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""You whining coward of a vampire who prowls the night killing alley cats and rats and staring for hours at candles as if they were people and standing in the rain like a zombie until your clothes are drenched and you smell like old wardrobe trunks in attics, and have the look of a baffled idiot at the zoo.""
(Lestat to Louis) pg. 51, IWTV

"I was out of the window and running down the street, and he was running after me. ...And so he ran after me all the way back to the hotel, all the way across the rooftops, where I hoped to lose him, until I leaped in the window of the parlour and turned in rage and slammed the window shut. ...and when he came through the broken glass we fought as we'd never fought before. It was hell that stopped me, the thought of hell, of us being two souls in hell that grappled in hatred. I lost my confidence, my purpose, my grip. I was down on the floor then, and he was standing over me...his chest heaving slightly from the struggle ...I think I have described to you with accuracy our sparring matches, our angry go-rounds."
(Louis describing a fight with Lestat to Daniel) pgs. 75-76, IWTV

""Why don't you drink from that bottle in your pocket?" asked the vampire. "It will make you warm."
"Oh that ..." said the boy. "I was going to. I just ..."
The vampire laughed. "You didn't think it was polite!" he said, and he suddenly slapped his thigh.
"That's true," the boy shrugged, smiling now; and he took the small flask out of his jacket pocket, unscrewed the gold cap, and took a sip. He held the bottle, now looking at the vampire.
"No," the vampire smiled and raised his hand to wave away the offer."

(Louis and Daniel) pg. 127, IWTV

 ""...graceful of speech and fastidious of manner, who seemed in his cynicism and self-destructiveness the very twin of Nicholas. He had Nicki's grim intensity, his rebelliousness, his tortured capacity to believe and not to believe, and finally to despair... his staggering dependence, his infatuation with my every gesture, my every spoken word. His naiveté... Even his unusual beauty and unfailing charm were something of a secret to him... He was, after all, a discriminating and inhibited child of the middle class, aspiring as all the colonial planters did to be a genuine aristocrat, though he'd never met one... the most beguilingly human fiend I have ever known... a compassionate and contemplative creature, always the gentleman...""
(Lestat) pg. 497-499, TVL

 "... limbs shifting silkily beneath the neglected garments."
(Lestat) pg. 523, TVL

 "... turning and stepping away like a dancer to look up at it..."
(Lestat) pg.524, TVL

"I felt an arm around my throat suddenly. And I felt Louis's body pivot, and I heard the sound of his fist strike the preternatural skin and bone behind me, heard the whispered curse."
(Lestat) pg. 542, TVL

""Lestat, don't go after them!" he said, his polite manner strained to the fullest."
(Lestat) pg. 545, TVL

 "And Louis had been so taken with her, sitting back in the shadows, reticent, musing, as he'd always been."
(Lestat) pg. 547, TVL

 "Louis, the gentle one, with the black hair and green eyes, whose steps made a careless sound when he walked, who even whistled in dark streets so that mortals heard him coming... He moved with silky strides across the dusty room... Louis had a tender, educated soul, and none of the dazzling power of Gabrielle or her son..."
(Marius) pgs. 18-19, QotD

 "Louis, the watcher, the patient one, was there on account of love pure and simple... Louis would go where Lestat led him. Louis would perish if Lestat perished..."
(Khayman) pg. 202, QotD

 "Something so refined about that one, even as he slipped beneath the floorboards, something about the way that he lay down as if in the grave; the way he composed his limbs, falling at once into utter darkness."
(Khayman) pgs. 242-243, QotD

 "...and there was Louis beside her, struggling gracefully to keep up. Louis looked so touchingly civilized in the wilderness; so hopelessly out of place."
(Lestat) pg. 252, QotD

 "Louis, unguarded and passive as always..."
(Marius) pg. 276, QotD

 "He had been picked for the inveterate attitude of somber appreciation he revealed now."
(Marius) pg. 278, QotD

 "This one was so gifted, and yet not gifted at the same time... the human tenderness, the human wisdom that no one could give another; the gift of knowing others' suffering with which Louis had probably been born."
(Marius) pg. 350, QotD

 "The cold was biting at him a little, biting at his hands. He didn't like to put his hands in his pockets the way men did today. He didn't think it a graceful thing to do."
(Lestat) pg. 478, QotD

 "He was pondering. He ran his fingers back through his hair."
(Lestat) pg.481, QotD

 "He walks the streets like a phantom, soundlessly, drawn slowly to those who welcome death, or seem to welcome it... And when he feeds it is painless and delicate and swift."
(Lestat) pg.104, TotBT

 "His senses are finely tuned and vampiric, but not like a Child of the Millennia. He cannot read anyone's thoughts with much success. When he puts a mortal into a trance, it's always a mistake."
(Lestat) pg.105, TotBT

 "... he lifted his right hand languidly, wholly unconscious of the seductive quality of this simple gesture, and ran his fingers back through his loose dark hair."
(Lestat) pg.109, TotBT

 "... but with a gesture too quick for my eye he hurled me backward against the chair."
(Lestat in the mortal body) pg. 267, TotBT

 "He was facing me, one knee drawn up on the pew and his arm resting on the back of it."
(Lestat) pg. 405, TotBT

 "Louis took to wandering more and more often."
(Lestat) pg. 128, MtD

 "Graceful walk of one who does not like to make noise, or make a fuss, or be seen."
(Lestat) pg. 423, MtD

 "... the beguiling tilt of his narrow head... My old familiar gentleman friend, my tender enduring pupil, educated as truly by Victorian ways of courtesy as ever by me in the ways of being a monster."
(Lestat) pg.423, MtD

 "Slowly, he sat down beside me and folded his legs, and looked off as though it was not polite to stare at me."
(Lestat), pg. 431, MtD

Visions of Louis
 Rue Royale Specs Inc.