My Awards

The Jedi Headquarters and Docking Bay 95 have teamed up together to create one of the best links list of Star Wars Sites possible. We have also teamed up and created a couple of awards for top sites. I would personally like to thank Lonnie "Gene" Gill For creating these awesome graphics to replace the ones I had before. What I am looking for in the pages is effort. If I can tell that you have put much effort in the page, then the award is yours. I don't look at how great the page is, but at how much it looked like you worked. For the First two awards, you must have a Star Wars Site. If you do not recieve the first, you have a good chance to get the second. These Awards tell you what your ratings are in the Docking Bay 95 Database.

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For those of you who win the 5 Massassi Temple Award are invited to join the Webring of the Jedi Of Yavin 4 Definately. For those of you who win the 4 Massassi Temple Award have a good chance, but I can't promise anything!!

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Just to explain them, they are made of stone like the temples themselves and the stuff in the middle represents Yavin (the big circle) and the moon (the little one.) The writing on the badge is "Aurabesh" the written language in Star Wars and it says "Yavin 4."

For the OUT OF THIS WORLD Award, you only need a Sci-fi, Anime, or other fantasy site.

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Good Luck!!!! I look Forward to seeing your site soon!!!!

Samantha, the Jedi Goddess

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