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There is a song by casting crowns called "If We Are The Body" Wonderful song I pray anyone with open spiritual ears hears what is being said!

Just A Story

Just a little story

About a young girl done wrong

Made to feel like nothing

A new christian. Not yet strong

The widow with the two cents

Felt ashamed at what she had to give

Just a poor woman in the back

Barely getting enough to live.

Poverty is not a proud thing

Help the needy give them ease

Do not boast of all your spending

Do not hurt the least of these.

Rejoice in what the Lord gave you

Rejoice be glad. But be kind

Everyone does not have this

Please, stop being so blind.

Guard your mouth as God commands

Pray he still it's ways

Only he can still the tongue

It is evil so his word says.

Are You really a christian? Strange question huh? Oh, yeah you think so? Oh no I've been to the churches. They put each other down. Out there for the money. Wise up the levites are jewish. The tithings were their livlihood. Jesus freed me from jewish law.

OK here is a little story for you. I was attending a church along with my daughter. We went. Other girls started including her in things. Great right! Wrong!!! I am not against anyone having things. But if you do please, think! Do not talk of spending and new clothes and going out to places, and who you are buying what for in front of a poor person! What kind of christian is this? Do you know what hearing these things did to my daughter. She left the church and God. I also left the church. I kept God. When money is better then charity where is the love of God? He said to help the poor. Give to the poor. Not make them feel unworthy! Wake up people time is short! How much is your church into getting money? No problem so far. How much does it give to people that miss meals? Barely survive? Think if you are a christian where is the Love and Charity of our heavenly Father? If anyone is offended by this I hope they pray on it! So answer me this who is to blame for this lost sheep? I pray God grabs her. Because I doubt a church can. I didn't find Jesus there and neither did she!