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"... the finely tailored black coat he'd only glimpsed in the bar, the long folds of the cape, the black silk tie knotted at the throat, and the gleam of the white collar that was as white as the vampire's flesh."
(Daniel) pg. 4, IWTV

 ""... (Claudia) forced me to give up my rusty black for dandy jackets and silk ties and soft grey coats and gloves and black capes.""
(Louis) pg. 99, IWTV

 "... a frayed black sweater that hung shapelessly from his shoulders, legs like long black spokes... his thumbs hooked very casually in the pockets of his black jeans."
(Lestat) pg. 523-524, TVL

 "... a mortal child in sagging sweater and worn denim..."
(Lestat) pg. 527, TVL

 "Louis... Crisp and shining in the black-caped costume of the band, he looked as if he'd stepped out of the pages of his own story... Louis wiped the soot from his face wearily, his stiff white shirtfront smudged, his long velvet opera cape burnt and torn... Immaculate he was again, as if his garments were entirely at his command and we had just come from the last act of La Traviata..."
(Lestat) pgs. 533, 545, 547, TVL

 "The vampire guise of last night had been discarded; yet he seemed even more the gentleman in his worn old clothing, merely a little down on his luck."
(Lestat) pg. 252, QotD

 "The coat was perhaps a little shorter, a little less full than those old frock coats had been..."
(Lestat) pg. 477, QotD

 "His clothes are old-fashioned always. As so many of us do, he finds garments which resemble the styles of his time in mortal life. Big loose shirts with gathered sleeves and long cuffs please him, and tight fitting pants. When he wears a coat, which is seldom, it is fitted like the ones I chose - a rider's jscket, very long and full at the hem."
(Lestat) pg. 104, TotBT

 "I had both hands on the lapels of his miserable dusty black coat..."
(Lestat) pg. 265, TotBT

 "... Louis had dressed for this little occasion, and, for once, in clothes which did not look as if they'd come from an attic trunk."
(Lestat) pg. 430, TotBT

 "Plain black clothes, clothes like the Jews in New York... and like the Amish..."
(Lestat) pg. 423, MtD

 "His clothes were clean and new too, as if he had perhaps dressed for me.
I smiled to myself at that, his dressing for me. But from time to time he did, and when I saw that the shirt had antique buttons of gold and pearl, I knew that he had..."
(Lestat) pgs. 431-432, MtD

 "Amenable to the styles of the age which had shaped him - given him his flaring black frock coat, the fine waistcoat of white silk, his high priestly looking collar and frills of immaculate linen."
(Armand) pg. 270, TVA

 "He looked his usual ascetic self, got up in tired black clothes of beautiful cut but impossible dustiness and a shirt so thin and worn that it seemed an elfin web of threads rather than true lace and cloth."
(Armand) pg.363, TVA

Visions of Louis
 Rue Royale Specs Inc.