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"Louis et Lestat"

by Dania Hurley

Louis De Pointe Du Lac and Lestat De Lioncourt are two of Anne Rice's most famous creations. One is dark and brooding, the other fair and vibrant. Both are beloved by many, and well they should be, for they are attractive, well-written characters. As for myself, I do love Lestat; he is fair of coloring and handsome, vibrant and witty.

However, much as I like Lestat, I am struck by his faults. He has never been around when Louis wanted or needed him, only when he himself needed something from Louis -- Lestat himself has admitted this with a great deal of guilt. He does not mean to be neglectful; he simply lives his life apart from those he loves. I understand his motivation, and therefore the motivation of people I know like him; and even envy it sometimes. But ah, they say they love you, and yet they never call, they never write.

So, yes, I love Lestat. Despite his flaws.

But truly, (and this is the point I came here to make) I prefer Louis. "WHY???" I can hear you asking. "Louis? That dry, boring creature, so whiny and dull? Not the flashy, sexy, blonde Lestat?"

Well, yes, Louis. And NO, not Lestat. Really. I will tell you why.

Not Lestat, because REALLY, by this point in your life, haven't you outgrown the overtly sexy guy with all the long blonde hair who shows up for your date by sitting in the driveway honking the horn? The same guy who is then very hurt and confused when you tell him your parents don't like him? The one who forgets your anniversary, but thinks it's okay and you immediately ought to forgive him when he takes you to this really COOL tattoo parlor he's found? The one who gets all excited over the dumbest things, with a taste for banal teen-angst poetry, the one you KNOW would be a fascinating man if only he could just have one iota of depth? The one who romances you but can't hang with you past six pm Friday, cause he's got somewhere else to go. And no, you can't come with him. And he'll have to pencil you in for Friday anyway. Is 5 pm good?

You're not past that yet, huh? Hm. See, I understand your attraction, because it's something we all go through. We must be abused a little by the fabulously attractive David Lee Roth bad-boy types before we realize that they have a lot of growing up to do. Yes, they are adorable, exciting, and sexy, often because they are so immature. But think how absolutely done in you'd be if this same man were only wearing the guise of the playboy and really, truly, down deep, he was as solid as a rock. Wow. If he was a real friend, one who never discarded you for the "friend of the moment," one who played like a kid, yes, but always included you. If he was worthy of your trust.

If he had such depth that his dark side were truly a dark side, and not just the banality of callowness.

And THAT'S where Louis comes in. Louis is the real deal. I am inclined to agree with him when he says that he was never meant to live as a human, that he was naturally meant to be a vampire.

He WAS whiny as a human. He was also, as many of us are, terrified of what fresh hell his future might bring, moment by moment. He'd already had to deal with a tragedy he felt culpable for, and could see nothing but despair in front of him. Granted, he is now damned, according to his beliefs, but then, isn't knowing the worst and dealing with it head-on better than worrying about the unknown?

Louis is sensitive, yes. Brooding, yes. (Stop right here. If you're male, and saying "that's why she likes him. Typical chick." then next time you're trying to seduce someone, don't bother with the candles and the soft music. You fellas always do that. Don't wanna be sensitive nineties guys, but when you're trying to get us in bed, you fall all over yourselves with candlelight and soft jazz. Blech!)

Louis is sensitive in that he THINKS about things, thinks seriously about the consequences before he does something. Should he ever cut loose, you'd cheer for him. He is reserved, retiring, discriminating. He chooses his companions with more care than most of his fellow vampires. He is not excitable, silly, or impulsive. And yet, despite all these things, he is warm, passionate, and has always had heart.

His coloring is darker and colder than Lestat's. He IS the tall, dark, stranger. He dresses subtly in jeans and sweaters, blending into our century perfectly; he is death in disguise. He doesn't wear the foppish, old-fashioned clothes Lestat does; our blonde friend wears these, I suspect, because he cannot bear to leave old times behind. And hell, rock stars can wear anything they want, which means he can get away with it. He gets homesick for the old ways, the old days, and as a result, finds sometimes that going underground isn't a bad option. I certainly don't find fault with him because of sentimentality or despair. After all, stones and glass houses, you know. However, Louis, the "whiny" one, the "dull" one -- he may not be flashy and splash his emotions everywhere, but nonetheless he has enough strength of spirit that we do not hear of his ever having gone underground. He keeps in step with the times, and always has. He is sentimental, but it does not rule him. He keeps his head, and whatever the crisis, handles it in his own quiet way.

He doesn't stand out, doesn't have a death wish, doesn't need to rock the boat or do things to get attention. Louis merely is. He lives by his own lights, lives up to his responsibilities, cherishes old ties, lets nothing rule him but his own reason . . he is solid. He is likable. He is rare indeed.

Oh, and that dark side? His is quite dark. If you recall, while the vampires are gathered together in Queen Of The Damned, one refers to him (that's right, quiet, "whiny" little Louis,) as the darkest one among them, the most feral and vicious.

Wow. Bay-bee. What's not to like about that?

So, with the differences between the two put in such a way, and yes of course this is my opinion, do you now, Lestat-lovers, see why there are those of us who prefer the darker, quieter of the two? Louis is solid, handsome, responsible, and attractive in his own quiet way. He has a great deal of personality and depth. His darkness is genuine.

Louis, simply put, is cooler than Lestat.

Like Louis as much as I do? Go to this site and wallow in Louis-mania!
The Website of Louis De Pointe Du Lac -- All things Louis!
Silverhawk has been very, very nice to me, and it is entirely due to SilverHawk's kindness that this essay is still up. Thank you, Silver, for your patience, while I took forever to revise this.

All Material is ©Dania Hurley - Used with Permission

Dane’s Cottage

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