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""I was a twenty-five year old man when I became a vampire ...""
(Louis) pg. 5, IWTV

 ""You wonder if I was a handsome man when I was alive," said the vampire. The boy nodded. "I was. Nothing structurally is changed in me. Only I never knew that I was handsome. Life whirled about me a wind of petty concerns, as I've said. I gazed at nothing, not even a mirror... especially not a mirror... with a free eye.""
(Louis) pg. 47, IWTV

 "" candlelight I always had a less supernatural appearance.""
(Louis) pg. 48, IWTV

 "Disheveled...his face colored slightly. It became even more human. In fact, he looked more like a mortal man than any of our kind I've ever known."
(Lestat) pg. 527, TVL

 "...the black-haired one, the pretty one, Louis..."
(Khayman) pg.242, QotD

 "He looked like a human lost among them, his face softened with color and feeling; his body curiously defenseless, his eyes wondering and sad."
(Marius) pg. 278, Qotd

 "... he wondered if the human light would go out of Louis's eyes if he ever gained more power..."
(Marius) pg. 350, QotD

 "What a finely made thing he was."
(Lestat) pg. 479, QotD

 "... the soft pliant feel of his near human skin."
(Lestat) pg. 480, QotD

 "He was pale, as always, an artful glimmer in the dark."
(Lestat) pg. 405, TotBT

"The vampire's face looked weary, drawn, his cheekbones more prominent and his brilliant green eyes enormous. They had begun at dark, which had come early on this on this San Francisco winter night, and now it was just before 10 p.m."
(Daniel) pg. 95, IWTV

 "The young ones were drawn and weary... Louis was gaunt, and the need for blood was hurting him, though he paid it no mind."
(Maharet) pg. 348, QotD

 "... the sudden predatory glaze that covered his eyes."
(Lestat) pg. 268, TotBT

 "He was emaciated and shivering a little. He had neglected his own hunger to be here on guard."
(Armand) pg. 365, TVA

"... his white skin became a soft luminous pink. It was as if a pink light were shining on him and his entire being seemed to give back that light. The flesh of his lips was dark, almost rose in color, and the veins of his temples and his hands were mere traces on his skin, and his face was youthful and smooth."
(Daniel) pg. 341, IWTV
""But the horror, the horror of seeing my expression! For he had captured it perfectly and there was nothing of horror in it. Those green eyes gazed at me from out of that loosely drawn shape with a mindless innocence, the expressionless wonder of that overpowering craving which he had not understood. Louis of a hundred years ago lost in listening to the sermon of the priest at Mass, lips parted and slack, hair careless, a hand curved in the lap and limp. A mortal Louis.""
(Louis on seeing the Artist's sketch of his portrait) pg. 258, IWTV

 ""... I fell fatally in love with Louis, a young dark-haired bourgeois planter...""
(Lestat) pg. 497, TVL

Visions of Louis
 Rue Royale Specs Inc.