Reasons For Making This

The Matches

Cloud Strife VS. Leon Squalheart
Luigi VS. Mario
Leon Kennedy VS. Chris Redfield
Agumon VS. Charmander
Team Rocket Vs. Digi Destined Series (First Series of Deathmatches Ever)
Misty&Ash VS. Sakura&Li
Tai/Sora Series


Before anything else i should explain how I got this idea. First off I am sick of hearing people arguing over what Final Fantasy is better, who would win in a fight, so on and so on. Well I got sick of it!!!

Second I saw a sight that compared FF7 to FF8 right after watching CELEBRITY DEATHMATCH so i combined the two.

Thats it. Bad news is though I dont got a damn clue how to make movies so all the matches are type with a few pics. Oh Well. Enjoy!!

Email: animorphs17@hotmail.com