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The Laci & Conner Law

With the passing of the Laci & Conner Law it seems that abortion clinics and their clients should be under penalty of murder.

With all of the types of birth control in the USA I have never understood how a person can get pregnant unless it's by choice.
Before I met God I played the game. I know how easy it is to fall into bed. I also knew the consequenses. I am not dumb! With women all over this country wanting children sell yours. Make some money and someone else complete at the same time!

Abortion is murder! No excuses. It's your body. Yes it is. The body growing in it is not!!! It is a separate individual! You are here because your mother didn't throw you out with the garbage! A growing baby has no voice of it's own. Someone needs to speak for the unborn. They cannot do it themselves!

Here I am a little seed

Planted in this hidden place

Know one yet knows I am here

Except God he sees my face.

I am growing everyday

Cell by cell and part by part

Before rwelve weeks have passed

I will have a beating heart.

I live. I grow. I am human

Why do I not deserve to live?

Just because you don't want me

Others do with love to give!

Please, don't kill me!

Just because I can't talk

Don't take my life from me

Let me learn to run. To walk.

Let me breathe, and see and smell

Feel the breeze and hear the storm

If you don;t want me

Let someone else keep me warm.