My Game Shark Codes

Infinite Health For Pokemon 01ff16d0
Enter this then when you go to any field you will see the pokemon as normal but when you capture it and get it from your pc it will be pokemon #151 Mew. His data will not be in the pokedex though. I have only tested the code on the red version but i assume that it works on both versions. He will only be the lvl that the pokemon that you caught was so I'd go to the mysterious dungeon to get Mew since there are more powerful pokemon there. This pokemon can be traded with the link cable and as far as i know it will not damage either games saved data in any way.

Get master balls 01011ED3
(Note: Make sure you dont have anything valuable in the items box because it will delete those items and overwrite them with master balls.) Be cautious while using the master ball code it is known to make the game very dull and unexciting because of the easiness of catching the pokemon. I would only use the master balls on the three legendary birds,Mewtwo

Get Bulbasaur Squirtle and Charmander 0199d8cf - Bulbasaur 01b0d8cf - Charmander 01b1d8cf - Squirtle Get Eevee and it's evolution
0166d8cf - Eevee 67 for flareon 68 for jolteon 69 for vapoeon
0167d8cf - Flareon
0168d8cf - Jolteon
0169d8cf - Vaporeon

Inifinite Money
I found an infinite money cheat for gameshark on US versions,it works on both versions, 019947d3+019948d3+019949d3

No random battles I also found another cheat for US version,both versions,for no radom

No random battles2
I found them by looking at the Mew code then i changed the numbers a little and i found out how to catch Arcanine(i have the blue version and i guess this code will be good for people who cant get a Arcanine from a friend) I found out how to catch Larpas,Ryhorn and, Cubone too! The codes are

It is a weird species and it is NOT REPEAT NOT in my pokedex!!!!!! It is
a fossil. To find it and even catch it!!!> enter this following GS Code: 01B7D8CF

Inifinite PP hey smart guy,012188d1- 01212dd0 gives you infinate pp in the top slot(works great with the infinate health code)

Dome Fossil,Master Balls,Rare Candy,and PP Up This Gameshark code will allow you to buy things that you can't buy,like the Dome Fossil,Master Balls,Rare Candy,and PP Up. The code is 01xx7ccf. Replace xx with:
Dome Fossil:29
Master Ball:01
Rare Candy:28
PP Up:32
Note: This code will replace the first item on the store list with the chosen item. WARNING: This code will affect the elavator menus as well! Be sure to turn it off after you use it by flipping the switch from On to Normal on the GS!

Messed up Pokedex OK, put this code in: 0100D8CF you will see a messed up picture of a Poke'mon, when you capture it, and go to it's stats, it's invisible!!And it's not in your Poke'dex!!!!

Here is lots of Gameshark codes for ALL of the items: use 01xx7ccf and replace the xx with the item you want to buy: the list is below Items List 01 Master Ball
02 Ultra Ball
03 Great Ball
04 Pokéball
05 Town map
06 Bike
07 Surf without pokemon
08 Safari Ball
09 Pokedex
0A Moon Stone
0B Antidote
0C Burn Heal
0d Ice Heal
0F Parlyz Heal
10 Full Restore
11 Max Potion
12 Hyper Potion
13 Super Potion
14 Potion
15 Boulder Badge
16 Cascade Badge
17 Thunder Badge
18 Rainbow Badge
19 Soul Badge
1A Marsh Badge
1B Volcano Badge
1C Earth Badge
1d Escape Rope
1E Repel
1F Old Amber
20 Fire Stone
21 Thunder Stone
22 Water Stone
23 HP UP
24 Protein
25 Iron
26 Carbos
27 Calcium
28 Rare Candy
29 Dome Fossil
2A Helix Fossil
2B Secret Key
2D Bike Voucher
2E X Accuracy
2F Leaf Stone
3A Dire Hit
3B Coin
3C Fresh Water
3D Soda Pop
3E Lemonade
3F S.S Ticket
30 Card Key
31 Nugget
32 PP Up
33 Pokédoll
34 Full Heal
35 Revive
36 Max Revive
37 Guard Spec
38 Super Repel
39 Max Repel
40 Gold Teeth
41 X Attack
42 X Defend
43 X Speed
44 X Special
45 Coin Case
46 Oak's Parcel
47 Item Finder
48 Silph Scope
49 Poké Flute
4A Lift Key
4B Exp. All
4C Old Rod
4D Good Rod
4E Super Rod
4F PP Up (for free)
50 Ether
51 Max Ether
52 Elixer
53 Max Elixir
C4 HM 01
C5 HM 02
C6 HM 03
C7 HM 04
C8 HM 05
C9 TM 01
CA TM 02
CB TM 03
CD TM 04
CE TM 05
CF TM 06
D0 TM 07
D1 TM 08
D2 TM 09
D3 TM 10
D4 TM 11
D5 TM 12
D6 TM 13
D7 TM 14
D8 TM 15
D9 TM 16
DA TM 17
DB TM 18
DC TM 19
DE TM 20
DF TM 21
E0 TM 22
E1 TM 23
E2 TM 24
E3 TM 25
E4 TM 26
E5 TM 27
E6 TM 28
E7 TM 29
E8 TM 30
E9 TM 31
EA TM 32
EB TM 33
EC TM 34
ED TM 35
EE TM 36
EF TM 37
F0 TM 38
F1 TM 39
F2 TM 40
F3 TM 41
F4 TM 42
F5 TM 43
F6 TM 44
F7 TM 45
F8 TM 46
F9 TM 47
FA TM 48
FB TM 49
FC TM 50

To get infinite money use the 199 item trickat the top and sell everything. Or use the Gameshark code
019947D3 019948D3 019949D3
