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"Ah, that's the accent..." the boy said softly.
For a moment the vampire stared blankly. "I have an accent?" He began to laugh.
And the boy, flustered, answered quickly. "I noticed it in the bar, when I asked you what you did for a living. It's just a slight sharpness to the consonants, that's all. I never guessed it was French."
"It's all right," the vampire assured him. "I'm not as shocked as I pretend to be. It's only that I forget it from time to time."
(Daniel and Louis) pgs. 5-6, IWTV

"...I invariably found someone amoungst the peasants or guests who spoke enough German or, at times, even French to discuss with me the familliar legends."

"'A room for the night!" I said in German.'"

"She said a prayer as I passed her, I was sure of it, though I couldn't understand the Slavic words."

"Suddenly he turned to me, and I saw he'd been crying. 'Do you speak English?' he said, his voice booming in the silence.
'Yes, I do', I said to him."

(Louis describing his time in Varna to Daniel) pgs. 170, 171, 172, IWTV

"...And tell me, where do you come from!' he said, dropping to his knees, his hand on the arm of my chair. 'Your voice, I know that accent; speak again.'
I was vaguely horrified at the thought of having an accent to my French, but this wasn't my immediate concern."
(Santiago and Louis) pg. 244, IWTV

 "The voice was like a whisper that wasn't a whisper. And I could hear his French accent so clearly, though I had never been able to hear my own."
(Lestat) pg. 524, TVL

 "But the voice was polite and low, as it had always been."
(Lestat) pg. 525, TVL

 "Such a human voice, so kind... his slow voice was a balm to my nerves."
(Lestat) pg. 423, MtD

 ""I should throw them out now, Pandora," he said in a voice that couldn't have threatened the most timid soul."
(Armand) pg. 365, TVA


Visions of Louis
 Rue Royale Specs Inc.