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Louis as the Pisces Male

High Priestess and Founding Mother, SOUL
Vicaress de Nouvelle Orleans
Successor to St. Brad
Ambassador to ACAL
Ambassador to TURAC

SOUL: Sanction Of United Louisians

The Pisces Male

There are several dates in several different books that are claimed to be Louis's date of birth. However, going by Astrological characteristics, it is no doubt in my mind that Louis would be a Pisces. Below are some descriptions of The Pisces Male. They should prove especially helpful if you are working on a spec. It gives a bit more insight into why Louis does the things he does, especially with issues involving love and sex. See if it sounds like our beloved.
- Morrigan

What He's Like

"He's an ethereal dreamer with romantic desires and secret longings. Mr. Pisces is a mystical kind of man who sees the universe not as it is, but as he would like it. He has the soul of a poet in search of splendor. And he will take it wherever he can find it, be it in the form of art, alcohol, drugs, sex, or his fantasies.

He tends to be an escapist who has problems confronting whatever makes him uncomfortable and so communicates through noncommunication. Even when he is completely honest, it often seems there is a great deal left unsaid. Hence, it is frequently difficult to understand where he is coming from, what he wants and where he wants to go. And it is likely that even he doesn't know himself since he spends a great deal of time writhing in his own confusion.

Basically his favorite feeling is infatuation, accompanied by all the sensual delights of a new love. Yet when it comes to the grosser mundane matters (like taking out the garbage), Mr. Pisces would rather quietly retreat with a book.

There are Piscean men who are moguls in the business world; however, their true nature probably yearns for some type of artistic expression. Whether he expresses it or not, the Pisces man is intensely creative, intuitive, and sometimes psychic. He has compassion for the underprivileged, is a silent champion of the underdog and a committed believer in the creation of Utopia. Regardless of his exterior, his inner nature is sensitive and emotional, his mind sympathetic and his intentions good. However, the problem is that because he tends to spend so much time in his own head, his behavior can also be self-centered and his actions insensitive. Mr. Pisces' problem is that he needs to be enslaved by his feelings, and whether they are fear, love, desire, or depression, they will dictate the man and he will move to their beat. Therefore, although he can quickly fall in love, he can just as quickly run away from love when he feels pressured. This inconstant behavior can prove quite puzzling to a person who five days before was the object of such exuberant enthusiasm. However, Mr. Pisces would probably never consider his behavior confusing, since he doesn't really want to think about it. All he knows is that anything that feels unpleasant must be escaped from. And due to a lot of practice, he does his escaping so cleverly that one might even think he's still there.

What He Thinks He Wants

He wants to be totally swept away through sensual pleasure and the emotional power of a great love. Mr. Pisces has the soul of a poet who seeks enraptured experience. Ideally he would like to live in the fourth dimension, where all experience is like a divine high and he is never bothered by the blight of boredom.

What He Needs

He needs intellectual, emotional, and sensual excitement-the more the better, the longer, the more divine.

What He Fears

Boredom, routine, tedium and stagnancy have a debilitating effect on his psyche and probably account for his worst fears. To alleviate the experience of monotony, he seeks escapes in the form of artistic experience, drugs, alcohol, sex, or mysticism. And in a crowded elevator, he'll simply go inside his head. Because there are a lot of things in life that he does not want to see or hear, Mr. Pisces sees only what he wants to see and has a very clever habit of creating his own scripts. Therefore, when you are with him and look in his eyes and know that he's not really with you, it's most likely because there's a movie going on in his mind-and it's probably in Technicolor.

His Attitude Toward Women, Love, and Sex

Mr. Pisces is an ethereal romantic who can fall in love in five minutes and out of love in about four. Essentially, he loves women. However, what entrances him even more than the most beautiful woman is the power of the emotion he is capable of feeling for her. Like Mr. Aquarius, Mr. Pisces can love a lot of women in a lot of different ways. However, unlike detached Aquarius, his emotions are much more dramatic.

He is a dreamer who is in love with the drama of emotion. He lives for sensation, scenes of emotional rapture, and erotic flights of fantasy. And when it all wears off, it is likely that his attention will drift elsewhere.

There are Pisces men who settle into one relationship, never to stray from the side of their partner. But it is likely that they fantasize a lot. Yet one will never know for sure, since this is a mysterious man who never reveals himself completely.

However, it can be said that this sign is associated with a high incidence of affairs, both before and during marriage. And during marriage, Mr. Pisces can have a more populated love life than many men who are single. However, the irony of the situation is that of all the signs of the zodiac, he might be the least sexually aggressive.

Because he is not a man who goes out of his way, when Mr. Pisces has affairs, it's because the situation presents itself. It might be mentioned that, quite mysteriously, situations always present themselves-perhaps because he is ever alert to all possibilities. And since he has such a friendly way of approaching and then turning passive, women often feel compelled to make the first move.

Therefore, Mr. Pisces has sly and highly successful ways of gratifying his desires. However, it might be said that not only does he feel for all of his women after each show is over, he would like them to hang around as friends. Mr. Pisces prides himself on his sympathetic nature, as well as on the fact that most of his old flames stay in touch. Yet the most puzzling contradiction of his character is that for a man who can be so emotional, he can also be surprisingly detached and impersonal.

Essentially he carries around a lot of universal love in his heart, which enables him to distance himself from the need of his own ego. Should the love of his life suddenly tell him that she wants him to meet her secret lover, not only will he not be angry, but he'll do his best to understand. And if upon reflection he comes to the understanding that his competitor might make her more happy, quite nobly he will simply disappear. It might be noted that it is almost impossible to make Mr. Pisces jealous. While he may in a moment of passion murmur that he'll sacrifice his life for you, he'll never go down in your history as someone who will fight for your love. It's more likely that he'll merely float on to his next affair or fantasy, musing about how much he appreciates your friendship.

Sexually, he tends to be passive and prefers that the woman make most of the moves. While he'll keep up his part enthusiastically, Mr. Pisces is far more of a follower than an initiator. Therefore, he's most comfortable with aggressive women who take over, while he floats off in his head.

When it comes to marriage, he is a man who is a challenge to pin down. Since the idea of a snug domestic domicile directly conflicts with his need for romantic drama, it is likely that he will postpone the discussion of marriage for as long as possible, until he hopes that you've simply forgotten. If that doesn't work, he may reluctantly respond to begging and badgering. But the price for this is that while he may go through the motions of getting married, he may simultaneously pretend that none of it is really happening. It is a fact that Mr. Pisces can be quite an enigma. At the same time he can appear innocent, charming, and very lovable. In his own heart, he is loyal, since he sees loyalty as a matter of loving, not owning. And any way you look at it, Mr. Pisces can love even more than a lot.

His Good Points

He can be kind, caring and very sympathetic-especially in a situation involving some emotional distance. Mr. Pisces is highly intuitive, imaginative, artistic, and romantic. When in love, he will make you believe that you're his greatest love. He will draw you into his fantasy and excite you to feel that you're seventeen years old and falling in love for the first time. He has a very special talent for creating larger than life romance. And that is because he can make a woman feel that suddenly her life is like a lovely piece of music.

His Bad Points

He can be hypocritical, dishonest, manipulative, sarcastic, and maddeningly passive. The less-evolved Piscean man is an escapist addicted to divine highs. Drugs, alcohol, and sex are his raison d'’tre. Essentially, he lives his life for sensation and takes no responsibility when his dreams turn into destructive traps that bring sorrow not only to himself, but to everyone else around him.

How to Get His Attention

Charm him and appeal to the child inside him. Mr. Pisces loves to play and have his imagination fed. Because he craves stimulation rather than security, you should present yourself with an air of drama and excitement. Wear something wonderful that makes you feel like a goddess. He is sensitive to color, so create some striking visuals. He is also susceptible to moods and atmospheres, so set up a dinner where the champagne flows freely. Be witty, amusing, and intent on entertaining him. However, also keep in mind that he is more interested in fantasy than a real woman with needs and demands. So go light on reality while you maintain a degree of emotional distance at all times. The more of the sexy, unattainable ice maiden you are, the more ardent he'll become.

How to Keep It

This part is not that easy, since his mind and emotions tend to wander. To capture his total attention, you have to keep up the splendor of the romance. Make every day different and every night a romantic drama. Convince him that his life is greater than the Great Gatsby's by providing constant excitement and playing the role of his great love. In the meantime, make sure you're not always available when he calls. Always make him work to please you, since he will appreciate you more when you keep him on his toes. Never let him forget the power you have over him, and he'll be your ardent admirer for as long as you want him.

Realistic Expectations

Because this man is a mystery, even to himself, it is difficult to predict not only what he will do but why. At times it may seem like you are giving a lot and getting very little back. At other times, his words may convince you that you have him while his actions tell you that you don't have a chance. Because Mr. Pisces can be so passive, he can make you feel that you're producing, directing, and acting alone in your own romantic drama. And due to his elusive personality, it could be that you are. This is a relationship that should be put through a benefit-cost analysis. Carefully evaluate what it is you want versus what you're getting, versus what you're giving. And above all, if you're not getting, don't fall into the trap of thinking one day you will be. Mr. Pisces will not change-unless perhaps he leaves your life for another woman."

-- How to Seduce Any Man in the Zodiac
By: Robin MacNaughton

More Insight:

The Pisces male is a sleepwalker, a dreamer who drifts into sexual encounter without considering the consequences. He will retreat if he finds himself caught in a net of power. He is also incredibly fearful of rejection and failure. His charm is that he lives in a fantasy world of romantic eroticism. Every second that he becomes more aroused he is dreaming of how it will be.

He involves himself eagerly, believing that sexual euphoria can be found with anyone who falls close to his ideal. He is drawn to beautiful women, and often becomes addicted to a partner who treats him with contempt or chooses to dominate him. He is a willing submitter, and yet he wants to be outrageous, yearns to be an exhibitionist. He may find the demands of satisfying his partners mean he has little time for his own pleasure. He must learn discernment, for it's easy for him to become promiscuous, uncertain of what his sexuality is all about. He often makes poor choices in lovers, not knowing whether it is he who has been chosen or he who is the seducer. He often confuses a deeply emotional involvement with a purely sexual encounter. He needs to understand his own need to fuse love with sex, but he doesn't often know it.

He may drift from pleasure to pleasure, yet once involved in a union of love and sex he will be the master of erotic excess, knowing intuitively how to please and how to give. His is not animal or potent male lust: he connects to a compassionate and gifted female energy. He inspires with his fingers, ravishes with his lips, and indulges with finesse and grace. Oral stimulation is often his favorite craft. His artistry is unique, and he will have the patience to draw her into waves of intense pleasure. He may begin slowly, languidly almost, as if he is tentative and unsure of his own boundaries. He may tease her nipples with his tongue then slowly lick every inch of her body. She will warm quickly to his tenderness, his ability to give love as well as pleasure, for this man stands on the threshold of sexual ecstacy.

- Women, Sex, & Astrology
By: Sarah Bartlett

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