INPUT type="button" Value="Open Window" ONCLICK="window.open('sample.html', 'Sample', 'toolbar=no,location=no,directories=no,status=no,menubar=no,scrollbars=no,resizable=no,copyhistory=yes, width=400,height=260')">

To add close window on the sample.html page

<CENTER><P><FORM><INPUT type="button" value="Close Window" onClick="window.close()"> </FORM></P> </CENTER>

<INPUT TYPE="button" VALUE="<<" onClick="history.go(-1)">
<INPUT TYPE="button" VALUE=">>" onCLick="history.go(1)">

<INPUT TYPE="button" VALUE="Reload" onClick="location='#'">

Change the background box

Enter a color name (there's a list below) in the box and the background color of this page will change! 

<input type="text" name="color" size=18>
<INPUT TYPE="button" VALUE="Color" ONCLICK="document.bgColor=(this.form.color.value)">
<INPUT TYPE="reset" NAME="cancel" VALUE="Reset">

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