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hmmmmmmm what can I say about myself? LOL My name is Mary and I have been married since 1992 to my wonderful husband Paul. He is my soulmate, my completion. I tend to be too serious at times and he keeps me laughing. We have a beautiful son named Tyler whom we adopted. He is the most precious thing in our lives. He has made our lives complete.

I am a stay at home mom. I love gardening, bike riding, camping, and of course surfing the web. We got our WebTV Plus in July of 1998. Paul jumped right into the chat rooms. I was a little slower. I watched for a while and then started chatting myself. We go to talkcity genealogy alot. We have met a lot of great people there. I also go to Starchat. This is my favorite server because I don't get booted as much and I can say whatever I want LOL. Nothing bad ofcourse. LOL.

I have have many friends on the web. The most special is SJ15. She is my cyber sister and I don't know what I would do without her. She lifts me up when I'm feeling down and seems to know the right thing to say at just the right time. OMB is another dear friend he writes poetry and shares it with us. He has a heart of gold.I just know someday his work will be published. Subwayny is my other cyber sister. She makes me laugh, she is a very sweet lady and I'm privileged to know her. Jacova is my cyber neice. She keeps me laughing I just never know what she is going to say. Dragonetta is a special friend to me also. She has taught me just about everything I know about building a homepage. She has the best homepage it's a must see. Allygirl262 is another cyber sister. She is lots of fun to be around and you can tell her anything. Then there is our Rogue. He is a special guy. I can tell him anything also and he is always there to listen to me. Even if he does keep losing his kilt. LOL.Wendy and DBLDYMOND keep us rolling in genealogy. We never know what those two will do next. They are lots of fun to be around.There are many others too many to name, but all very dear to my heart.

I have many different interests as you will see throughout my homepage. I am always updating it so you never know what you will find here. I hope you enjoy your stay and thank you for stopping by. God bless