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Animorphs= animal morpher.

Animorphs was and is still my favorite series of books. It is.... was written by K.A. Applegate. Its about 5 kids and one Andalite who battle evil brain stealing aliens called Yeerks. There only weapon? The abilty to become any animal they touched, given to them by Prince Elfangor. The leader of the Earth invasion is Visser Three, (andalite-controller)

The series started in May of 1996 and ended may of 2001. It lasted 5 years, had 54 titles, 4 megamorphs, 3 chronicles, and 3 alternamorphs.

The series itself was very powerful. It covered many issues political and religious and morality. Torwards the end things were like that espicially. Qhilw the series was great.... I hate to say this but... it had a very sad and weak ending. The yeerks were chased off, but Rachel was dead. A few yeard later Ax is captured and the animorphs (minus cassie) go off to save him. They find an evil in a ship.... and ram it.... i didnt like that one bit. I also didnt like Rachel dying..... Anyway.... I'll go into details about it all later on....

Below is the charcters and a poem and pictures.

JAKE: Leader of the Animorphs. His love interest was Cassie. Unfortunutly... they didn't get together after te war against the Yeerks (big disapointment)Jake is Rachels cousin and Marcos best friend.. He's strong, leader type, and cool under fire. His parrents and brother were captured by Yeerks. The parents were freed but Tom died after Jake sent Rachel to kill him so the Yeerks wouldnt spread. To bad Rachel died.His specailty mmorph was Siberian Tiger. His nicknames were Prince Jake and Fearless Leader.

RACHEL: The Smart, adevntourus, headstrong, violernt, stubborn Animorph. Her love interest was TObias. (didnt happen cuz... well, you'll see. big dissapontment) Rachel was the tough one. She rarely cried. Her specailty morph was the grizzly bear. Her best friend was Cassie and her cousin was Jake. In the end.... Rachel dies after killing Tom Her final words was telling Tobias she loved him. Very sad. Her nicknames were Xena, Warrior Princess and Ms, Fashion.

TOBIAS: The eyes and ears of the Animorphs. Tobias was trapped in a Red Tail Hawk morph in the first book. He then decided to live as a hawk. His father is Prince Elfangor (long story) his best friend is Ax. His Love interest was Rachel.In the end... after seh died... Tobias flew off and lived a lif of solitude. He blamed Jake for Rachels death. After Ax was captured, Tobias agreed to go with Jake to save Ax....

CASSIE: She was the Peacekeeper in Animorphs. She was very insightful and smart. She also stuck by her morals. Cassie hated to kill. She hated to fight, but did what was needed. When someone need moral help, she was there. She left the Animorphs in one book but came back later in the same book. After the war, Cassie became a vet and a political figure in human/alien relations. When AX is captured, Jake and her talk. He leaves to save Ax, while she stays on Earth. As far as I know, she is the only survivor of the Animorphs. Her love interest was Jake (never happened. Big disssapointment.) and her best friend was Rachel.

MARCO: His persona;lity is witty smart and sarcastic.The comedian of the Animorphs. He could find the humor or irony in almost anything. He also was the complainer. Origianly, he didnt want to be an Animorph. But after he found out his Mom was alive and was Visser one... it became personal. His mom was later freed. After the war he became a TV actor. Then he left with Jake to dave AX.

AX: the alien of the group. Ax is an andalite. His brother was Prince Elfangor. Ax was straightforward, brilliant and had no sense of humor. He lived in the woods with Tobias. While on Earth, Ax accepts Jake as his Prince (thus Prince Jake). Throughout the series Ax made some good points about us humans. I'll put them up later. Ax is captured by the One. Jake, Marco, and Tobias come to rescue him. ....

VISSER THREE: Leader of the yeerk invasion of Earth. He is the only Andalite Controller. He was easily angered and visous in batttle. He never thought the Animorphs were human until almost the end. He always assumed they were andalites. In the end, the Visser is forced from his host and sentanced to prision due to Crimes against humanity

By: Mike Ruic

I felt the weight of the world with him. I felt his pain at having his brother a Controller, and him not being able to do anything about it. I felt his suffering when his parents were taken away from him. I felt his guilt and pain at sending his cousin on a suicide mission to kill his only brother, yet he never knew that I was there.
I felt her blood-lust for the Yeerks when they enslaved people. I felt her guilt and pain as she killed people whos' lives were no longer there own. I cried for her when she sacrificed her life, no, her soul to help those innocents that she didn't kill. Because she couldn't cry. She had to be strong for them. And at the very end, I helped her smile. For him. But she never knew that I cared.
I felt his lonelyness. I felt what life he had get ripped away from him when he got stuck in a body that wasn't his own. I was there when he went through shock as he found out who his real father was. I went through the agony with him when he was tortured by the Controller when the AMR didn't work. I cried with him, for him, in that bitter-sweet moment when the only person who ever loved him was ripped away by the ugly claws of fate. Even though I was there for him, he was still alone, because he didn't know.
I understand her not wanting to take a single life from anything, no matter how insignificant. I understood with her that it was life that they were fighting for. I was there for her when she ripped out that Hork-Bajir's throat. I stayed with her when she quit. I knew how she felt when she let his brother get away with the morphing cube. I felt her empty feeling when Jake flew away. She didn't ever know that I understood.
I sympathetically told him it was okay when he watched his mother fall off that cliff. I told him that it was okay to cry when he cried himself to sleep because he had left his mother, his only flesh connection to this world, in that laboratory to drown. I told him not to pay attention to the old man's reaction after he saved him from those thieves. I told him that he was going to be okay when that shark nearly tore him in half. He never heard me.
I felt his hesitantness about following a human-child as a Prince. I felt his home-sickness with him. I tried to help him all I could to cheer up when he felt guilty about contacting the Andalite Fleet. I knew about the small part of him that felt dishonor about never avenging his brother's death. I felt the shock about being his Shorm's uncle. He never knew how much I wanted to help him.
I laughed with them. I cried with them. I saw what they saw, heard what they heard, and felt what they felt. They painted pictures in my head as I watched what struggles and the triumphs. I escaped my world and traveled to theirs, even though in was only for a little while. I owe them everything for that small pleasure that they gave me, but they don't know, and they never will.
