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This is a poem my dear friend SJ15 (also known as my cyber sister) wrote for me and I liked it so much I decided to put it on my homepage. She's a very special lady.

Golden Moments

Have you ever eaten an ice cream cone in the heat of the day?

Or pushed a child in a swing while at the park?

Or, sat in the comfort of an old oak tree, and rested in it's shade?

A friend can be like the ice cream cone, refreshing and a welcomed treat,

At other times your friend may be as the child in the swing, playfull and carefree. Full of giggles, and silly grins!

Then, that same friend can be there to give comfort just as the old oak tree gives from the heat of the day. And gives you the strength, to face yet another day.

There is that one special friend that is there by your side through rain and the bright sunshine.

There are many faces of friendship, yet as we look upon this screen, that separates you and me....we can't see the color of our eyes, or the way we wear our hair, or if there may be, a tear.

What we see, is the heart of our friend. The understanding and the assurance we get when we look up and read, " It will be alright...don't worry." Or, when you share the good times, and you see, "Hey, that is great!!"

To encourage someone to try one more time, or ask them to take one more step toward their goal true friendship. To let them know that they are not alone, Is what I call. one of life's, "Golden Moments."

Written by, shirley...aka...SJ15 March 6,1999