From within the silence the message of this Angel will be clear. She brings with her, reassurance and great knowledge. Are you ready and willing to listen?
Often the Angel's whisper is disguised as a "coincidence" or chance happening. Many times the signs are right in front of you, if you take the time to pay attention. You will know you are listening when you find yourself saying, "Thank you, thank you," throughout your day as the Angels whisper divineguidance and thoughts of encouragement!
This Angel comes to remind us that we are all one in spirit. She brings with her the essence of awareness through unconditional love. She encourages us to forgive so that we may truly feel our own interconnectedness with all life. Unite with this Angel and visualize a world of peace. Know in your heart that peace is possible and allow the Angels to inspire you.
Behold, your own personal Angel. Blessed with Divine grace, she is supportive wherever you are and in whatever you choose to do. She is here to remind you that you are not alone. She will take your hand as you claim your rightful place in a better world. She will be beside you throughout your earthly experience and will be there for you when you journey is complete.
She symbolizes birth and rebirth. Her pure essence is love.
This Angel reflects to us the beauty and potential within each individual. She supports us in our quest to search deep within for our own personal truth. Her tranquil presence encourages us to reach beyond our imaginations and to live our dreams. She will help us transform dragons into dragonflies and then smile as they fly away. Her message is very clear, "Behold the Light that you are, so that you may be all you can be!"
This Angel embodies the breath of the Spirit. Her essence is everlasting freedom and expression. Call on her to help you make the connection with the Divine. Her constant companions are the blue birds of happiness, mediators between heaven and earth. These winged messengers bring lessons of joy to the planet.