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A Little Survey

Here's a survey that I wrote when some of my friends were sending surveys on e-mail like crazy. If you want to fill this out, just copy all the questions and paste them on an e-mail to me and any other friends you want to get it, then answer them. Have fun!

1.  Are you happy right now?  If your answer to this question is 'no', please 
    continue this survey at another time.  

2.  If you had an appointment with your shrink an hour from now, what problems            
      would you talk about with him/her?  List as many as you want.

3.  If you were given $100 to spend however you wanted to at the mall, how 
      would you spend it?  And why?

4.  Do you consider having at least one friend a need or a want?



"Dis or Dat"   hehe

6.  Abercrombie and Fitch or Contempo Casuals?

7.  Titanic or Armageddon?

8.  Cds or tapes?

9.  Purple nail polish or Green nail polish?

10.  Boston or New York City?

11.  Pen or Pencil?

12.  If you could go to one country in Europe for a week, where would you go?

        NAME ONE:

13.  Name ONE of your favorite foods.

14.  What's your favorite movie?  

15.  What's your favorite color?

16.  What's your favorite thing to do in the spring?

17.  What's your fave joke?  write it out:

18.  What's your fave bill: 1, 5,  10,or 20? (not for value)

LIFE FACTS---Name as many as you want

19.  Where do you want to go to college?  

20.  What do you want your career to be?

21.  How many children do you want to have?

22.  What is your lucky number?

23.   Would you ever consider living in Maryland when you are an adult?

24.  What hospital were you born in?

25.  What kind of house do you want to live in when you are married or are an adult?


26.  Where do you want to go on your honeymoon?

27.  Would you want a cat or dog as your next pet?

28.  If your father had a chance to take up a promotion in Paris, London, or      
       Amsterdam and he asked you to choose which one to take, which would you 
       pick?  Or would you say you did not want to move?  (choose one or the other)


29.  What is your best memory of a vacation?  

30.  If you have a son, what would you name him?  

31.  If you have a daughter, what would you name her?

32.  If you have fraternal twins (boy and girl), what would you name them?

33.  What is your favorite fast food place?

34.  What is your favorite computer game? Why?

35.  Do you like the brand Tommy Hilfiger?

36.  Are you looking forward to going back to school?

37.  Do you want to get to highschool as fast as you can?


38.  What do you usually eat for breakfast?