Tifa Vs. Rinoa

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Tifa Vs. Rinoa
Type: Singles W/ Managers

Tifa Vs. Rinoa
Tye: Singles w/ Managers

Rinoa and Zell ran into the ring and posed for the crowd as it screamed and cheered. The two quickly rolled out of the ring as Final Fantasy 7 music started playing over the P.A.

Cloud and Tifa walked to the ring and got in. Cloud got onto a turnbuckle and started to swing his sword around, while Tifa leaned over the top rope and showed off her cleavage. They went to all four turnbuckles and ropes and did the same thing. Cloud and Zell rolled out of the ring as the others waited for the bell to ring.

Suddenly more music started to play as a third person walked to the ring. Cloud, Tifa, Rinoa, and Zell all recognized this person as Mr. Ruic, owner of VGD. (Video Game Deathmatches) He was dressed as a referee and was quickly handed a microphone.

"I know your all wondering what exactly I'm doing here today," Mr. Ruic said. "Though it should be obvios to even you inbred, backwater, gutter trash hicks!"

"Asshole! Asshole! Asshole!" the crowd chanted angrily.

"Shut the hell up!" Mr. Ruic yelled angrily, but the crowd cheered and started to chant it even more. Mr. Ruic ignored them and continue explaining. "Now to the match. Since Zell and Cloud insisted on coming down, I have to watch them. The only killings will be between Tifa and Rinoa. Not Zell killing Tifa. Or Cloud killing Rinoa. Do I make myself clear?"

The four nodded.

"All right then. LET'S GET IT ON!"

Email: animorphs17@hotmail.com