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Ginger Ale Guidelines

You see, mon, only confident Jamaicans can drink ginger ale, cause it's a fast snappy drink, just like Jamaicans. Gingers tend to bite when they're moody, especially when they're frozen, so keep them stored at comfortable temperatures. Do not let the ginger ale get away with a bite, no matter how small it is, cause then its confidence will grow. Put the bottle/can in a corner facing the wall until it apologizes at least three times to your face, mon. Make sure you drink the ginger ale while it is cold so the bottle/can will stay happy- trust me mon, you don't want that ginger ale to get an attitude, cause things will get messy. If you follow these guidelines when drinking ginger ale, you will be safe from all harm. Oh, and if you have an extreme, I mean EXTREME mon, overdose, the force of the drug will revive you and you will come back to life, right Carrie?