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This is the original Emerald Eyes Gallery created by DarkAngel
It Is NOT Updated
The Emerald Eyes Gallery is now maintained by SilverHawk
(Bless You My Dear!)
Please see the current Emerald Eyes Gallery HERE

Welcome to

The Emerald Eyes Gallery

A Paean to the Wonder and Magic of the Beautiful One

Louis de Pointe du Lac

I have collected Louis art from many artists and displayed it here for your viewing pleasure.

(Obligatory Threatening Statement)
ALL images here are the property of THE ARTISTS ALONE!
It is ILLEGAL to download these images and use them for ANY purpose WITHOUT the EXPRESS PERMISSION of THE ARTIST!
If you wish to use any of the images for any reason, please use the link provided to visit the Artist's website and ASK the Artist first!
Merci Beaucoup.
(End Obligatory Threatening Statement)

Photo Disclaimer: All images here are the property of the photographer, the subject, Geffen Pictures, Warner Brothers Home Video, Lestat de Lioncourt, or the Artists themselves.

 No profit will be made from their display.

Please come in and Behold the Beauty

Exhibition One - The Black Rose
Exhibition Two - Louis Merchandise
Exhibition Three - Syzygy
Exhibition Four - DA's favorite Brad as Louis pics
Exhibition Five - Kabuki
Exhibition Six - People that could be Louis
 Exhibition Seven - Louis Pics from IWTV:TM
Exhibition Eight - Stormkeeper
Exhibition Nine - Louis on Book Covers
Exhibition Ten - SACRILEDGE! Ugly images passed off as Louis!
Exhibition Eleven - Hiroko's IWTV Site
Exhibition Twelve - Images of Louis from the SOUL site
Exhibition Thirteen - Aoi Mukoh
Exhibition Fourteen - Lyn
Exhibition Fifteen - Frank Pennyworth and Unknown
Exhibition Sixteen - DARK ANGEL (NOT me!)
Exhibition Seventeen - Louise Anderson
Exhibition Eighteen - Rebel
Exhibition Nineteen - Dani and Dani
Exhibition Twenty - Stargazr
Exhibition Twenty-One - Vampira68
Exhibition Twenty-Two - The Green Jewel
Exhibition Twenty-Three - The Raven
Exhibition Twenty-Four - The Night Island Coven
Exhibition Twenty-Five -Farinelli
Exhibition Twenty-Six -Maverick
Exhibition Twenty-Seven -White Mist

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 Visions of Louis

 The Amethyst Eyes Gallery
Art Inspired by Daniel Molloy

 The Vampire Lestat Art Gallery - Maintained by Marc

Back to Rue Royale Sedition, Inc.

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