This page is my collection of pictures
taken over the span of about 5 years.
I havent seen a lot of people that are featured
in this website in a long time.
If you guys still look at this page,
just wanted to say wassup!
Hope you all are doing well!
Ill never forget the memories we've shared.
To the love of my life JUT
We have been through so much together
And have shared so much with one another
That you are truly a part of me
I cant imagine my life without you
I love you with all my heart
To MBS and FAN, these 5 years have changed us all
but you all are still my dearest and closest friends.
Love you guys with all my heart!
Wassup to all my girls,
Mateo,Irvine,East Bay,
South Bay, ALL of the BAY!!
& all the NOrCAL FOLKS too
Especially to FRISCO
cuz thats where my baby is!haha
oh yah and Hi to the cool Socal peeps =oP! j/p