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11/22/99 'N Sync AOL Chat

Lance and Justin: We Love you all! We’re having a good time on our own. We don’t need friends over.

OUESTION: What’s going on with the lawsuit?

NSYNC: Anybody want to go bowling later? You can type that if you like. What’s that? We don’t know yet. No, What was the question? We’re getting sued. Say your name.

JC: This is J.C. I thought of a really good name.

NSYNC: Let’s get the rights of Lou Pearlman’s name and call ourselves Lou Pearlman.

Justin: This just – this is Justin. We are being sued, but we’re confident that won’t go through. YAY. Sooner or later, this will blow over.

OUESTION: If you are forced to dissolve ‘NSYNC, wuld you guys restart up a new group?

Justin: What? We’ll always be ‘N Sync. Nobody can take that away from us. We already showed the world we’re ‘N Sync. Nobody can take that away from us. There are greedy people out there. We won’t metion their names.

Lance: Lou Pearlman.. I will..

Justin: That was Lance. And nobody can stop us from being ‘N Sync.

JC: I agree. We are who we are we will always be ‘N Sync.

Justin: That was JC who’s listening to music or TV.

OUESTION: Any plans for the new tour?

JC: Or whatever? We got make up dates from November and December from the last tour. Our next tour will be sometime next year, spring or early summer. It’s a world tour it’s a world tour. We’re planning it now.

OUESTION: When can we expect the new single?

J.C.: Well, very soon, within the next month or two.

Justin: We are planning a single release. We’re going to finish the album very soon. We have 10 kids at the door.

OUESTION: When is the album coming out?

J.C.: January or February.

Justin: “No Strings Attached.” That’s the name.

J.C.: That was Justin. Exactly Be aware of a false album. Make sure it is the Jive album.

Justin: Not the one with the cartoon characters on front.

J.C: Yes.

QUESTION: Are you guys definitly switching to Jive?

JC: We already switched to Jive. We’ve already moved to Jive.

QUESTION: What do you guys do when your hanging out on the tour bus?

JC: Sleep, watch TV, and play games.

QUESTION: Will Joey and Lance have more solos on the next album?

JC: Hell no. Oh wait. I’m sorry. I’m just kidding. We don’t have all the songs yet, do we?

Chris: We don’t have all the songs in, so they may.

Lance: No, we’re not.

Chris: Shut up Lance. You said Joey and Lance. No, Joey is not here yet.

QUESTION: Do you guys hang out when your not on tour?

Chris: Yes.

JC: Ask Lance and Justin that.

Justin: Unfortunatley, yes.

Lance: We are that sick and desperate. We have no friends.

NSYNC: I dependent say that, Lance. –I didn’t say that, Lance said that. What was the qusetion? Do we hang out on tour?

Justin: Me and Lance are hanging out right now.

QUESTION: What do you guys when you aren’t touring?

JC: Well, we do promotions and rehearse for now tours and record new records.

Justin and Lance: We hang out together. We go to the movies and we like to go shopping. Just long walks in the parks. Horse back riding. And things that just make you feel good.

JC: That was Justin and Lance acting silly.

QUESTION: Has one of your personal favorite songs become one of your number one hits?

JC: Which one? Oh, none of those songs went to number one. None of our songs went to number one period.

NSYNC: Tell them your favorite man.

JC: My favorite song on the album is it changes day-to-day. At the moment it is, I’ll say, “I Just Wanna Be With You.”

QUESTION: Is there really a rivalry between you and the Backstreet Boys?

JC: No.

Justin: Who are they? There is no rivalry between us and the backstreet boys. The real rivalry right now is between is and trans Contiental.

QUESTION: And if not, what do you have to say to the music critics and reports that are fueling this rivalry?

JC: We let them just blow their smoke. I mean, people can say what they want to say, but at the end of the day, you know, that can’t tell us how we feel about somebody else.

NSYNC: Yeah, We’re not puppets on a string.

J.C.: No matter what you do. People are going to talk.

QUESTION: When's the next video?

Lance: Bye-bye-bye. We're all going to run around naked. I say we run around naked as fat people.

QUESTION: Chris, i absolutely love your new hair cut!what made you wanna get rid of your great dreads?!?!

Chris: Who's that question for? Oh. I don't know. I just wanted to do something different for a little while. Thank you.

QUESTION: Do you have a good feeling about your lawsuit?

J.C.: Well -- We have a feeling we're getting sued. We feel like we are in the right. It's never fun to be sued, but we definitely feel like we are in the right. We feel like we were taken advantage of.

QUESTION: Do you know when the lawsuit will go to court?

Lance: Wednesday. Wednesday in Orlando. So come out, everyone. We’ll sell popcorn.

QUESTION: Are you guys nervous?

J.C.: Well, I mean, we'll be a little bit nervous but again, we feel like we are in the right. We were the victims in this matter, and we're definitely in the right. So we have to believe that good things, you know, happen to good people and at the end of the day, we're going to win.

Justin: That was J.C. This is Justin. On top of what J.C. just said, we want to take this time out to thank all the fans who have been behind us during this lawsuit, and we just want you to know that you don't have to worry, that we know that we're in the right and things will work out. And we thank you for all your love and support.

QUESTION: No Strings attached...does that have anything to do with the lawsuit?

J.C.: It just has something to do with us growing. It's just a matter of us taking control of our lives, period. And really doing it from our hearts this time.

Lance: But -- But yes, it does have a big part of it. A big part of life.

QUESTION: What type of music will be on the new album?

J.C.: Just pop music, basically. Some of the dance stuff willing a little bit tougher. The love songs will definitely be more romantic, and -- A little more edge.

NSYNC: Jay Jay we think it's going to be a better quality album. We think every song on this album is a great song. There will be no weak links.

Lance: We feel – just –

Justin: We feel we’ve taken our songs to the next level.

QUESTION: Who would you love to work with?

Justin: Sandra Bullock.

J.C.: Musician? Music wise, I would like to work with Seal. Missy Elliott, Lenny Kravitz.

Justin: I want to do a duet with Chris.

QUESTION: Now that Justin is doing a solo project, any other solo projects?

Chris: Jay Jay are you doing a sol low project?

Justin: Illn't classify doing just a movie as a solo project.

Lance: I'm a new character on "seventh heaven" named Rick.

Justin: Everybody has sprouted off and become -- we've all become businessmen in our own way. Chris has started his own clothing line as you might all know. J.C. has worked a lot in-house producing for our next album. Lance has done some TV spots, and also acting as a manager for two artists, one that he just signed to Mercury Records. And Joey is going to be writing a book with own of his friends on acting and theatre. So everybody is, you know, kind of becoming businessmen in their own way. And also at the same time, moving forward as a group and growning.

QUESTION: Did u guys hear about the rallies they had in orlando, newyork, and los angeles for you guys. what is ur oponion about that?

J.C.: Thank you. Thank you so much for the support. That was really awesome. Please don't with violent. The rallies were yesterday. How did they go? They were good. They were in all three cities in Planet Hollywood. It was making people aware so this doesn't happen to another person. Tell them we said thank you very much. That's one of the greatest symbols of being 'N Sync. And that's what we're trying to get through this lawsuit, to artist awareness. So groups like us don’t get taken advantage of.

QUESTION: Do any of you guys regularly go on America Online?

JC: I go from time to time.

Lance: I’m always on there.

NSYNC: Lance.

Lance: yeah,

JC: Tell them to beware of people who are faking as us. Because there's a lot of fakers out there, and we don't want them to be led astray.

NSYNC: How many people are on-line right now? At least 10. Over 53,000 people.

J.C.: Is that good?

QUESTION: Hey You Guys I just wanted to say that whatever happends with the lawsuit that God has a plan for everything and sure enough he has a great plan for you guys! Also i wanted to ask do you guys have an exact date yet for your new album to come out? I Love u!

J.C.: Role models, well, we all look up to the harmony groups like Take 6 and Boyz II Men and everything of that nature. We all look up to somebody differently musically.

Joey: This is Joey.

Justin: We all look up to our parents. and you should, too.

QUESTION: How do you make the concerts original(different) for each one?

J.C.: Every night has a different day, every crowd is different so they respond to different parts of the show differently, and we play off of the crowd. So, you know, some nights, you know, this part of the song might be longer. Some nights this part of the: song might be longer. It just changes with -- we give the people what they want. So. That and there's always -- something always go wrong. People don't always notice. Something always seems to go wrong, or something gets messed up and we have to change things around for those little mistakes each time.

Lance: The beginning of the shows are different. One time we'll say hello Denver. Another time we'll say hello, Memphis. It’s always different.

QUESTION: Have you guys seen any good movies lately?

Lance: Well, me and Justin were about to go see a movie but we remembered we had this chat. So we had to come back to the hotel. We were about to see –

Justin: "the world is not enough."

Lance: yeah, bond.

Justin: I just saw a movie and I thought it was really good.

Joey: I just went and saw "the messenger" with Justin.

QUESTION: What would the new name be if you had to drop NSYNC?

J.C.: Well, we're going to stand by 'N Sync for right now. You know, if all goes wrong, we may be known as the artists formally known as 'N Sync.

Justin: Like instinct.

QUESTION; hi! are you making a video for any of your other Christmas songs?

J.C.: Not at this point, no. But we did -- we are going to do something on the Rosie O'Donnell show. On the 26th. So watch it. Yeah, the 26th and Rosie did put one of our Christmas songs on her charity album. And all the proceeds go to charity, which we think is a great thing. And she actually sang on the song with us.

QUESTION: Are you touring this christmas?

NSYNC: We're touring right before Christmas. We're doing the makeup dates. For the new year, we're doing shows in Hawaii.

QUESTION: what is the most memorable thing a fan has ever done for you?

J.C.: Oh, man. I got a 33-page poem once.

Justin: That you read all of, didn't you?

J.C.: Actually, I did. I still got it, man.

Justin: That's awesome. I think one of the big shockers for us is these rally that is just came up, for the fans to show their support in 'N Sync.

J.C.: In an intelligent way as well. Organized in an intelligent way. We really appreciate that. It makes us proud.

QUESTION: Do you guys surf the web?

NSYNC: Oh, yeah.

J.C.: Yep. It's actually the perfect reference tool. And we can tell them that 'N Sync.COM is not going to be the official site anymore.

QUESTION: Do you look at the sites of you guys?

J.C.: Sometimes, yeah. We actually get -- we have fun checking stuff like that out because some of our family members have even gotten sites now. And we get a good laugh at those as well. It's kind of funny to see when your brother or sister has a site, you know, and they didn't even do nothing. They're kind of like whoa! They get excited, too. It makes them feel special as us.

QUESTION: Did you guys write on this album?

NSYNC: well.

J.C.: Yes. Yeah, we wrote some songs for the new album.

NSYNC: How many?

J.C.: I don't know, a couple.

QUESTION: Have you guys ever "chilled" with one of your fans for a day? Like go play pool.. or something like that.

JC: We actually did a whole day at a girl's house before. We've actually done that a couple of times. Where we spent some time at one of the fan's house. You know, they give us the grand tour and we'll hang out and play games and stuff. One girl had a carnival in her backyard. We ate cotton candy and played games all night.

NSYNC: Thank you once again for all the support. We can't wait for our album to come out and we hope you can't either. Since we're on the computer, we can tell you, be looking out for our new website 'NSynclive.COM, coming out very soon. No strings attached. First quarter Ott new Mullin-up. Jive.

J.C.: And watch the Celine Dion special this Wednesday. And on Rosie O'Donnell we're going to be previewing some of our new music of our new album, so check it out. Thank you very much for your love and support, and tell them not to worry at all. We got everything under control. And we'll still be putting out: the hits for you guys, you know, no matter what people try to do, no matter how people try and stop us. You know, we'll always be -- Ain't no stopping us now.

Justin: This is Justin. Don't believe the hype.

Chris: Thank you for the great chat, and for your support. Thanks.

Joey: Buy my new book.

NSYNC: God bless.

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