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My Love

My love, my life, my everything, please don't leave me

I still have to many things to learn about you

If you leave me, how will I go on?

How will I live without you?

If it was meant to be, then I will go on living without you,

Wondering what you are doing, what you are thinking about

My life will never be the same

Since I met you my love, I love you with everything I can give

I want to make you happy, but happiness cannot come unless you are happy with yourself

When we are together, I am so happy just to stare a moment with you

Oh, my love, I love you so much I cannot stand it, please love me back

That is all I want and ask in return, if our love was not meant to be

Then I will love no more, for I will never meet another like you

And I will never forget you, for at least my love, you made me happy, in my life.

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Written by:Knight Rider01