Scythers Arena Of Stuff

My Favorite Pokemon

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hello.thanks for coming here.this is a pokemon sight.if u dont know what pokemon is then u must have been living in a cave for the last 2 years. pokemon is short for poket monsters. it was started in japan in the early 90s. after an episode gave kids sezures it was pulled off the air for a few months then came back. pokemon is currently the number one tv show and game in the usa. POKEMON ARE LITTLE ANIMALS THAT EVOLVE AT CERTAIN LEVELS INTO BIGGER MEANER VERSIONS OF THE OLD BODY.

the show revolves around a 10 year old boy named ASH KATCHEM (sound familiar. the motto is gotta cathem all) and his friends MISTY and BROCK and PIKACHU. their nemises are gary and team roket who contains JESSIE, JAMES and MEOWTH (one of the three pokemon that can speak human).BROCK recently left for some ho. ASHES pokemon are PIKACHU, SQUIRTLE, BULBASAUR, CHARIZARD, MUK, KINGLER, PIDGOTTO. he had a PRIMEAPE and BUTTERFREE but he let them go like a dumb ass. MISTYS pokemon are STARYU, STARMIE, PSYDUCK, GOLDEEN, and TOGEPI.

team roket wants PIKACHU.PLAIN AND SIMPLE. there are interesting storys behind JESSIE JAMES and MEOWTHS past. JAMES came from a rich family. unfortunutly he was ordered to marry someone he hated and ran away. he later joined team roket. JESSIE is a mystry though, all i know about her past is she had a pathtic childhood.
MEOWTHS story is a sad one. he started out like a normal pokemon exept abandoned. after seeing a movie showing HOLLYWOOD as a paradice MEOWTH hitched a ride to hollywood. in hollywood though MEOWTH was beaten and hurt and hungry. thenhe met a gang of MEOWTHS led by a PERSIAN. they fed him and MEOWTH joined the gang and ate chiken, ice cream and everything he ever wanted. all he needed was love. then he met MEOWSIE (nickname of a female MEOWTH). MEOWTH fell in love with her but was rejected when MEOWSIE called him a lowly street MEOWTH who couldnt give her half the things a human could. then MEOWSIES trainer picked her up and left. MEOWTH was devastated. he ran away and learned to walk and talk. after several months he found MEOWSIE and showed her she was just as good as a human, but she rejected him again and called him a lowly street freak MEOWTH. MEOWTHS heart was ripped into 2. he ran away and joined team rocket to become the most powerful "freak" MEOWSIE ever would see and beg for his love.

poor MEOWTH.

heres the new updates to my webpage. i have made a part to my favorite wrestler MICK FOLEY. also i have made a part to one of the best game serires ever made. FINAL FANTASY. i also will be getting some more pictures. well thats all. enjoy

say hi to pikachu


this is mew in the opening theme

Here are the English Lyrics to the English pokemon TV show know as Pocket Monsters in Japan.Here they are! I wanna be the very best, like no one ever was.To catch them is my real test, to train them is my cause...(POKEMON!) I will travel across the land, searching far and wide, Need Pokémon to understand, the power that's inside. (POKEMON!!)gotta catch 'em all!! It's you and me... I know it's my destiny (POKEMON)...Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh you're my best friend,in a world we must defend. (POKEMON!!!)...gotta catch 'em all!! A heart so true--our own courage will pull us through! You teach me and I'll teach you! POKEMON!!!!!!!!!! Gotta Catch 'Em All! Gotta Catch 'Em All! POKEMON!! Well,Theres the entire song!

I made this cool picture of Squirtle playing a piano.

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