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The Emerald Eyes Gallery I

(Obligatory Threatening Statement)
ALL images here are the property of THE ARTISTS ALONE!
It is ILLEGAL to download these images and use them for ANY purpose WITHOUT the EXPRESS PERMISSION of THE ARTIST!
If you wish to use any of the images for any reason, please use the link provided to visit the Artist's website and ASK the Artist first!
Merci Beaucoup.
(End Obligatory Threatening Statement)

All images obtained from

Digital Midnight

"Louis de Pointe du Lac" by The Black Rose

"Louis de Pointe du Lac"© by The Black Rose
"Louis" by The Black Rose

"Louis"© by The Black Rose
"Louis and Lestat" by The Black Rose

"Louis and Lestat"© by The Black Rose

This work was posted by the artist as the first Picture Challenge on Rotoli della Luna

The Black Rose challenged other spec authors to write specs inspired by the image.
Click the link above to go to the Spec Archive and read the results.
"Ever After", The Black Rose's own Spec, is highly reccommended

To Exhibition Two

Back to the Gallery Entrance

Back to Visions of Louis

Back to Rue Royale Specs, Inc.