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Healing Ritual

I wrote this for for some special friends, special thanks to Ari and tk for their help with this... You know who you are... Feel free to use this if you need to...
For those who do not know the various terms, here are basic definitions:
HP and HPS -- Those who call the Gods to watch over the ritual
Quarters -- Can be one of two things: either those who stand at each compass point, or the element that point represents

HPS: Bright One, You who cradle the Earth in yuor arms... you whop nurture it and bring the warmth of your light, the cool of your breezes, the gentle showers of rain, and the love for us all... join us here for this ritual. Let yuor joy and peace fill our hearts as we open to yur comforting touch. Let your starry countenancebrighten our vision as we turn our gaze to you, to see the wisdom you bring to share with us this night. Hail and Welcome!

HP: Mighty One, You whose righteous power at times prunes the brances of this world, whose stern but kindly voice calls to us to get our attentionto aid in learning, and hearing the things we should know in our hearts, whose laughter and call can be heard in the thunder and lightning that lights the skies... join us for this ritual. Let us be open to your guidance and lessons, as we bare ourselves and our innerselves to your healing and molding touch. Hail and Welcome!

East: We call upon you, soft Sylphs of the East, come to us on your refreshing breezes. Surround us with your comforting presence and help us to be more attuned to your wisdom as far as our intuitive workings. We ask that Eagle watch over us with sharp eyes that will look deep inside us and find our deepest secrets. So Mote It Be!

South: We call upon you, gentle Salamanders of the South, warm us with yur presence. Offer to us your healing energies as we in turn heal ourselves with your fires of renewal. We ask that Dragon aid us by sharing protective but supple scales to shield us in this working. So Mote It Be!

West: We call upon you, cool Undines of the West, to wash us with your comforting waters and to give us the courage and daring to heal and grow... to overcome our inner demons and fears. We ask that Dolphin teach us to play and become like children again, with the love and trust which aids in swift healig and growth. So Mote It Be!

North: We call upon you, quiet Gnomes of the North, to aid our inner growth... give us the creativity to design change and use it wisely in our healing efforts. Let this healing be a new birth for us. We ask that Stag give us the power to overcome and to be strong in our efforts. So Mote It Be!

HPS: VIsualize the negative emotions rising up from yourself as a fog lifting off a pond and dissappating into the atmosphere, changing into vapor as it rises. The vapor rises high above and changes from dark grey to a glowing white. As it rises further up, it starts to form clouds watching over you as the ritual continues.
Feel the tension leaving you as the fog lifts, being replaced by a spark of well being.
Take the spark and mentally blow on it, as you would an ember. Feel it growing larger, as the flames start. Send out a spark from your fire to everyone around you, helping burn out the remainder of ill feeling left in you.
Encourage the Air to fan the flames higher, to burn the feelings from those unable to join in.
Slowly, a gentle rain starts to fall from the clouds, damping out the flames. The rain is filled with joy and promisefor the future. Love fills the spaces left empty by the flames. Encourage the Earth to help fill the spaces to let the love and joy continue growing, even after the ritual is over.
Feel the Healing power infusing you and imagine a web connecting you with the others you care about together. Send out the Energy through this web, touching even those not directly participating.
Goddess of the Moon, Lady of the Light
please help rid us of our plights
God of the Sun, Lord of the Land
give us your strength, lend us your hand
lend us your powers, grant us our needs
to banish the feelings of anger
heal the feelings of hurt
and give us all peace.

North: We thank you Gnomes and great Stag for attending and giving us your aid and support. Stay if you wish, go if you must, but do so with our love and deep respect. Hail and Farewell.

West: We thank you Undines and playful Dolphin for attending and giving us your aid and support. Stay if you wish, go if you must, but do so with our love and deep respect. Hail and Farewell.

South: We thank you Salamanders and mighty Dragon for attending and giving us your aid and support. Stay if you wish, go if you must, but do so with our love and deep respect. Hail and Farewell.

East: We thank you Sylphs and keen-eyed Eagle for attending and giving us your aid and support. Stay if you wish, go if you must, but do so with our love and deep respect. Hail and Farewell.

HPS: Gracious One, starry one, light of our world and our hearts, we thank you for your presence in our hearts and lives. May your presence always fill us with love and joy. Hail and Farewell!

HP: Mighty One, in whose power we bask when we need strength, we thank you for your presence in our hearts and lives. May your presence always fill us with the divine sparks of light and laughter. Hail and Farewell!

HPS: May the circle be open but not broken. Merry met, merry part and merry meet again, may the love of the Lord and Lady be with you always as we depart this sacred circle.


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