Cloud VS. Squall

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RPGs have come to Earth in a swarm. And in the middle of it all is Cloud Strife (FF7) and Squall Leonheart (FF8). It will be argued until the end of time who is better but thanks to me and my amazing powers we shall see who will win!!! Read on

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Cloud Vs. Squall


Squall Leonheart slowly wakes up to the strange feeling of metal on his back. He gets up and looks around to see he is in a cage. The only other person in sight is a young brown haired woman with flowers out side of the cage. She notices he is awake and flicks Squall off and curses him out. Squall remembers that he is in a deathmatch and pulls out his gun-sword to kill her.

" Hey Asswipe!! Heads up!!" a voice cries from above. Squall looks up just in time to see a spikey blond haired punk leap off the top of the cage with a cartoonishly long sword.The girl outside suddenly cries out,"You are really fucked now!!" Squall pulls out his gunblade and stops the blonds sword in midair. The kid is thrown back and drops the sword. Squall tries to pick it up but it is to heavy. The boy suddenly gets up and hit Squall across the head with a spinning heal kick and swipes up the sword.

Squall is amazed at the strength of the young man and lets his guard drop for a second. The blond attacks and makes a foot long cut across Squalls chest. Squall stumbles back as he recomposes himself . The blond attacks repeatedly and viciously. Squall steps aside and the blond crashes into the cage on an attack. Squall closes his eyes and lunges forward, sword extended. When Squall looks expecting to see the blond dead he sees that the sword went through the cage and has cut the flower girl in half. He pulls back his razor sharp sword that is now dripping blood.

"NOOOOOO!!" cries the blond as he looks at the two bleeding halves, "Aeris!!!! OH GOD NOT AGAIN!!!" The blond turns to Squall with such an evil fury in his eyes that Squall knows he is in deep trouble.

" I am Cloud Strife, and I will take your life for what you did!!," screams Cloud. He then attacks with such speed and strength that Squall is almost unable to block the attacks. Cloud slashes again and again getting small and medium sized cuts in. Squall feels faint as blood slowly oozes out of the multiple cuts. Then Cloud shatters the upper half of Squalls sword.

"Victory is MINE!!!," cries Cloud as he raises his sword for the deathblast. Squall raises the remains of his gun and pulls the trigger repeatedly. The bullets blow away Cloud's hands and the sword falls to the ground. More bullets shoot out and blasts out Clouds back in a spray of red. The final bullet hits Cloud dead in the head. Clouds shredded corpse flys back and crashes into the other side of the cage in a bloody heap, turning the bars and ground red.

Squall looks at his dead opponent and the girl. He turns and starts to climb out of the cage and hears loud noises behind him. When he climbs over the cage Squall sees Cloud is up with his sword in his hand. Cloud charges forward and rams the blade through the cage. The blade enters Squalls chest and goes out his back. Squall glares at Cloud as he dangled a foot from the ground.

" How?," Squall mutters feeling blood run from his mouth. Cloud pulls out a red and yellow orb. "Phoenix summon and Final Attack materia," Cloud explains, "Never leave without them." Squall dies as Cloud crawls out the cage and meets a waiting Tifa.

"About time that deathmatch ended," she says " To bad that bitch Aeris died, but now you don't have to choose!!!"
