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Pokemon Manga

I, Lorelei, am here to explain the pokemon manga. Manga is the term used for Japanese comics. The Pokemon Manga is grouped
into series of 4. Already out are "The Electric Tale of Pikachu" (volumes 1-4), "Pikachu Shocks Back" (Volumes 1-4) and
"Electric Pikachu Boogaloo" (Volumes 1-3) There are a few/a lot of differences to be noted, the most obvious being the
TV Ash

tv Ash
As you can see, manga Ash looks a lot older than his TV counterpart, although
both of them are 10 years old. A noticable difference are the eyes, which I
believe were done better in the manga. Also, Ash seems to have more hair in
the manga...
Manga Ash

manga Ash

The major differences in the manga is that Ash is more grown up, and not nearly as wishy washy as the TV one. He has captured
quite a lot of pokemon, and defeated the trainers with ease. His current pokemon in the manga are Pikachu, Butterfree,
Charmander, Bulbasaur, Squirtle, Oddish, Fearow, and Beedrill. He had a Mankey for a short time, but he was quickly traded for
a map of a Clefairy Nest.

Misty is 13, and has more female assets than in the show. She caught Ash staring at her ^_^. Her pokemon include Poliwrath,
Gyarados, Starmie. She probably has more that I'm not aware of. Her hair changed colors in Volume 4 of Pikachu Shocks Back,
going from black to a grey tone.

Brock is an adult, although he still has a weakness for pretty girls. He never keeps his gym open for very long, because he likes
to travel a lot. His pokemon include Onyx, Geodude, Gravelar, and Golem. I am not aware of any more.

The Manga is more similar to the game than to the TV show,
although even then there are differences.

In the manga, what pokemon you catch determines what level you
are. Rank D pokemon are easy to catch, giving you almost no
experience. If you catch a Rank A pokemon, you might go up one
or two levels. The badges also determine that. The Cascade
Badge and the Boulder Badge are required to be at Level 2:

The Pokecenter not only heals your pokemon, but also tells you
what level you and your pokemon are. They confirm your levels,
and once you are level 8, they qualify you to the pokemon league.

For those of you just beginning your journey, the Pokecenter also
offers a cafeteria and lounge. The receptionists will be happy to
help you out with any confusion you're having.

There is a Pokecenter in every city, although they aren't all
equally equipped. It all depends on how popular pokemon are in
the city.
AUGHHH... couldn't you have told me sooner?
Professor Oak is the top pokemon researcher Professor Oak: The world's top Pokemon researcher. The Pokedex reference computer, every pokemon trainer's bible, is the result of Professor Oak's dedicated labor. Since his face and biographical sketch appear in the last file of every pokedex, anyone who's anyone in the field of pokemon knows who he is. He also happens to be the frandfather of Gary, Ash's rival.
-Exerpt from "The electric Tale of Pikachu", Issue 2

Professor Oak created the Pokedex. He and his partner, along with Ash, were the only humans to witness the clefairy evolution ceremony. He seems to be very interested in the clefairy, as he made appearances in both issues dealing with them.

Professor Oak was only six years old when he began his search for pokemon. His father was a professor too, and he always took Oak along on his research expeditions. On his first trip he caught a Charmander, named Char. He raised it until it evolved into a Charizard.
The pokedex has many uses. It can tell you about pokemon, but seems to be more intelligent than the tv one. It has the ability to scan a pokemon for damages, and tell you what weakness a pokemon has. It has more information stored. The trainer levels are listed, as are the needed qualifications for getting into the pokemon league. the standard pokedex