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If I Didn't Love You

If I didn't love you, I wouldn't worry about you,

Talk to you you when you are down,

Comfort you in time of need,

Stay by your side when you are sick,

Think about you when I am away from you,

Give you smiles,

Make you laugh...

If nobody loved anybody in this world, would there be a world?

The gift of love was given to us

By the God from above who loves everybody, no matter who they are,

If God didn't love us, then there wouldn't be any love in this world at all

I have to love myself before I can love anyone

If I didn't love God, I wouldn't love you

I know God loves me, and I love you

If I didn't love God, there wouldn't be any love in me at all

So the day comes when I say I love you, and mean it

Love grows, love is strong

But if I didn't love you, I would say so

Life is too short to play with peoples minds.

Poetry Index

Written by:Knight Rider01