Things You Will Never Ever Hear On Pokemon

Bach Home


1. Ash: Pikachu, will you marry me? Pikachu: Pika Pi! ~~translation: Yes, yes!~~
2. Misty: Psyduck, you're so smart!
3. Ash: Who cares about these pokemon? I'm going home to bed.
4. Brock: Nurse Joy is the ugliest person on Earth.
5. Pikachu: Pika Pika Pi Pi! ~~translation: Ash, you are such a freak!~~

Pikachu, a wild Meowth, Jigglypuff, and Bulbasaur are all at an anime bar. They are having a discussion.
Meowth: So i was walkin' down the street one day, and this person just suddenly jumps out at me from the middle of the road and throws this weird red-and-white ball at me, and then i got caught inside. I'm telling you guys, Never Go In Those Things! I almost suffocated! POKEBALLS ARE GOING TO KILL US ALL! A RIOT! WE NEED A RIOT! **drinks his seventh beer*
Pikachu: My master's name is Ash--
Jigglypuff: What kinda name is that?
Pikachu: I think he has another, but anyway, my master is such a dumb freak! He thinks all those things i do for him are out of love!
Jigglypuff: He really is a freak!
Meowth: *now fully drunk* POKEBALLS...DOWN WITH THEM! DIE, POKEBALLS, DIE! Oh hello pretty lady...*drools all over Sora from Digimon*
Sora: HEY you got drool in my margarita! Biyomon, sick him!
Biyomon: Sora, i'm trying to drink my beer here!
Ash: Hey, Pikachu, isn't that your twentieth beer?
Pikachu: SHUT UP, YA DUMB! *burps almighty belch and faints*
Ash: Pikachu!!!
Misty: Forget him...*makes out with ash*
Holly: Yeah!
Mimi: Down with them!
Trunks: GET THEM!
~~anime crowd stampedes pokemon trainers in the crowd~~

Pikachu: Shove off Ash

Brock: Nurse Joy is ugly, I'm going out with Washu

Misty: I luv you Ash (hugs him)

Mewtwo: You wanna go on a date Ryoko

? Ryoko:(In reply) Sure thing!

Brock: Where's your house located?

Washu: Why the Hell should I tell you?

Sabrina: Why won't Kadabra evolve?

Ash: you got to trade it and then trade it back

Sabrina: DAMN!!!

Misty: Neptune planet power!

Mew: By the power invested in me, I shall BEAT THE CRAP OUT OF MEWTWO'S GIRLFRIEND!!!!!!
Ryoko: Yeah right (kills mew)

Giovanni: Ash I am your father

! Ash: Pikachu, go!
Pikachu: Chi! oops, CHU!
Mochi: Hey thats my line chu, I mean CHI!
Genki: MOCHI! Where not soposed to be here in the PokeWorld, get back to Monster Rancher!
Mochi: CHI!
Brock: Golem, GO!
Golem (from MR): Who are you?
Brock: What the....

Melody: I'll save u ash
Misty: No I'll save ash after all he's got me
Melody: Right
(oh whoops they did say that in the movie)


(To the theme of Pokemon)
I wanna wear the cleanist vest,
that no wone ever worn.
To keep it clean is my real test,
to my mother, this I sworn.
I will travel across the land,
searching far and wide.
This is what I have so far.
Since I am grounded for the rest of the month, I have plenty of time.

Misty: Tenchi...
Pikachu:I can't belive I got stuck with this idiot of a trainer...uh, I mean, pika pika!

Brock:I am in love with Sailor Moon.
Darien: Hey, that's my girlfriend!
SailorMoon: But Darien, I am in love with him too! *kisses Brock*
Ash:*Kills Brock for landing such a hot chick*
Misty: *Kills Sailor Moon for being so kawaii and sexy.*
Darien: Misty, you are so hot. *Kisses Misty*
Pikachu: *kills them both for public display of affection*

Tracy: What's in a name? To be more specific, What's with MY name? Did it get slashed in translation to English or what?
Jessie:I want to get a crewcut. I will look so Rambo with it.
Ash:*sniffs his clothes* Um, anyone know of a laundrymat around here anywere? i've worn these same clothes every day for the past year, and they smell pretty funky.
Meowth: My new years resolution: I will act more like a Pokemon. Quick, someone make me live in a small, confined ball, eat gross food, and listen to some stupid idiot in a stupid hat boss me around!
Ash: Dates Mimi

Ash: Brock, I love you!
Brock: I love you too Ash!
Pikachu: Misty, will you marry me?
Misty: Yes! Of course! I have always loved you and forever will!!!

Team Rocket: We have a new Motto! Want to hear it?
Ash: NO
Teamrocket::sings:: :We love you, You love us! We're a happy family with a great big hug:: TR hugs Ash::, and a kiss from us to you! ::TR kisses Ash::
Won't you say you love us too!
Ash: I love you too Team Rocket!

Ash: Hey Misty have you everknown that we kissed?
Misty: You freak!!!::slaps Ash::
Ash: OOh... she touched me! I shall never wash this face again....
Misty: You never have...
Brock: Forget about Nurse Joy and Officer Jenny! I love those two twins, Hagatha and Agatha!
Ash: I love Lita! She is da hottest!
Misty: I love Van! He is sooo cute!
Pikachu: Pika Pi.... ::Translation:And I hate all of you...

Misty~Psyduck, Confusion Attack!
Kari~Gatomon, Lighting Claw!
~Gatomon scratches Psyduck and he starts running around crying.
~Gatomon licks her lips as she springs on Psyduck
Misty~Psyduck,Behind you!
~Psyduck turns around and then,
Psyduck Digivoles to Duckmon
Misty~Use Hyper Beam!
Kari~Dodge it Gatomon
~Gatomon dodges the beams and then uses Cats Eye to hypnotize Duckmon
Misty~What are you doing??
~Duckmon kisses Gatomon
Veemon~Hey! she's my girlfriend!
~Veemon headbutts Duckmon into space and they live happy ever after.
So who won?

Pikachu: I hate Ash i think i will just kill him
Ash: I hate you too
Pikachu: PPPiiiiikkkkkaaaaaaccchhhhuuuuu!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ash:(in faint voice) Misty help me

Mewtwo: What is my purpose?
Blackwargreymon: That's my line!
Mewtwo:Whose line is it anyway

sing to the tune of Lucky. ( sung by Tai, Ash, Genki, Davis)
Every mornin, we wake up with a monster by are side.
pika chi vee
It's time to hike, some more, can't we just take the bus?
Aren't we so lucky, we animie guys.
and they say we're so reckless we're so stupid but we have got the star girl
( hey i don't) (shutup Davis)


James: Nuriko, my love!
Fushigi Yuugi Cast: WHAT???

Bulbasaur: Dragon-SLAVE!!!!....Wait, wrong character
(Note: Okay, only people who have looked up voice actress databases get that one...)

Misty: Ash, don't forget to change your underwear!

Ash's Mom: Ash, don't forget to change your underwear!
Ash: No problem, Mom. Boxers or briefs?

Brock: Actually, now that I think about it, Nurse Joy and Officer Jenny aren't really my type. Now, you on the other hand...
Misty: Don't touch me!!!!
Ash: Jeez, Brock, you KNOW we're dating!

James: (With a really horrendous Southern accent) I shall live to see tomorrow, for tomorrow is another day...

Nuriko: Now, you're certain this haircut is a good idea?
Jessie: Hack it all off. And could you shampoo out the hairspray while you're at it?
Nuriko: It's just, I know from experience that cutting your hair doesn't always deter the boys...
Jessie: Who mentioned any boys? I just want that guy who keeps following me and that stupid cat to leave me alone!

Charmander: (does a Firespin attack)
Dilandau: Hey! that's my job!
Tasuki: So THAT'S what happened to my fan!

Pikachu: Pika-pii...(I'm retiring)
