Mehboob studios! The sets of 'G'ajgamini are abuzz with activity. While Madhuri Dixit dons greasepaint in her sanctum sanctorum a.k.a make-up room, you activate your grey cells for an idea to make this interview novel. Like a bolt of lightning, the idea hits you. As her to articulate on the 'g' words i.e. words beginning with the alphabet 'g'. You are ushreed into the confines of the room and are dazzled by the bright array of jewllery on her person. Sapphires on her fingers,e ars and around her neck. She looks simpley 'g'...orgeous! And when informed about the angel for interview she was all 'g'...ame for it. There I ... go again! ....Before it...get to me, here is Ms. Dixit on...

'g'ems- They say, diamonds are a girls best friend and the same holds true for Madhuri Dixit. She says, "I love wearing delicately designed diamonds ear studs and rings." But does she wear them only an accessory or does she believe in gem therapy? Ms Dixit answers, "I've heard that astrologers advise people to wear gems in order to achieve peace of mind, material benefits etc. but till date, I haven't found the need to seek an astrologer's advice."

'g'ames- "I'm fond of playing table tennis", begins Madhuri, continuing, "I also like playing the card game, Penalty, and the word game Scrabble. The latter helps enrich my word power. when it comes to being a spectator, I love watching lawn tennis and cricket. As a kid, I was a fan of Sunil Gavaskar andtoday, I admire Sachin Tendulkar for his batsmanship." Talking about cricket, did she ever indulge in betting on her favourite team or speculating on hte winner? Ms Patriotic debunks my question saying, "NO, I don't, because I always want my country to win!"
The word 'games' also connotes the devious ways of the industry. did she ever become a victim of someone's manipullation? Madhuri counters, "Politicking is a part of every profession. I have led a sheltered life, so even if someone played dirty with me, I wouldn't know. Even if I learnt that a certain person tired to harm me and I bumped into her, I'd immediately say, "Hi! How are you?." As for me playing games with others, I can never do so, because it just isn't me."

'g'ag- Mention the word gag and Madhuri's face lights up like a child who has been offered an ice cream cone. "I love playing pranks and always have one up my sleeve," she laughs uproariously. Sharing with me some spicy details of her practical jokes she says, "Once I sneezed loudly and had my make-u man and hairdresser scurrying away in disgust with some phlegm being discharged on their clothes. The poor folks didn't know that I had faked a sneeze and it was synthetic phlegm that I'd brough from America. I even had a rubber snake which looked so authentic that I succeeded in scaring many people with it. Once, on a location shoot, my haridresser shoverd her hand into the bag for some make-up stuff, pulled out the snake and screamed." Bursting into spasms of laughter Madhuri adds, "Even Anilji (Kapoor), seeing the snake just beat it from my hotel room." Continuing in the same vein she says, "I also gave hoax calls to freinds and frightened the hell out of them."
But hasn't she ever been the butt of someone's gags? "Yes, Amir Khan's!", Madhuri confesses. "Years ago, he asked to see my palm. When asked if he was well-versed in palmistry, he replied, "Yes, I am!" He then took my palm into his hands, meditated a bit and said that I was extremely talented actress and would soon achieve fame. Suddenly, he said, 'You easily get carried away by what people say.' When I said, 'What rubbish! Nobody can sweet-talk me into anything', he quickly replied, 'Didn't you get carried away when I said I knew palmistry?' Before I oculd pull away my palm, he spat on it. Ugh, it was messy. I chased him all over the sets." Madhuri also recalls the time Aamir shocked the daylights out of her. She says' "Having just completely the exhaustive rap scene in DIL, I rested my back against the barn. Suddenly, a pair of hands gripped my neck from behind and I shrieked out in fright! Turning around I saw Aamir Khan grinning sadistically."

'g'host- Madhuri doesn't believe in ghosts and spirits. She aruges, "Microbes were never believe in till the microscope came along. Similarly, until I see ghosts and spirits for myself, I won't believe in them, though I do feel spooky while stepping into a dark room (laughs.)"

'g'irlfriends- Ask Madhuri on what kind of girlfriend she'll make and she seriously replies, "A difficult one! Because most of the time, people get unnerved by me. MY uncanny sharpness make me easily sense whether someone is being honest or is a fake." Madhuri Dixir also opines, "youth, today, are attracted to girls who are outgoing and glamorous but the minute they marry the girl they want her to sit at home and be docile, cvonveniently forgetting, that they married her for what she was and not what they want her to be. Thus, the girl rebels and marriage goes kaput!"

'g'izmos- Madhuri Dixit isn't much into acquring the latest electronic gadget. "I only buy those electronice items which will be of use to me, like a mobile phone, a CD player or laser disc. I learnt to operate them through thrial and error. I remember buying a palm pilot-a digital diary that enable one to jot down notes-but I had a tough time trying to use it. Finally, I ran out of patience and gave it away."

'g'ifts- Madhuri dixit finds choosing a gift as difficult as a child finds selecting a toy from a toy emporium. She explains, "I believe that the gift you give must suit a person's personality. Thus, it's a though task. I love giving, receiving and collecting cards on each and every festive occasion. What better way to put forth one's emotions that through those lovely words one reads on greeting cards?" And what kind of gifts has she recieved? "Most of my colleagues and friends give me perfumes. By now I have a cupboardful and don't know what to do with them? Or I recieve up make-up kits because people are under the impression that I don pancake 24 hours a day", she laughs.

'g'od- "God is my friend!" Madhuri smiles that million dollar smile. "I can feel his presence all the time. I also believe that there's some kind of force which we aren't aware of. An energy which controls our destiny. Many of our actions are born out of ignorance, but this power represents knowledge, I respect it." Madhuri doesn't believe in adhering to rituals of visiting temples because, "finally what matters are one's deeds," shestates. "One act of kindness is equal to a hundred hours of prayer. Not that I'm against those who perform pooja. Each to his own." Pondering for a while she adds, "Strangely, whenever I visit a temple to ask God for material happiness, my mind draws a black and I end up asking for nothing and land up thanking Him for whatever he has given me and the kind of person He has made me."

'g'oof-ups- Madhuri ahs an interesting incident to narrate about her goof-ups as a school kid. It was recess time and she and her classmates were busy listening to the cricket commentary. The bell rang, indicating the end of recess. "But we didn't realise it," began Madhuri, "and continued listening to the commmentary. Meanwhile, our teacher walked into the classroom, saw the entire class thus occupied, and lost her temper. She ordered us to stand up. My friend thrust the transistor into her desk without switching it off. Since there was pin-drop silence, one could faintly hear the sound of the transistor. Nervously, I slid my hand inside the desk to switch it off. To my bad luck it turned the kob to 'full volume'. Thankfully, the teacher forgave me because I was her pet. It was my first goof-up," she laughs.
Madhuri had aslo mucked a shot while shooting for DIL TO PAGAL HAI. She elucidates, "In the film, you'll notice that Shah Rukh Khan always yells at his assistant by name , 'Ae, Balloo, light idhar laga,' 'Ae, Balloo, yeh kar!', 'Ae Balloo woh kar!' Now, we were to can an emotional shot where I address Shah Rukh as 'Rahul'. Mr. Yash Chopra shouted 'Lights! Camera! Action!'. At that moment, instead of uttering 'Rahul!', I said, 'Balloo!'. The entire unit burst out laughing while Shah Rukh joked, "Jaao, jaao, apne Balloo ke paas jaao!"

'g'uilt- There are times when people close to you, die, and leave us with not only a vacuum in our hearts but, also a feeling of guilt. A similar situatio occurred in Madhuri's life. She gets all emotional while reminiscing, "My friend, who was like a sister to me, was bedridden because she suffered from several allments. With time, her health deteriorated and she was admitted to hospital. One day after visiting her in hospital, my mother returned home and said 'Let your friend just be a beautiful memory!' because I had not yet gone to meet her. I was in a dilemma- 'Should I go to visit her at the hospital or not?' By the time I took the decision, it was too late. The next day, she passed away. The thought that I should've visited her in hospital troubles me even today She often appears in my dreams. If souls or spirits exist I want her to know that I always loved her and still care for her."
'g'reen- This word makes Madhuri imagine a picturesque locale. She says "Green is... nature, verdant, forests, tree-covered hills and rivulets gurgling away. The word 'green' also reminds me of the National Geographic channel. I'm glied to it like housewives to soap operas (laughs). And how can I forget that I belonged to the 'Green House' in school. I am also remined of frongs and the hard time I had dissectnig them." Pointing out to the green grapes on the table she smiles, "This is my favourite fruit!"
'g'enes- Would she attribute to art, tantent and skills to her genes? Madhuri replies, "All of them! My looks, talent and intelligence come from my genes and the rest I have acquired through my hard work and sincerity."
'g'uns- Madhuri doesn't find the need to carry them because she says, "The two arms God has gifted me with, suffice!"
'g'olden rules- Madhuri shares with 'g' her gold rules for a 'g'ood life.
1. Always strive to be a good human being.
2. Never avoid your duties.
3. Mind your own business.
4. Work sincerely.
5. Respect all living beings.

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