Final Fantasy 7

Welcome to my Final Fantasy 7 page. I suggest you go to the bottom of the page and see the pics before you read all of this.

What is Final Fantasy 7 about? To know this you first have to go through the basics.

FF7 takes place on a future Earth. In our world there is no magic but in the FF7 world there is. Small orbs called Materia have powers that some called magic. Materia is naturally compressed Mako energy. Mako is the "lifestream", what makes the planet work. A greedy corporation called Shinra has reactors that drain Mako for its energy and will one day destroy earth because of them.

An important place in this world is Midgar. It is a city, supported by strong poles, above the Midgar Slums where a number of people live. Also it is the cpital of the world and of course is the SHINRA home.

The main character in the game is CLOUD STRIFE. (pic and info at bottom of the page) He was once a member of Shinra Soldiers but became a mercenary. He is hired by a rebel group to fight Shinra. After a successful bombing of a Mako Reactor, him and Barret,(a playable character. info and pic at bottom of page), go to meet Tifa, (an old friend of Clouds. playable character. info and pic at bottom of page), in the Sector Seven Slums.

After a fight with Barret over payment Cloud almost leaves the bar but Tifa stops him and get him to join the rebellion. Tifa, Barret, and Cloud go off to bomb the next reactor.

Everything goes smoothly. The bomb is armed and the trio are running but it is a trap. The trio is surrounded as the president of SHINRA walks up and taunts them. After a little trash talking he sicks a large robot on them. The triowins but Cloud falls off a bridge during the escape. Luckily he crashes into a church and is only knocked out.

While hes knocked out a strange voice talks to him. When he wakes up he meets Aeris (see bottom of page). Before long though Reno, a leader from a group of Shinra soldiers called Turks, and some soldiers attack Cloud and Aeris. They escape through a hole in the roof. Cloud then agrees to take Aeris to her home. His payment? A date later on with her.

When they reach her house Cloud decides to leave during the night so Aeris doesnt get hurt. He leaves but to his surprise Cloud finds Aeris is waiting outside. After a argument and some explaining Aeris takes Cloud to Sector 7. On the way they see Tifa on a buggie heading to Wall Market. Cloud and Aeris finds out that a man named CORNEO is looking for a bride. Cloud dresses as a woman and him and Aeris go into Corneos house. After a brief search they find Tifa who is overjoyed that Cloud is alive. Corneo chooses Tifa as his wife and they go into the back room, leaving Cloud and Aeris to his henchmen. After a few battles the two save Tifa and get some info from Corneo that SHINRA is going to drop the Sector 7 plate on the slums killing everyone.

Before they escape the trio fall into a trap door that leads to the sewers. Cloud, Tifa, and Aeris battle and beat a monster and escape to discover Barret is on the pillar already battling SHINRA troops. Tifa has Aeris go to the bar to save Marlene and CLoud and Tifa go up the pillar to help Barret.

At the top of the pillar Barret, Tifa, and Cloud battle bravely but Reno arms the bomband escapes with Hojo in a helicopter. Hojo taunts the thers and reveals that he has captured Aeris and flys away. Barret grabs a rope and, with the others on his back, swings out of sector 7 just as the Plate falls and kills everyone in the sector.

After taking a few days to nurse their injurys from shrapnel, the trio climbs up the broken wires to the Shinra Labs, where Aeris is being held. A few hours later they get up to the building and sneak in. They find Areis about to be fed to Red XII.(playable character) by Hojo. Barret fress Areis and Red attacks Hojo. The reunited group and RedXII are soon captured and brought to The President of Shinra. He sends them to jail where everyone falls asleep.

When they wake up the guards are dead. Sephiroth (the main villian of the game) killed everyone and took a creature called Jenova (major boss later). After meeting the new president, Rufus, the group escapes the labs in a truck and motorcycles but are persuited by a Shinra robot. After a brief battle they beat the robot and escape Midgar. Cloud reveals he is going after Sephiroth and everyone goes with him to get Sephiroth.

Cloud and the group go to the local city of Kalm and rest at the inn. Cloud the relates his story withthe infamous Sephiroth. He tells how him and Sephiroth were on there way to investigate rumors of a malfunctioning Mako reactor at Nibelheim, Cloud and Tifas home town.


When they arrived in town Sephiroth talked about his mom, Jenova. But after that he cant remember anything until the next day. To Clouds surprise he found ou that Tifa was to guide them to the Mako reactor. Before leaving town a man takes a pic of Cloud, Sephiroth, and Tifa.

On the way to the reactor the team is attacked on a bridge. Everyone falls off and one Shinra soldier has vanished, but they go on to the reactor.

Sephiroth and Cloud go deep into the heart of the reactor. Sephiroth discovers Hojo's bizarre experiments and begins to realize that he too may have been a result of an experiment. He runs off to the Shinra mansion to learn the truth.

Cloud and Tifa go to the Shinra mansion and find Sephiroth in an old hidden library trying to learn more about Hojo's research. In the end what he learns drives him insane. Sephiroth destroyes Nibelheim and slaughters Cloud's and Tifa's parents. He then returns to the mako reactor to free Jenova but Cloud and Tifa are in pursuit.

Tifa finds her dad in the reactor with Sephiroths sword in him. She grabs it and attacks Sephiroth but he gets the sword and almost killed Tifa.

Cloud enters and goes into the room where Sephiroth is reaching for Jenova and demands why Sephiroth killed everyone.


Cloud ends the story by saying he cant remember what happened after that. Tifa seems nervous but no one sees it. They go to sleep and in the morning find out Sephiroth is going to the Mythril Mines. In the mines the group meets up with Rude, Elaine (a new Turk), and Tseng. They groups dont fight but talk. Elaine accidently reveals Sephiroth is in Junon Harbor. Looks like the group is now heading to the beach.

At Junon Harbor Cloud and the others see a monster called a Bottomswell attacking a little girl. They fight off the Bottomswell and help the girl. The mother is so thankful she lets them spend the night. While Cloud is asleep the voice from the church urges him ta talk to Tifa about Nibelheim. When he asks Tifa is reluctant to talk about it but reveals the girl is awake. The little girl gives them a summoning materia and tells them Rufus is in Junon. With her help the group gets to Junon airport.

Cloud steals a Shinra uniform and joins the parade and gets on Rufuses boat with the others after discovering Sephirtoh is gone. Cloud meets up with the others just as the boat takes off. A few hours later the warning alarms scream that Sephiroth is on the boat. Everyone runs to the engine room where the crew of the boat is dead or dying. Sephiroth is there to. He talks about a calamity from the sky and runs off but leaves a monster called JENOVA-BIRTH to fight. JENOVA-BIRTH is a young version of Jenova but not the last. The team barely beats it and get off the boat in the lovely city of Costa Del Sol.

Ah! A tropical resort! To bad the group cant stay and catch some rays!After exploring the town Cloud and the others find Hojo on the bach.... with several bikini-clad women. The group beats some info out of him and discovers Sephiroth is in Mt. Corel.

Mt. Corel is filled with monsters so the team fights alot while on it. On the mountain they find a Mako Reactor (cant seem to get rid of the damn things can they?). Theres nothing to do there but they will come back to it later. To get through the mountains to the city of North Corel (Barrets home) they must walk over old railroad tracks. A few areas are rotted out but no one gets hurt. Close to the end of the mountains they have to cross a bridge, but its raised. Guess what three have to find away across to lower it. Cloud, Aeris, and Red XII. They climb onto some rotting logs, and with Tifa cheering them on succed in crossing the gap and lowering the bridge. After the long grueling hike the group arives at North Corel.

You'd think Barret would be happy to be home right? Wrong. Upon entering town Barret is harrassed and gets in a few fights. It seems Barret hates his home, but in realty he loves it, but something happened...long ago. Barret and the others are quickly chased out of town. They grab a train to The Golden Saucer.

In the train Barret explains why everyone was mad in North Corel. A few years ago, the city was a coal mining city. An explosion occured in the Corel Reactor and North Corel was blamed. SHINRA attacked and killed almost everyone and burned the city to the ground.Of course Barret was blamed for the explosion and was banned from town.

At the Golden Saucer everyone splits up to have fun, except Barret who leaves angry. During a day of fun, Cloud and Aeris meet Dio, te owner ot The G.S. Also they find Cait Sith. (playable character. see bottom of page) Cloud, Sith, and Aeris find the others (except Barret) and go to the Battle Square and find everyone was killed by a man with a gun on hs arm. Barret? Dio blames the others and banishes them to the G.S. prision, A small city surrounded by a desert.

When everyone wakes up from the fall, Sith tells that only one man had ever escaped alive but he doesnt say how. (Kinda dumb aint he?) They find Barret and the tells what happened. It turns out he didnt kill everyone. An old friend named Dyne did. Barret explains that he and Dyne were out of town when it was attacked. They were attacked when they came back and Dyne got an arm shot off. So did Barret. Dyne fell down a valley and was assumed dead. Barret then got his gun arm to replace the missing arm. It turns out so did Dyne.

With the help of the others Barret finds Dyne, but Dyne isnt happy to see him. He had never recovered mentally about what happened in Nort Corel and attacks Barret. Dyne is still alive after the fight; however badly wounded. Barret tries to help his old friend but Dyne has given up all hope. As a final gesture of friendship, he gives Barret a pendant for Marlene, a keepsake of her mothers, and leaps to his death.

The next day, Cloud and the rest of the group go pay a visit to Mr. Coates. Upon seeing Dynes pendant he gets a woman named Ethal who sets up Cloud in a chocobo race. If he wins they get released from prision. Cloud wins easily and Dio presents the group with a car. It turns out he didnt know about Dyne and was very sorry about the mix up. He also tells the group Sephiroth is in the city of Gongara.

The group arrives at Gongaga and finds yet another Mako Reactor. They also find and fight Reno and Rude. The two escape.... barely. How did the Turk's know AVALANCHE's whereabouts?!?! Maybe its a spy but there no time to interogate everyone. The group follows Rude to the reactor and find out SHINRA is collecting something called Huge Materia to build a weapon of mass destruction. Uh-Oh.

In the town Cloud and everyone else meet two old people asking Cloud about their son in SOLDIER. Cloud dosent know who he is but Tifa and Areis know ZACKE (his name). Tifa tells that she knew him but doesnt say how. Zacke was Areis first love but she hasnt seen him lately. Sephiroth has already left town so the group decides to go to Red XIIs hometown Cosmo Canyon.

Cosmo Canyon is a community dedicated to the study of Planet Life and peace. (WHAT FREAKIN BS!!!) This is where AVALANCHE was born and Barret promised to bring a few dead comrads of AVALACHE. Cloud discover Red XII real name is Nanaki. After a meeting with Red XIIs grandpa, a man named Burgenheim, who lives in the planeterioum atop Cosmo Canyon. Burgenheim is very much in tune with the planet and can even sense its dispair.(I know this is such BS but it is a major part of the game later on so it must be told. For the record though I do not believe any of the whole Earth is alive crap, and I dont mean to insult anyone who believes it... well yes I do when I say that those who beleive it are damn idiots. Now back to FF7!) Cloud, Tifa, and Aeris see his contraption that shows the Lifestream and how if not stopped SHINRA will destroy Earth. The trio then go to the Cosmo Candle where the others are.

Red XII talks about his mom and "pathetic" father. Burgenheim comes out and takes Cloud, Red XIII, and Barret to the Cave of the Gi. The cave is a giant maze filled with huge spiders and monsters. The trio bravely fights through every challenge that comes along and wins. But wait!! At the end of the tunnel is a troll like face. Burgenheim is afraid and comments how that shouldent be there. The face wakes up and attacks the party. Great. The head is really a ghost of a race of monsters called Gi. Not enough that they have to fight monsters but now ghost?!?!?! In the end the group kicks ass and go on with to see Red XIIIs fathers true fate. He was a hero after all. Red XII is filled with pride and continues on with the others to stop SHINRA and Sephiroth.

On the way to Nibelheim, the group meats Yuffie. After trash talking about everyone she joins the team.

Nibelheim, Tifa and Clouds hometown, is a small town in the mountains. According to Cloud it was burned down, but its now standing again!!! Talk about a cover up. Everyone denies Tifa and Clouds claims that the city was burned down. Cloud and Tifa break away from the pack to explore their home together. They drift off to the SHINRA mansion alone. In the mansion are some letters that tell how to open a safe containing a keycard for the basement. Tifa and Cloud crack the safe but in it is a monster!! Cloud and Tifa fight it and kill it. They grab the keycard and find a man named Vincent (see bottom) in the basement. Vincent used to work for SHINRA and asks about a woman named Lucricia who he claims gave birth to Septhiroth. He then goes back to sleep. Tifa and Cloud go into the library and find..... SEPHIROTH!!! At last Cloud and Tifa can get revenge for the death of their parents. Sephiroth invites Cloud to a "Reunion" in Mt. Nibel and escapes. Vincent walks in and tells he heard everything and asks to go with them to fight Sephiroth for a personal reason. Tifa and Cloud let him join. They run out and tell the others about Sephirtoth and introduce Vincent. They goto Mt. Nibel but dont find Sephiroth. Guess its off to the next city.

Rocket Town is home of SHINRAs failed space program. In the center of town is a giant rocket. The group asks around for help and are told to go meet Captain Cid. Cids not in so the group goes and looks at his plane. Cids assistant, Shera, says Cid is in the rocket. She also informs them that Rufus is on the way to maybe restart the space program. Cloud goes to the rocket and meets Cid. Cid was the piolet of the rocket but never got to space. May be he will now that Rufus is considering restarting the program. Anyway Cid is not gonna give Cloud his plane and tells Cloud to "Leave him alone DAMNIT!!" Cloud talks to Sherra just as Cid gets home and curses her out. Sherra explains hes just tired but why is she helping him? Because she destroyed his dreams. On the day of the shuttle launch Cid had to cancel it to save her from death, so she is now his helper. The SHINRA execs arrive shortyly after Sherra tells her story. Turns out Rufus doesnt wnat to reopen the space program. He wants the plane to find Sephiroth. Cid isnt hapy about this. So Palmer, an assistant of Rufus, tries to steal it but is chased off by the gang. The plane was turned on though and they cant shut it off!!! The ganag gets on and drives it by Cid. Cid grabs on and they escape as soldiers try to shoot it down. The plane takes a few hits and crashes in the ocean but doesnt sink. With Cids help they salvage it into a boat. With no place left to go and dreams of space flight shattered, Cid joins the group. Rufus was going to the temple of the ancients so maybe Sephiroth is there to!! Wutai, Yuffies hometown, is near so the group decides to head there first before the temple.

The group dosent get far onto the island before Yuffie steals ALL the materia and breaks off for her home!! That little thief! Upon entering Wutai they see Yuffie run away. Looks like AVALANCHE is gonna play hide and seek with Yuffie for the materia. Her first hiding place is in a house behind some shades. Tifa flushes her out but loses her!! Barret finds her next but she escapes once again.Finally they catch her in front of a bar in a jar. She tries to escape but fails. Yuffie agrees to return the materia. She leads everyone to her home where there are two bars. Upon pulling one a cage drops on the group and Yuffie escapes. Cloud frees the others. Looks like they gotta find Yuffie.....AGAIN!!!!

Vincent sees Yuffie run into a building. In it is.... CORNEO!!!! He kidnapps Yuffie and Elena of the Turks and takes them to the mountains. Reno and Rude bump into Cloud and agree to team up this once to save their friends. Cloud, Tifa, and Aeris find Elena and Yuffie tied to the mountain with Corneo near by. He sicks a creature called Rapps on the trio. Rapps is killed but Corneo holds a control panel that will kill Yuffie and Elena. Luckily the Turks save the day and kill Corneo. It looks like they two groups may fight but dont. It is clear tough that they will meet again. Yuffie returns the materia and rejoins the group. They get on the plane and head to the Temple of the Ancients but they need the Keystone to get in. The Keystone is in the golden Saucer.

The group finds the Keystone but its Dios. Cloud asks to borow it but Dio isnt going for it. He makes Cloud battle in the arena for it. Cloud beats his enemies and gets the stone. The train is out though so the group cant leave. Luckily Cait Sith knows people in high places and gets the best rooms in the inn for free. In the middle of the night Aeris comes to Cloud and they go on a date. Aeris tries to tell Cloud how she feels about him but cant find the right words so she doesnt tell him. Later in the same night Tifa asks Cloud on a date. On the tram that explores The G.S. Tifa does better than Aeris she says "Cloud, theres something I've wanted to say for a long time. I...." but she gets interupted When the rides over Cloud asks what she was gonna say. Tifa doesnt say. As they head back to their rooms they see Cait Sith sneak off with the Keystone. After a brief chase Sith give the stone to Hojo. Cait Sith is the traitor!! He explains how he is really a robot controlled by a man named Reeve. Reeve means good and wants to help but was forced to give Hojo the stone .Cloud tries to get rid of him but SHINRA is holding Marlene ransom. Sith stays with the group. The next day they leave for the Temple.

The group can see the temple from a distance as they get closer and closer. In it they find HOJO!!! He was attacked by Sephiroth and is hurt badly. Hojo hands over the keystone and tells Cloud to put it on the alter to open up the temple. Cloud does and the group goes deeper into the maze. In the maze they find a man in a purple robe who lives in the temple. He diects them how to get out of the maze. After a few hours Cloud and the others get out and find a large clock! It appears the clock will take the grop to the oppisite door. After twelve hours of waiting they get across the pit and find a long hall. On the walls are pictures. Cloud and Aeris tell the others to stay back and go on alone. In the hall the two find Sephiroth who is reading the walls. He reveals his plan to become one with the planet. By calling upon a huge meteor to hit Earth and he will control the lifestream!!! Seph runs past a stunned Cloud and escapes once again.

Cloud and Aeris find out that the temple itself is the Black Materia that Sephiroth needs to summon the meteor. If anyone touches the button at the end of the hall the temple shrinks into a palm sized materia. Cait Sith sacrifices his fake body to shrink the temple. The temple goes tiny and Cloud picks it up. Sephiroth appears and somehow bends Clouds will. Cloud struggles but in the end gives Sephiroth the Back materia. Sephiroth tells Cloud to attack Aeris and runs off. Cloud attacks Aeris for a few minutes but then slips into a coma.

Cloud has a surreal dream that Aeris is in the Sleeping Forest, which protects the City of the Ancients. In the dream, she's going to try and stop Sephiroth by herself, but Sephiroth is onto her plans. Cloud wakes up in Gongora and finds out Aeris has left. It wasnt a dream!!! Cloud and the others leave to save Aeris.

The Sleeping Forest wont let them pass without the Lunar Harp. Luckily a group of diggers that find it for Cloud. They give it to him... for a price of one grand. The group dont pay and instead beats the hell out of the workers and take the harp. Sometimes violence is the way! The forest lets them pass and stops the enraged workers. Aeris is no where in the city. Shes under it. The group go through a church and find the hiddem passage Aeris took. Below the city is a beautiful crystal city. In the middle is Aeris on a platform in the middle of a pond. Shes locked in silent prayer. Cloud, Barret, and Tifa get on the island. Cloud approaches Aeris and freaks out. He pulls out his sword and almost kills Aeris but tifa stops him. Sephiroth is willing to do his own dirty work and realeases Clouds mind. He then leaps down from above and rams his sword through Aeris back and out her stomache. Aeris slumps to the floor as Cloud screams in anger. Now that Aeris is dead he flies away but leaves behind another Jenova creature to fight Cloud and the others. This one is JENOVA-LIFE. In a rage Cloud not only kills Jenova but then hacks at the dead body. Soon the sword is to heavy and Cloud drops it and beats the corpse with his fists. After 20 minutes of this he slumps to the ground in tears.

Several hours later Cloud calms down and lifts Aeris lifeless body. The others are in tears as they pay their final respects to the fallen comrad. No. Not comrad.....friend. Cloud walks into the pond and lays her to rest in the water. Cloud walks out of the water and promises angrily "Sephiroth will die. He took my hometown form me five years ago, killed Aeris, and is now trying to destroy the Planet. I'll never forgive Sephiroth. He will die."

The team is now full of new purpose. What Sephiroth claims to be his ultimate victory, maybe his ultimate mistake.


In the morning, the team leaves The City Of The Ancients. Sephiroth has gone to the Icicle Inn. The only way to the town is by climbing a large shell full of monsters. They kill the monsters that attack and get out of the cave and go to the Icile Inn.

As Cloud and the party explore the town they that Iflano (Aeris' real mother) lived hre long ago, but was kidnapped by SHINRA. Her home is still standing so they go there and find some videos that tell about the Cetras, Jenova, Aeris, and some creatures called the Weapons. The weapons are monsters that were made to fight, then went into a deep sleep. The group also learns that Sephiroth passed through and headed to the Crater, through the Great Glacier and the Gaea Cliffs. As the group heads out of town they bump into an angry Elena. She takes a swing at Cloud, misses, and rolls out of town. Everyone passes out from the cold half way through the Glacier. Luckily Mr. Holzoff finds them and takes theminto his cabin at the base of the Gaea Cliffs. The group comes to thanks the man with some cash and starts to climb the cliffs.

The cliffs stop half way up the mountain so Cloud and the others go through a tunnel to the top. Bad newsis a monster called Schizo attacks them and knocks Tifa and Red XII out with hypnosis attacks. The others beat the monster and revive the two and go on through the tunnel. When Cloud and the others reach the exit the are at the rim of The Crater.

As they move deeper into the Crater they find Sephiroth's unwilling followers going to the bottom. Just as the group makes it half way down, SHINRA soon shows up with the whole gang: Rufus, Scarlet, Heidegger, and even Hojo!! The group ignores them for now and goes on to the bottom. Cloud, Tifa, and Vincent break off the main group and find Sephiroth killing some shrouded men and run off. A minute later another JENOVA monster attacks the three. This one is JENOVA-DEATH. Barret and the others hear the fight and join in. Together they defeat the latest JENOVA. Sephiroth is now deeper in the crater, but now Cloud has the BLACK MATERIA!!! He gives it to Red XII to hold onto. They then go after Sephiroth.

As teh team draws closer to Sephiroth they begin to see things and places like Nibelheim. They see Clouds' story from earlier, but things are slightly different. Cloud is nowhere to be found. Cloud writes off teh illusions as being a lie, but Tifa seems a bit more disturbedby the images. Sephiroth claims that Cloud was created by Hojo just like the black shrouded people and that he to is a JENOVA-filled puppet. Cloud realizes the folly in his memory, but seems to recover before it can destroy him.

The SHINRA execs have arrived at the center of the Crater, just in time to see the WEAPONS awake from their long slumber! At the same time Red XII is to take the BLACK MATERIA to Cloud by Tifa. Red runs off and Tifa melts to reveal it was SEPHIROTH in disguise!! The team joins the SHINRA execs in the bottom of the crater. Red gives the BLACK MATERIA to Cloud who then gives it to SEPHIROTH!!! Cloud has gone insane because hes a clone and has allied with SEPHIROTH!! At this point all hell breaks loose as the WEAPONS wake up. Barret and Tifa are knocked out and taken by SHINRA as prisioners but the others escape.

Seven days later, Tifa awakens and finds herself locked in a SHINRA lab with Barret. She also learns that the crater is now encased in a protective barrier and that the weapons are wreaking havoc throughout the land. No word on Cloud though. Also METEOR is hanging over the planet like a time bomb waiting to go off. To make matters even worse, Rufus is going to execute Tifa and Barret . AVALANCHE is the perfect scapegoat for it all. The two are led to a gas chamber and Tifa is tossed in. Luckily the guard drops the key to the chair she is locked in. Before the switch can be flipped, a WEAPON attacks and everyone runs off. Cait Sith dumps his reporter disguise and frees Barret but the gas chamber is on!!

Tifa gets the keys and frees herself. Just as WEAPON blasts a hole through the gas chamber and frees her. She gets out just in time to see the BROTHER CANNON blast WEAPON into itty bitty pieces. Tifa runs down the cannon where Barret and everyone is waiting..... in the HIGHWIND (the worlds only flying machine)!!!! She gets on bord and takes over. She is now the leader and the first mission Tifa makes is to find Cloud.

They fly to Icicle Inn and hear a few mention MIDEEL and a good doctor there thats helping a kid with spikey blond hair heal. Boy? Spikey blond hair? Must be Cloud!! They go to Mideel and find Cloud in the hospital.... but somethings wrong. He's been exposed to high amounts of Mako energy and is screwed up badly. Tifa stays with Cloud as the others go collect the HUGE MATERIAS that SHINRA wants. Sith informs that there is one in North Corel. Barret forces the group to got their.

When the team reaches North Corel, they head to the Reactor. They reach it just in time to see a train pull away with the huge materia on it. Barret, Cid, and Cait Sith highjack the train but its out of control and on a collision course with the town!!! Barret stops the train in the nick of time saving his hometown. The people of North Corel are in his debt and accept Barret back into their town with open arms and smiles. ABOUT DAMN TIME!!! Next stop is the Mt. Condor Reactor.

They get to the Condor Reactor and find out that SHINRA cant find the HUGE MATERIA!!! The locals hid it and give it to Barret. Barret thanks them and takes it. Cid suggest that they go visit Cloud.

Sadly there has been no change. Cloud is still in a retarded state of being. Tifa has almost lost all hope of him returning to normal. Just then ULTIMATE WEAPON attacks Mideel!!! Tifa stays behind as the others try to chase it away. Ultimate Weaapon attacks the hospital just as Tifa escapes with Cloud, but the attack has caused a hole that leads straight to the "LIFESTREAM". (THE BS HAS COME BACK AGAIN!! DID YOU MISS IT?) Cloud and Tifa fall into it just as Ultimate flys away.

Tifa awakes to find herself in a black void. Voices in the dark question her actions and demand the truth; Tifa is overcome with emotion and sinks deeperinto the black void. When she wakes up again Tifa is in a F*cked up world where there are three Clouds!! His conscious is hanging above her as if watching and waiting for the truth. Tifa goes over and talks to a Cloud.

The first Cloud transports Tifa back to Nibelheim five years ago, when Spehiroth came into Nibelheim with Cloud an two other soldiers. Tifa stops it this time and reveals it wasnt Cloud. It was Zacke (from Gongaga).

Tifa is back in the world and talks to Cloud number two. HE takes her back to the night at a well where Cloud said he was leaving to join SOLDIER. Nothing has changed from when Tifa remembered it, but it is not enough to bring Cloud back together.

Tifa is back again and asks the third Cloud to think of a memory about her, one she wouldnt know. He does so and Tifa is transported back to when her mom died. She was so wrapped up in her emotions that she didnt notice Cloud. then came an accident in the mountains. Cloud was blamed for Tifa breaking her legs from a fall. After the incident, Cloud found a way to get Tifa to notice him. Strength. He would become the next Sephiroth. Tifa remembers this and it brings Cloud closer to being one.

The three Clouds then transport Tifa to the Nibelheim Reactor. Tifa charges Sephiroth with a sword and is defeated. Zacke then comes in and figths but loses. Then a soldier came in. He removes his helmet to reveal... CLOUD!! Cloud grabs Zackes sword and sneaks up on Sephiroth as he is reaching for Jenova. Cloud was in soldier garb the whole time. He beats Sephiroth and saves Tifa and Zacke.

With the truth revealed that Cloud is not a clone the three Clouds become one. Cloud then tells Tifa the truth. He had never become first class like he wanted. He had been only a normal soldier. Now that Cloud is clear minded him and Tifa leave the lifestream and reunite with the others. Cait Sith tells that there is a huge materia in the Underwater Junon Reactor.

When they reach Junon, Cloud and the group ride an elevator down to the Reactor. When they reach the ocean floor Cloud, Tifa and Barret enter the plant while the others go back to the HIGHWIND. The trio dodge troops and findthe HUGE MATERIA is being loaded onto a sub, but Rufus wont let them pass and has a nasty surprise for the group. A machine called the Carry Armor attacks and knocks out Cloud. Barret and Tifa beat the robot, but the sub has left. Cloud wakes up and steals the other sub and chases down the first sub. With Barret and Tifa he blasts the sub and steals the HUGE MATERIA. Cait Sit tells Cloud there is only one left.... at ROCKET TOWN.

In Rocket Town SHINRA is repairing the rocket. Cid, Cloud and Yuffie sneak on just as the rocket is launched into space!!! The rocket goes up and Cid becomes the first man in space. His dream is now fulfilled. Bad news is the rocket is on an impact course with METEOR!! The trio steal the materia and are launched in an escape pod just as the rocket hits. Bad news is Meteor isnt destroyed. When the trio returns to Earth Red XII suggest they hide the materia at his hometown.

They return to Cosmo canyon and dump the HUGE MATERIA in the observatory. The group then discusses how to stop METEOR in Burgenheim's lab. Burgenheim suggest that they all go to the City Of The Ancients.everyone loads into the HIGHWIND and then fly to the city. Once there Burgenheim explains the use of the WHITE MATERIA that Aeris had. The WHITE MATERIA summons HOLY. HOLY is a thing that is.... well holy. HOLY can also stop evil like the METEOR. Burgeinheim also asks for the team to get a key that in the ocean. The key avtivates a machinne that will show videos. They get the key and turn on the machine and see Aeris praying for a few hours. Then Sephiroth killing her again, but the camera then zoomed in on the WHITE MATERIA fall into the water. Aeris had been praying for it to come and stop METEOR. HOLY will but cant move because SEPHIROTH is in the way. If Sephiroth isnt eliminated HOLY cant stop METEOR from destroying the planet.

As the team leaves the city, Cait Sith reports the cannon has been found. It has been attached to the Mako reactors at MIDGAR!!! The team has no choice but to go to Midgar. On the way they see DIAMOND WEAPON rise from the water and heads to Midgar. The cannon goes off and kills DIAMOND but it attacked first and kill Rufus and damages Midgar. The bblast that kills DIAMOND also destroys the barrier that protected the CRATER. Bad news though. Hojo has gone mad and plans to fire the cannon again. Another blast so soon will blow up MIDGAR!!!! The team has to stop him.

Cloud and the others go commando style into the city and follow Cait Sith through the sewers to the SHINRA building. When they come out the group bumps into Rude, Reno, And Elena. Elena demands a fight but Rufus and Reno are disgusted with her. The two say that THE TURKS are no longer respectable and has chamged to much. They quit the Turks right there and walk off telling Elena to find them if she ever becomes a REAL Turk. Elena looks at Cloud and sees that Rude and Reno are right and also quits and runs off with her two friends. Clouds team contiunes on but are stopped by Scarlet and Heidegger in the PROUD CLOD. The team fights the robot and knocks the two out and destroy the CLOD. Barret kills Scarlet for destroying his home and Heidegger dies in the fall from the CLOD. Next stop is the CANNON.

After a long climb up steps Cloud, Tifa, and Vincent confront Hojo.Hojo has injected himself with alot of JENOVA cells and now has three forms. After three long grueling battles Hojo is killed and the Cannon is shut down. SHINRA has been defeated. AVALANCHE has won. Now AVALANCHE only has to take down SEPHIROTH who is still in the CRATER.


Cloud and the others enter the crator and find that is has been changed by the MAKO blast. Now there are two paths down to Sephiroth. They split into two groups and go down the paths. When they remeet they are standing at the rim of a hole. At the bottom is Sephiroth and JENOVA-SYNTHESIS. Cloud, Barret, and Tifa go down and fight JENOVA and kills the creature barely. The others come down and the ground collapses out from them. After a few minutes They see HOLY captured in a giant pulsating red thing. Sephiroth stands by it and mutates into a giant human with fish like qualities. Its BIZARRO-SEPHIROTH. Cloud and the others beat this thing with sheer force but then BIZARRO takes Cloud, Tifa, and Barret and challenges only those three. He turns into an angel like thing called SAFER SEPHIROTH. The trio takes damage for hours as Sephiroth uses powerful magic attacks. Cloud and the others fight back and beat SAFER SEPHIROTH.

HOLY is now free to stop METEOR. The group starts to run out of the crater but Cloud stops suddenly. Tifa asks whats wrong and Cloud reveals SEPHIROTH isnt dead!!! Cloud can hear him laughing at them. Clouds soul then gets sucked out of his body and taken to a astrological plain where the normal SEPHIROTH is waiting. Cloud and him pull out there swords and battle it out. The two go at it to see who is better. Cloud falls onto on knee in pain and sees Sephiroth go in for a deathblow. Suddenly Cloud shoots to the side and cuts Sephiroth in half avenging the death of Aeris. Sephiroth is dead now for good.

Cloud wakes up in his own body and the group escapes the crater. In the highwind the group discusses what is gonna happen. They see METEOR is almost about to hit Midgar. Red tornadoes are coming off the rock and trashing the town. Suddenly a white wave shoots out of the CRATER. Its HOLY!!! Holy destroys the tornadoes and pushes METEOR away from MIDGAR and stops. It turns and attacks MIDGAR!!!! HOLY thinks the town is a bigger threat to the planet then METEOR!!!Suddenly the LIFESTREAM shoots out of the ground. It forces HOLY to stop attacking MIDGAR!!! Suddenly Aeris appears infront of the highwind praying. Aeris turns to the highwind and smiles. She then vanishes. Aeris had controlled the lifestream that is battling HOLY and METEOR. As this happens Tifa turns to Cloud and asks if he is gonna look for her. Cloud turns and simply says yes. The two turn back and watch the LIFESTREAM battle METEOR and HOLY


3 Baby lion like things run up a mountain path following a biger older version of them. As they twist and turn the 3 babys focus on the tatoos on there grandfather. The strange simbles and the XII. Suddenly the older one stops at a ledge. Below is the wreckage of a city.

"Grandfather Nanaki. Where did you get those symbols?," one asks.

"They represent my nickname."

"You mean RED XIII? Can we hear the story?"

"Of course. It takes place a long time ago and involves Midgar, " He nodds at the wrecked city, "Pride, Revenge, a man names Sephiroth, a boy named Cloud, and a girl named Aeris........."

NAME: Cloud Strife
JOB: Mercenary (ex-member of SOLDIER)
AGE: 21
HEIGHT: 5' 7"
BIRTHDAY: August 19

INFO: Originally a member of SOLDIER, he is now a mercenary who will take any job. After being hired by AVALANCHE, he gradually gets caught up in a massive struggle for the life of the planet. His enormous sword can cut almost anything in two.

NAME: Tifa Lockheart
JOB: Bar Hostess, AVALANCHE member
AGE: 20
HEIGHT: 5'4"

INFO: Bright and optimistic, Tifa always cheers up the others when they're down. But don't let her face fool you, she can decimate almost any enemy with her fists. She is one of the main members of AVALANCHE. She and Cloud were childhood friends, and although she has strong feelings for Cloud, she will never admit it.

NAME: Barret
JOB: Leader Of AVALANCHE (ex-member of SOLDIER)
AGE: 35
HEIGHT: 6'4"
BIRTHDAY: December 15
BIRTHPLACE: Corel Village

INFO: Head of the underground resistance movement, AVALANCHE. He's fighting the mega-conglomerate, Shinra, Inc. which has monopolized Mako energy, building special reactors to suck it out of the planet. Barret depends on brute strength and his "Gun-arm" to see him through. His wife died in an accident several years ago, and he now lives with his daughter Marlene.

NAME: Aeris
JOB: Flower Merchant
AGE: 22
HEIGHT: 5'3"
BIRTHDAY: Febuary 7

INFO: Young, beautiful, and somewhat mysterious, Aeris meets Cloud while selling flowers on the streets of Midgar. She decides to join him soon after. Her unusual abilities enable her to use magic, but she seems more interested in the deepening love triangle between herself, Cloud and Tifa.

JOB: Beast
AGE: 48
WEAPON: Headdress
BIRTHPLACE: Cosmo Canyon

INFO: Just like his name says, he is an animal with fire-red fur. But under this fierce exterior is an intelligence surpassing that of any human's. His sharp claws and fangs make him good at close-range fighting, but other than that, not much else is known about him. It's not even certain "Red XIII" is his real name. A real enigma.

NAME: Cait Sith
JOB: Toyasaurus
AGE: ?
WEAPON: Megaphone
HEIGHT: 3'3"

INFO: Cait Sith rides around on the back of a huge stuffed Mog he magically brought to life. Megaphone in hand, he's always shouting orders and creating dopey attacks. When his slot machine attack works, the enemy camp looks like an overturned toy box. His hobby is fortune-telling, but like his personality, it's pretty unreliable.

NAME: Yuffie Kisaragi
JOB: Materia Hunter
AGE: 16
WEAPON: Knife, Boomerang, orgami (for throwing)
HEIGHT: 5' 2"
BIRTHDAY: November 20

INFO:Although you'd never know if you looked at her, Yuffie comes from a long line of ninja ancestors. She forced herself into the group just to get a certain something... She's sneaky, arrogant and "way" selfish. But with her super shuriken and her special skills, there isn't anyone else you'd rather have on your side in a fight.

NAME: Vincent Valentine
JOB: Unemployed
AGE: 27
HEIGHT: 6' 0"
BIRTHDAY: October13

INFO:A mystical man, stern and upright while at the same time dark and mysterious. His past connection with Shinra is what made him join Cloud and the others. He may seem frail at first glance, but hidden inside his body lurks a fearsome power.

NAME: Cid Highwind
JOB: Piolet
AGE: 32
HEIGHT: 5'8"
BIRTHDAY: February 22

INFO: Cid is a tough talking, warm-hearted old pilot who hasn't forgotten his dreams. There's no better pilot who ever flew either on air or by sea. He believes someday he'll fly to the ends of the universe. With his hand-made spear and knowledge of machinery, he throws himself into any attack regardless of the danger.
