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Stop Abortion

I cannot accept or condone abortion. I hear America is 85% christian. Hmmm....If this were true there would be no legal abortion here. Of course it seems churches now just look the other way. Let these women kill their children. As long as they attend church!

Wrong! Read God's word! In the last days there will be no respect for the fruit of the womb! What do you think the fruit of the womb is? It is a baby. He saw this coming. He told us it was going to happen.

He knew the slaughter of innocents that was coming. He knew America would turn it's face from him. Maybe Americans ought to read what happens to nations that turn against God!

It is time to wake up! Tribulation will come. Nothing God speaks has failed. This will not either.

Yet he will forgive you even this. He loves you so much. He truly wants nothing more then the best for you.

I pray this country turns itself around. Yet God/s will not mine be done. All things must be fulfilled.

The Baby
An unborn child has no voice

It cannot speak up and say

I too have a right to live

To see the light of day.

What have you to sentence me?

Why is it I must die?

Who are you to decide my fate?

You are not God Almighty most high.

You and live and breathe

You walk, you run

Why don"t I deserve the chance

To have my time in the sun.

How many babies must die

Before christians band together?

How many more grand mothers will cry

For a child they get to hold never?