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The Emerald Eyes Gallery III

(Obligatory Threatening Statement)
ALL images here are the property of THE ARTISTS ALONE!
It is ILLEGAL to download these images and use them for ANY purpose WITHOUT the EXPRESS PERMISSION of THE ARTIST!
If you wish to use any of the images for any reason, please use the link provided to visit the Artist's website and ASK the Artist first!
Merci Beaucoup.
(End Obligatory Threatening Statement)

Syzygy is a partnership between the Artists Artemesia and Endymia

All Images Obtained From:

"In the Dark" by Syzygy

"In the Dark"© by Syzygy
"Lestat and Louis, as the jewel hunters in Higuri You's illustrations.
Dedicated to our dear DarkAngel, who has the patience of a saint!"
Oh My! I've never had Art dedicated to me before! Merci My Little Angels!

and speaking of Angels

"Angels" by Syzygy

"Angels"© by Syzygy
Les Anges Armand, Lestat and Louis!

"Louis in Serenade" by Syzygy

"Louis in Serenade"© by Syzygy

This portrait is an illustration to a work of speculative fiction written by the Artist, Artemesia. Click the link to read Serenade.

"Absolutions" by Syzygy

"Absolutions"© by Syzygy

Also from Serenade by Artemesia. This piece depicts Louis after the dream.

"Louis de Pointe du Lac" by Syzygy

"Louis de Pointe du Lac"© by Syzygy

"Louis in Leather" by Syzygy

"Louis in Leather"© by Syzygy
"Louis" by Syzygy

"Louis"© by Syzygy

"Dream" by Syzygy

"Dream"© by Syzygy
"A Portrait of Louis" by Syzygy

"A Portrait of Louis"© by Syzygy

"Louis in Nocturne" by Syzygy

"Louis in Nocturne"© by Syzygy

This portrait is an illustration to a work of speculative fiction written by the Artist, Artemesia. Click the link to read this beautiful piece describing Louis and Lestat's time in London, just after THE TALE OF THE BODY THIEF.

"Louis as Hamlet" by Syzygy

"Louis as Hamlet"© by Syzygy

To Exhibition Four

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Back to Visions of Louis

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