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Intuitive spellcasting

Let me share a recent experience with you:

I work the nightshift in a sleep research lab. One night I arrived to a strong burning smell that choked me. I searched the lab for the source, fearing that there might have been a fire. I found a burnt up microwave popcorn bag in the garbage. Usually, I would have dismissed the incident, but the smell kept choking me. I threw the garbage out, cleaned the microwave, opened the windows and turned on an exhaust fan. None of that helped.

While I was trying to cleanse the lab of the stench, I noticed that smell was strongest outside the locked door to my supervisor’s office. My intuition kept nagging at me, "Fire is the element of change" and "A big change is coming".

Change isn't bad. Neither is fire really. Forest fires clear away dead underbrush allowing strong new plants to prosper and grow in the ashes of the dead. Change doesn't scare me--but drastic uncontrolled change can turn a life upside down for years. I know, I was just recovering from just such an uncontrolled change. (Which inspired me to the craft--but that is a different story.)

Since I had come to the craft, I had become aware of how the spirit manifested in the 'real' world like a reflection. That was the principle behind magick, after all.

I knew a dramatic change was on the horizon. I suspected it would involve my supervisor, my work place and possibly my career. Letting intuition guide me, I dug into my bag.

My mother was a den-leader to my brother's boy scout troop, and had engraved the motto "Always be prepared" into our young impressionable minds. Thus, on this evening I had my big duffel bag I always bring to work that had, among lots of other things, scented candles, sandalwood incense and a lighter.

I set up the candles in my work area. (For you detail lovers--one was a purple mulberry candle and the other a green evergreen candle.) Then I lit the incense and smudged the entire office. I let the words come, asking that the coming changes come gently, that they bring prosperity, I asked for protection and I called on the elements of earth, air and water to temper the fire with their stability, creativity and wisdom.

When the first incense stick was used up, I set a second one to smolder while I meditated beside the candles and invoked the Lord and Lady for guidance, protection and wisdom during the changes to come.

Soon, I felt comforted. With renewed confidence I went back to work.

I didn't have to wait long for the changes. I was informed that the policies of the hospital where I worked prevented 'term' employees from working more than 6 years under any one job description. Since my sixth year was up, I was now terminated. No notice at all! Just, "Happy sixth anniversary--you're fired!"

My supervisor was more enraged than I was. My faith strengthen me. I knew it would all work out. I knew that this was what that smoky smell had been warning me about, but luckily I'd been listening and had taken magickal precautions. My supervisor hired me temporarily as a 'vender' so I could continue to work until he established a new job position for me. Within three weeks I was rehired into the new position at a hire pay rate. My sick leave and vacation leave was restored, but I lost insurance (Luckily, my husband has insurance through his employment, so that was not a problem.)

Other changes took place during that brief period. Out of the blue, I was inspired to start Brigit's Temple Fiction Magazine. I'd been a writer for many years, so when the opportunity landed in my lap, I was ready for it.

My point is, listen to your intuition. Watch for signs from the elements and from the Lord and Lady. When you feel that you need to cast a spell, do so. Once you've learned the art of spellcasting, you can do it intuitively. Then trust that things will manifest for the greater good of all!

by Mats Holmgren

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