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"The vampire was utterly white and smooth, as if he were sculpted from bleached bone, and his face was as seemingly inanimate as a statue, except for two brilliant green eyes that looked down at the boy intently, like flames in a skull. But then the vampire smiled almost wistfully, and the smooth white substance of his face moved with the infinitely flexible but minimal lines of a cartoon."
(Daniel) pg. 4, IWTV

 ""As you can see, my face is very white, and has a smooth, highly reflective surface, rather like that of polished marble.""
(Louis) pg. 46, IWTV

 "... the lips were of a different texture than the vampire's skin, that they were silken and delicately lined like any person's lips, only deadly white ..."
(Daniel) pg. 53, IWTV

 "... the eyelashes which were fine black wires in the tender flesh of the lids."
(Daniel) pg. 59, IWTV

 "... fine dark eyebrows..."
(Daniel) pg. 169, IWTV

 "... eyes sparked with an inner fire..."
(Lestat) pg. 527, TVL

 "... Louis of course had been picked for the exquisite bones of his face, for the depth of his green eyes."
(Marius) pg. 278, QotD

 "... his green eyes full of melancholy wonder, and his arms rather limp at his sides."
(Lestat) pg. 477, QotD

 "I touched his face again, the cheekbones, the arch beneath the black eyebrow."
(Lestat) pg. 479, QotD

 "... his face sharpening, the whole picture of high cheekbones and dark probing green eyes firing beautifully."
(Lestat) pg. 484, QotD

 "His face, quite thin and finely drawn by nature, an exquisitely delicate face for all it's obvious strength, was gorgeously flushed."
(Lestat) pg. 106, TotBT

 "... I saw his face, the subtle gleaming whiteness of the flesh that did not seem at all to be flesh, the exquisitely symmetrical bones, and the delicate half-closed hand, which hovered in the air, in a perfect attitude of indecision, as the deep set eyes, fired with a subtle and incandescent green, looked down upon me without the slightest palpable emotion... Never had I seen him with mortal eyes. Never had I beheld this wan phantom beauty. How could mortals believe this was a human when their eyes passed over him? Ah, the hands - like those of plaster saints come to life in shadowy grottoes. And how utterly devoid of feeling the face, the eyes not windows of the soul at all, but fine jewel-like snares of illumination."
(Lestat in the mortal body) pgs. 260-261, TotBT

 "... narrow face... a faint red shimmer veiled his green eyes..."
(Lestat in the mortal body) pg. 264, TotBT

 "... the sharp graceful angles of his imperturbable face, faintly phosphorescent against the deeper shadows of the church. How beautiful the shape of his wide-set eyes, with their fine rich black lashes. How perfect the tender indentation of his upper lip."
(Lestat) pgs. 408-409, TotBT

 "Green eyes very soft."
(Lestat) pg. 423, MtD

 "... this sweet-faced vampire, Louis..."
(Armand) pg. 269, TVA

Visions of Louis
 Rue Royale Specs Inc.