Agumon VS. Charmander

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Agumon VS. Charmander

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Type: Hell In A Cell

Bothe are Japanesse lizards that breath fire. This match determines who is the better lizard.

Agumon walks down to the ring nervously. This is his first and possibly last deathmatch. His opponent, Charmander, waits in the ring paitently. Slowly the cell lowers arounds the ring sealing them in the cell. The bell rings and tha match begins.

Charmander wasted no time and lept forward. He it down on Agumons sholder and drew blood. Agumon yelled in pain and threw Charmander off and spat fire at him. The flaming ball missed and melted part of the cell. Charmander got up and tried to bite Agumon again. Agumon was ready this time.

He stepped aside and bit off part of Charmanders tail. Charmander turned and sprayed fire into Agumons chest. Agumon stumbled back and got out of the ring. He reached under the ring and pulled out a steel chair and got back inot the ring.

Charmander sprayed a fireball into the chair knocking it into Agumons head. Blood oozed from the wound on Agumons head. Agumon charged forward and smashed the chair across Charmanders head. Charmander fell to the mat as blood puddled around him. Agumon tossed the chair to the side and started kicking the downed oponent.

After five minutes of kicking Agumon turned away for a second. Charmander took advantage of this and spat out a large fireball. The flaming ball threw Agumon out of the ring and into the cell. The cell dug into Agumons back leaving deep wounds. Charmander crawled out of the ring and picked up the steel chairs and walked torwards Agumon. He threw the heavy steps but Agumon rolled out of the way and the steps broke through the cell. Agumonspat fire at charmander and crawled back into the ring.

Charmander grabbed a garbage can from under the ring and crawled up onto the turnbuckle. He then jumped torwards Agumon planning to smash the can over his head. Agumon saw this and sprayed fire at the can causing it to melt. Charmander fell to the ground screaming as the molten metal spattered on him. Charmander sprayed fire at random and melted holes into the top of the cell and on the sides. The two lay in the ring for a few minutes then slowly got back up.

The two injured lizards glared at each other and attacked. Charmander tried for a seismic toss but missed and Agumon threw Charmander out of the ring and into the cell. The cell dug in and ripped off skion and some of the metal that was on Charmander. Agumon left the ring and picked up Charmander and threw him through the side of the cell. Charmanders left arm was ripped off by the cell and he was badly cut. While Agumon got out through the hole made by the steps, Charmander slowly climbed the cell and was soon on top.

Agumon stared up at the badly hurt Charmander and laughed as he saw blood flow through the roof and onto the mat. Agumon started scaling the side of th cage. Char mander saw this and sprayed fire over the edge. It missed and lit an announcer table on fire. Charmander quickly turned and burned off part of the cell and picked it up. He then slammed it into Agumons head. Agumon fell off the side of the cell and went through the burning announcers table. To add more injury Charmander melted the hunk of cage he held and laughed as the molten metal sprinkled down on Agumon.

Agumon crawled out of the flaming wreckage and looked up at the laughing Charmander. Agumon sprayed out fire and melted the cage out from under Charmander. Charmander fell thirty feet and landed on his back. Agumon slowly crawled over to the unconscience Charmander and ripped off its head. For the next tewnty minutes Agumon continued ripping apart Charmanders carcass untill all tha was left was pulp. Agumon picked up Charmanders head and left the arenea as the winner.
