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Cherry Coke

It was a blustery winter day when my mother told me that Pepsi was discontinuing its oh so tasty Crystal Pepsi. I was 13 at the time and I was shattered. Crystal Pepsi was all I drank--what would I do? How would I survive? What would my mother bring me back from the store? Needless to say, I panicked. The next time my mother went to the store, she asked me what kind of soda I wanted. I dejectedly told her that I didn't care--she could surprise me. When she came back, it was with Cherry Coke in hand. My world was changed from that moment forth. I'm 18 now and have been an avid Cherry Coke fan for five years. I believe that world peace could be achieved if everyone drank this "tasty" beverage. It has a very distinct flavor that leaves the drinker unable to forget it once it's gone. That's the secret to good drinkage. I would just like the Coca-Cola company to know that I support any and all endeavors made in the Cherry Coke field. Please don't ever discontinue this drink. . .I don't know if I could take another blow like that. To wind up my "story" I would just like to add that I'm a Cherry Coke "Jehovah's Witness" of sorts--I've converted all my friends and it is now our sponsored drink. We advertise and base new friendships on whether someone drinks it or not. Two of my friends and myself own cars bearing the cherry coke colors. My car is black, my friend Dominique's car is red, and Kyle's car is purple. Of course, this is in reference to the "old" Cherry Coke cans. . .which I must admit I prefer. The new style is alright, it just doesn't have that "Come drink me" attitude about it. Anyway, that's all for now. . .keep up the great drink making!
